Cf:  EFA


Acadia Parish School Board

Acceptable Use of Internet and District Network Resources
for Employees



APSB Employee Agreement Page
(Please return this page only to your Principal / Supervisor)


I, an employee of Acadia Parish School Board, have read, understand and will abide by the APSB Acceptable Use of Internet and District Network Resources for Employees policy. I fully understand that any violation of the regulations mentioned in the above mentioned policy is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense. Should I commit any violation, my privileges may be revoked; employee disciplinary action may be taken up to and include termination, as well as possible appropriate legal action.


I understand that I am responsible for the appropriate use of any APSB technology devices under my supervision and the content on those devices. I also agree to instruct, supervise and protect students under my direction on appropriate, acceptable, safe, fair and legal use of the Internet and the APSB District Network Resources including cyber bullying, awareness and response, and interacting with other individuals on social networking sites and in chat rooms.



Employee’s Full Name (please print): _______________________________________



Employee’s Signature:  _________________________________Date: ____________



The above completed form shall be maintained
 in the employee’s personal folder at all times.


Acadia Parish School Board