Cf:  GBD







The Acadia Parish School Board shall require the compilation of a list of qualified individuals to serve as day-by-day substitute teachers within the school district.  The Superintendent or designee shall prepare the list assuring that all those listed possess appropriate employment criteria, including verification of teachers' qualifications and certification.   


Principals or their designated representatives shall call substitute teachers from the approved list in case of absence of a regular teacher.  It shall be the responsibility of the principal and the regular teacher to ensure that the substitute teacher has the necessary instructions and materials to teach effectively, including textbooks, lesson plans, class rolls, schedules and an outline of local school procedures. 


Retired teachers may be employed as substitute teachers provided that use of retired teachers as substitutes is in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the Teacher's Retirement System of Louisiana and pertinent statutory provisions.


Qualified teachers may also be selected to substitute for teachers who plan to be absent for long periods of time.  Provisions shall be made for the hiring of, or contracting with applicable substitute teachers in these instances as developed by the Superintendent and staff.


Substitute Teacher Pay


Compensation paid to substitute teachers shall be based upon the degree status of the substitute in accordance with a pay schedule as set by the Board.  It shall be incumbent upon the substitute teacher, however, to properly notify the personnel department of such continuous employment.  The pay schedule for substitute teachers shall be as follows:






High School Diploma 

$ 37.50


2 Years of College 

$ 42.50


Bachelor's Degree

$ 47.50


Certified Teacher  

$ 57.50


After twenty (20) consecutive days substituting for the same teacher, the substitute's daily rate shall increase by $10.00 per day for each category beginning with the 21st consecutive day of substitution for that teacher.  Any break in consecutive days of substitution will cause the daily rate of pay to revert to the initial daily rate.


Certified Long-Term Substitute Teachers



When placement of a long-term certified substitute teacher is anticipated to last thirty (30) or more and up to sixty (60) days (based on Board-approved leave or documented medical leave), the substitute shall earn $130.00 per day from the first day of substitution.



When placement of a long-term certified substitute teacher is anticipated to last more than sixty (60) days (based on Board-approved leave or documented medical leave), the substitute shall earn $155.00 per day from the first day of substitution.


In the event that the anticipated length of placement is extended beyond the original term, the rate of pay shall be adjusted accordingly at the time such change is known by the personnel office.  This adjustment shall apply only to Category 4 or 4a and shall begin on the date of proper notification to the personnel office.




The Board shall require the maintenance of a list of properly qualified and approved substitute personnel eligible to substitute for support personnel absent from work.  Only persons approved by the Board shall be eligible for employment as substitutes. 


Appropriate judgment as to actual need should be exercised before employment of a substitute for support personnel.


Bus Drivers


Any time a substitute bus operator has been driving the same route for more than ninety (90) consecutive days the School Board shall review the circumstances of the regular operator to be certain that the continued use of a substitute operator is warranted and appropriate.        


Whenever a vacancy occurs on a route due to death, resignation, retirement, or the expiration of the regular operator's approved leave or a new route is established, the route shall be filled with a regular school bus operator as provided by law no later than the following school year unless the route is consolidated or eliminated.  A substitute bus operator may only be used as a temporary measure until a permanent operator can be appointed to a route.  A substitute operator may not drive a route for a period that exceeds the end of the school year during which the operator began driving the route.  If a regular operator cannot be found to fill the route in accordance with state law, a regular bus operator serving a probationary term in accordance with state law shall be appointed to the vacant route.  If an operator is on approved leave, his/her route shall not be considered a vacant route.  A substitute shall be used to drive a route for an operator on approved leave regardless of the length of time of the approved leave.


Substitute Personnel Pay


Bus Drivers - A substitute bus driver shall be paid a daily rate as approved by the Board, but in no case less than sixty-five percent (65%) of the daily rate of pay being paid the regular bus driver, to be computed by dividing the annual pay of the regular operator by the number of school days in the regularly scheduled session, exclusive of any compensation or mileage allowance for use of a privately owned bus.


School Employees - A substitute school employee shall be paid a daily rate as approved by the Board, but in no case more than sixty-five percent (65%) of the daily rate of pay for the beginning level of the salary schedule, corresponding to the classification of the regular school employee.



Ref:     La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง11:710, 17:81, 17:84, 17:500, 17:1202, 17:1212, 17:1213, 17:1216

Board minutes, 10-6-97, 10-2-00


Acadia Parish School Board