Internet access is available to employees of the Acadia Parish School System (APSB). The school district is privileged to provide this access, and believes that the Internet offers vast, diverse, and unique educational resources.
The Internet is an "electronic highway" connecting billions of computers and individual subscribers all over the world. The goal in providing this service is to enhance innovative educational opportunities for employees through access to unique resources and collaborations. Furthermore, employees will facilitate learning and teaching through research, teacher training, communication, collaboration, and dissemination of successful educational practices, methods, and materials.
APSB’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is provided so that employees are aware of the responsibilities they will assume when using this APSB resource. Responsibilities include efficient, ethical, legal, and acceptable utilization of the network resources. The employee's signature on the AUP signature page is legally binding and indicates that he/she has read the AUP carefully and agrees to abide by it understanding that all usage can and will be monitored by the APSB Technology Department Staff.
Acadia Parish School Board shall establish appropriate guidelines for exploring and using Internet resources within the school district to enhance learning and teaching activities.
In an effort to enforce Internet safety, the Acadia Parish School Board shall incorporate the use of computer-related technology and the use of Internet service provider technology designed to block access or exposure to any materials or information that is harmful to minors, such as sites that contain obscene, pornographic, pervasively vulgar, excessively violent, or sexually harassing information or material. Sites which contain information on criminal activities or manufacturing of bombs and other incendiary devices shall also be prohibited. However, the School Board does not prohibit authorized employees from having unfiltered or unrestricted access to Internet or online services, including online services of newspapers with daily circulation of at least 1,000, for legitimate scientific or educational purposes approved by APSB assigned personnel.
In addition to filtering requirements, the Acadia Parish School Board shall maintain regulations which:
Prohibit access by employees, including minors, to inappropriate matter on the Internet and World Wide Web;
Employees will not use obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, unprofessional, or disrespectful language in any electronic form using the APSB network. This includes personal attacks or harassment of another person.
Employees will not use the APSB network to access or create obscene, profane, discriminatory, harassing, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, unprofessional or disrespectful content in any electronic form including audio, images, video and text.
Employees will not circumvent district content filters using any means in order to access inappropriate content as listed above.
Employees will immediately report to school authorities any threatening or discomforting material or website they access with inappropriate content.
Employees will not access or use anonymous Proxy sites to make activity on the internet untraceable.
Address the safety and security of employees, when using electronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of direct electronic communications, such as "Instant Messaging";
Employees will make use of assigned email, Internet and network resources only for educational and/or professional development activities in a respectful and courteous manner. Personal use of these resources is prohibited. This includes using network resources for personal monetary gain such as operating a personal business.
Employees who have been assigned email accounts will not post or forward "chain letters", jokes, or send annoying or unnecessary messages to others.
Employees who have been assigned email accounts will not use email to mass email and "spam" any users (internal and external) with unauthorized communications or solicitations, such as but not limited to political or religious mailings.
Employees will subscribe only to high-quality discussion groups and information feeds that are relevant to educational or professional development activities.
Employees will not subscribe others to such services mentioned above without their consent.
Prohibit unauthorized access, including ”hacking”, and other unlawful activities by employees online;
Prohibit unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding students and employees;
Employees will not publish online any personal contact information (e.g., address, phone number) about themselves or any other person on any APSB webpage. Acadia Parish School Board home pages will use Acadia Parish School Board phone numbers and APSB email addresses. Personal photos, videos, and work can be published unless employee informs the district that they withhold such permission.
Employees will not disrupt the educational process by posting inappropriate, malicious, or harmful pictures, videos, and/or text on the internet during non-school hours.
Use of school computers shall be reserved for academic and School Board business purposes only. All APSB computer users shall be held accountable and required to use such equipment and other resources in a respectful, legal manner. No one shall be allowed to use an APSB computer and/or access the Internet through the APSB network unless a properly signed Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Agreement page is on file in the employee personnel file.
The APSB Technology Staff retains the right to monitor all computer usage and files for compliance with all regulations and/or procedures. Content on the network is not private and shall be treated as district property subject to control and inspection.
Network/computer/software access codes and passwords shall be assigned as needed. All employees shall respect the privacy of others’ access codes and passwords. Sharing of network/computer access codes and passwords are prohibited. A record shall be kept of these accounts in case an inspection is warranted. Use of school computers and/or the Internet is considered a privilege for the employee and any inappropriate use may result in a disciplinary action, such as loss of privileges to use school computers and access the Internet, and possible monetary reimbursement for unauthorized use or of damages occurred, and reprimand, suspension, or termination.
All employees who log into the network with individual logins are responsible for maintaining security of their access thus protecting sensitive information and data. Personnel who have computers in their charge shall be responsible for the security of those computers at all times. Tampering with selection menus, procedures, or icons for the purpose of misleading or confusing other users shall be prohibited.
Use by any person of an APSB computer that incurs unapproved expenses to the school/district shall be strictly prohibited. The computer system shall not be used for commercial, political, or religious purposes.
Use of the network for any illegal activities shall be prohibited. Illegal activities include, but are not limited to: (a) tampering with computer hardware or software, (b) unauthorized entry into computers and files, (c) knowledgeable vandalism or destruction of equipment, and (d) deletion of computer files. Such activities are considered a crime under state and federal law and should be reported to district and/or school network administrators.
Any subscription to list serves, bulletin boards, or on-line services shall be approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee prior to any such usage.
File sharing software (Limewire, Kazaa, etc.) shall not be installed on APSB computers.
Music and non-educational video files shall not be downloaded or stored on APSB computers/networks unless approved by school or district network administrators.
Personal digital devices (such as cell phones, handheld computers, etc.) shall not be used to access the Acadia Parish School District network without proper authorization from the district Technology Department.
All employees must adhere to the Copyright Laws of the United States (P.L. 94-533) and the Congressional Guidelines that delineate it regarding software, authorship, and copying information. Unlawful copies of copyrighted materials shall not be produced or used on APSB-owned equipment, within APSB-owned facilities, or at Board sponsored functions. The unauthorized copying, known as plagiarizing, or transferring of copyrighted materials may result in the loss of network privileges.
Reposting personal communications without the original author's prior consent shall be prohibited. To do this is a violation of the author's privacy.
All persons who willfully violate copyright laws do so without the sanction of the APSB and at their own risk and shall assume all liability and responsibility. However, all messages posted in a public forum such as news groups or list serves may be copied in subsequent communications, so long as proper attribution is given.
Employees will respect copyrighted materials and other intellectual property such as music, games, movies, pictures, etc. Employees may not duplicate, copy, or distribute electronic resources without the appropriate permissions from the original owner, documentations or citations.
Information about copyright law and guidelines shall be made available on APSB website.
Employees should avoid the knowing or inadvertent spread of computer viruses. Computer viruses are programs that have been developed with malicious intent, and can destroy valuable programs and data. To reduce the risk of spreading a computer virus, employees shall not import files or programs from unknown or disreputable sources. If an employee obtains software or files from remote sources, proper procedures shall be followed to check for viruses before use. Deliberate attempts to degrade or disrupt the system or the performance of the network or spreading of computer viruses shall be considered criminal activity under state and federal law.
Software shall only be downloaded or installed onto APSB computers with proper licensing and approval from the APSB Technology Department.
In summary and conclusion, use of APSB computers and Internet resources are a privilege, and any inappropriate use may result in appropriate disciplinary action and loss of privileges to use such computers and the Internet. Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to, loss of computer use, possible monetary reimbursement, possible legal action, and /or employee termination. This shall apply to all employees.
Revised: June, 2009
Approved: July 6, 2009
Ref: 20 USC 7131 (Internet Safety)
La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:81, 17:100.7
Board minutes, 11-1-99, 1-13-03, 7-6-09
Acadia Parish School Board