The Personnel Office shall identify and post all known vacancies during the last two weeks in April, including positions currently held by non-certified teachers, positions that have been temporarily filled during the school year, and newly created positions.  During this time period, only Acadia Parish tenured, certified teachers may apply.  The principal shall post the list of vacancies at the sign-in area in each school.  No teacher on intensive assistance shall be eligible to apply.  Transfer forms must be submitted and eligibility approved by the Personnel Office prior to an interview of any applicant.  (The time period identified shall be reviewed annually by the Personnel/Insurance Committee.)


Vacant positions within a school may be filled by certified personnel on staff at that school at the discretion of the principal without regard to this policy.  If these positions are not filled in this manner, the principal must interview all other interested, eligible applicants for an available position during the two week interview period.  The principal, with the approval of the Superintendent, will make a selection to fill the vacancy.


During the months of May and June, available positions shall be posted on the Central Office bulletin board and website.  These positions are available to any certified applicant.  Voluntary transfers shall not be permitted after June 30 except for positions vacated for extenuating circumstances or displacement of current employees due to program changes.  Transfers in these cases shall be granted at the discretion of the Superintendent.


The Superintendent shall make all recommendations for voluntary transfers to the Board for approval.




The Acadia Parish School Board may transfer any administrator, teacher, or other employee upon the recommendation of the Superintendent from one position, school or grade, to another by giving written notice of such intention to transfer.  Such transfer shall be without loss of status or violation of contract and shall not be for political or personal reasons.  The Board may transfer any teacher only in accordance with applicable state law.


At the discretion of the Superintendent, a teacher may be transferred for the following reasons:


  1. To move a teacher into the proper field of certification

  2. To meet enrollment changes

  3. To overcome friction with the principal, other school employees, or the community

  4. Due to financial limitations or the discontinuance of special programs or projects


When a transfer is to be made during the session, a conference of the employees concerned shall be held either with the Superintendent or his/her designee. A teacher who is unsatisfied with the transfer may refer to the grievance policy.  The Board reserves the right to transfer teachers within a school or to other schools within the system provided certification requirements are the same.  Involuntary transfers may be made after the Superintendent and Supervisor of Personnel have met to determine staffing needs in specific teaching areas.


When involuntary transfers are warranted due to reasons 2 (to meet enrollment changes) and 4 (Due to financial limitations or the discontinuance of special programs or projects), the teacher(s) transfer from one school/grade/position to another shall be accomplished using the information listed below in the order in which it appears:


  1. Teachers who have Temporary Authority to Teach (TAT)

  2. Teachers who have Temporary Emergency Permit (TEP)

  3. Practitioner Teachers (PT)

  4. Teachers with Out of Field Authority to Teach who are Non-Tenured (OFAT-NT)

  5. Properly Certified Teachers (teaching in their certified areas) who are Non-Tenured (PC-NT)

  6. Teachers with Out of Field Authority to Teach who are tenured (OFAT-T)

  7. Properly Certified Teachers (teaching in their certified areas) who are Tenured (PC-T)


When transfers are to be considered from within one specific category and there is a choice to be made between two (2) or more teachers, the determination of who is transferred shall be made on the basis of length of service in the Acadia Parish School System.  Board approved leave with pay will count toward seniority.  Board approved leave without pay will not count toward seniority.


Classified employees may be transferred for the following reasons:


  1. To meet enrollment changes

  2. To overcome friction with the principal, other school employees, or the community

  3. Due to financial limitations or the discontinuance of special programs or projects


When involuntary transfers are warranted, the transfer shall be accomplished using the information listed below:


  1. Recommendation of immediate supervisor

  2. Seniority within classified position categories, ie., clerical, food service, bus drivers, aides, labor force, and classified management level positions

  3. Seniority, defined as total years of employment in the Acadia Parish School System

  4. Academic or other qualifying preparation (when acceptable)

  5. Regularity of attendance, not including appropriate use of sick leave

  6. By lot, if all other factors are the same


The Superintendent shall make a recommendation to transfer persons when it is determined to be in the best interest of the school system.


Revised:  October, 2003

Revised:  September 8, 2008



Ref:     La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:441, 17:442, 17:443, 17:444

Board minutes, 6-6-94, 7-7-97, 4-5-99, 7-7-03, 9-8-08


Acadia Parish School Board