Cf:  GBN





The Acadia Parish School Board shall require all personnel to follow the school calendar and holiday schedule, during the school term.  The Superintendent, with the approval of the Acadia Parish School Board shall establish office hours and work schedules outside the normal school calendar as necessary.


Principals and the administrative staff should be in their buildings ahead of students or teachers, and should remain in their buildings until students and teachers have gone from school.  Principals who leave their buildings for any purpose, other than attendance at civic clubs, principals' meetings, going to the administrative offices of the School Board, or other routine business affairs connected with the schools shall secure prior approval of the Superintendent or his/her designee for such absence.


Teachers are expected to be at school at least fifteen (15) minutes before school starts.  Teachers shall indicate the time of arrival at school and the time of departure from school upon a form provided by the principal and kept in the school office.  This shall be done immediately upon arrival and just prior to departure from school.




No teacher or other employee shall leave the school campus without having first obtained permission from the principal or designee.  Teachers shall be required to sign out, stating the reason for leaving school.  Upon returning, the teacher shall sign back in and note the time of his/her return.  An employee's immediate supervisor may authorize an absence during the business day.  The Superintendent or designee must grant permission for a period of one day or more.


Unauthorized Absence


Any employee who is absent from work and who has not received an authorized leave shall be considered on unauthorized leave.  Any employee on unauthorized leave shall receive no pay for those days which constituted the unauthorized leave and may be subject to dismissal and/or other disciplinary actions.


Job Abandonment


If an employee is absent for ten (10) or more days without explanation or approved leave, the School Board may consider the job as abandoned and the employee terminated, unless the employee can provide acceptable and verifiable evidence of extenuating circumstances, as determined by the Superintendent.




The following reasons will be considered as authorized absences for employees by the Acadia Parish School Board.  Absences for any other reasons may be considered as unauthorized absences, resulting in the employee being docked full pay for the time reported.


  1. Personal illness

  2. Personal leave

  3. Perfect attendance leave

  4. Military leave

  5. Workers' compensation

  6. Jury duty

  7. Court summons

  8. Approved school business


All absences of one (1) hour or more shall be reported by the immediate supervisor and shall be recorded and counted toward an employee's leave time.  However, the immediate supervisor shall be allowed to record and count less than one (1) hour if an employee is prone to abuse leave policies.  When an employee has accumulated four (4) hours, one-half (2) day shall be reported on the absence form that is sent to the Central Office.




The Superintendent or his/her designee may designate and maintain a summer work schedule that varies from the normal business hours.  The principal will be responsible for the operation of the school during the summer months.  This includes summer maintenance, financial statements, requisitions, request for services, reports, mail and correspondence, school records and transcripts, and the coordination of the school operation with the School Board.


In order to achieve the most efficient use of personnel at each school, the assistant principals, school secretaries and all other ten and eleven month employees will work their required number of days at the discretion of the principal.


The principal shall give the Superintendent a telephone number(s), where he/she may be contacted at any time.  The assistant principal shall be contacted in the absence of the principal as needed.


Revised:  November 5, 2018



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:81, 17:1186, 17:1201, 17:1202, 17:1203, 17:1204, 17:1206, 17:1208, 17:1208.1

Board minutes, 11-5-18


Acadia Parish School Board