Title 17. Education
Chapter 26. Colleges and Universities
Part XII. Campus Accountability and Safety
17:3399.13.4 Confidentiality
A. Unless waived in writing by the alleged victim, the identity of an alleged victim of an incident reported under R.S. 17:3399.13 is confidential and not subject to disclosure except to:
(1) A person employed by or under contract with the institution to which the report is made, if the disclosure is necessary to conduct the investigation of the report or any related hearings.
(2) A law enforcement officer as necessary to conduct a criminal investigation of the report.
(3) A person alleged to have perpetrated the incident, to the extent required by law.
(4) A potential witness to the incident as necessary to conduct an investigation of the report.
B. The alleged victim shall have the right to obtain a copy of any report made pursuant to this Part that pertains to the alleged victim.
Added by Acts 2021, No. 439, § 2 and Acts 2021, No. 472, § 2, eff. June 29, 2021.