In the event that an Acadia Parish School Board member or staff member believes a condition exists within the school system that warrants investigation by the staff, such person shall convey his/her concerns to the Superintendent.  Should the Superintendent determine that the situation warrants investigation, he/she shall have the matter investigated by appointing appropriate staff personnel (one or more persons)  to make the necessary inquiries. At the conclusion of their investigation, a report shall be prepared for submission to the Superintendent.


Any investigation undertaken in the school system shall be conducted in accordance with the following stipulations:


    1. No Board member shall participate in any manner in an investigation.

    2. The Superintendent shall notify all Board members of any investigation undertaken.

    3. Such inquiries shall be concluded within a reasonable amount of time and, upon conclusion, each Board member shall be notified by the Superintendent of his/her findings and recommendations.

    4. The Superintendent shall use every means possible to protect School Board personnel from unwarranted personal criticism.


In any investigation into incidents involving accidents or injuries to students or employees, or involving student misconduct, or the competence, honesty or performance of duties of Board employees, all employees of the Acadia Parish School Board shall, upon reasonable request by the Superintendent or his/her designee, give a statement of the facts and circumstances within the employee's knowledge, or an accounting of the employee's conduct concerning the circumstances which are the subject of the investigation or are related to the matter being investigated.


If deemed appropriate by the Superintendent or his/her designee in the conduct of such investigation, employees of the Acadia Parish School Board shall, upon reasonable notification, appear at the offices of the Superintendent or at such other suitable location within the parish as might be appropriate and convenient in the investigation.


During any such employee interview, the employee may have legal representation if desired by the employee, but said representation shall be at no cost to the Acadia Parish School Board.




The Acadia Parish School Board, in accordance with state law, shall provide for an investigation of an employee, in cases where the Board has made a public announcement that an employee may be disciplined, whether or not there is an accompanying reduction in pay.  The investigation shall proceed as outlined below under Reporting Procedures.  Not later than thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the investigation and prior to any Board action to implement such disciplinary action, the employee may appear, if he/she so determines, before the School Board in open session and be given a reasonable time, as determined by the Board, to comment on the investigation and any actions taken or proposed to be taken involving the employee.


These provisions shall not be applicable to any reduction in force initiated by the Board.




If an employee is accused of impermissible corporal punishment, or of a moral offense involving a student, a prompt, thorough investigation shall be conducted by the Superintendent or designee.  A written report of the results of the investigation shall be prepared, and the employee shall be provided with a copy of such report.  The Superintendent may promulgate such administrative regulations as he/she deems necessary to implement this policy.


If the allegation falls within the definition of abuse as defined in Board policy JGCE, Child Abuse, then all school employees with knowledge of such incidents become mandatory reporters and the allegations must be reported to child protection or law enforcement as provided by state law and Board policy.  Such reporting shall be made and applied in conjunction with the procedures outlined in this policy.




Any complaint relative to employee conduct shall be handled as follows:



A complaint shall be filed in writing to the Superintendent.  The name and address of the complainant must be enclosed along with a brief description of the alleged violation and violator.



The complaint must be filed within ten (10) days after the alleged violation.



An investigation, as may be appropriate, shall follow a filing of a complaint.  The investigation shall be conducted by the Superintendent or his/her designee.  These rules contemplate informal but thorough investigations, affording all interested persons and their representatives, if any, an opportunity to submit evidence relevant to the complaint.  Staff members or students may be interviewed if it is deemed essential to the investigation.



A written determination as to the validity of the complaint and a description of the resolution, if any, shall be issued by the Superintendent or designee and a copy forwarded to the complainant no later than (30) days after its filing.



If charges are founded, the Superintendent shall recommend proper disciplinary action to the School Board, based upon investigative evidence gathered, which may include termination of employment of the employee.  Any disciplinary action will be placed in the offender's personnel file which will reflect the action taken and the grounds thereof.



Ref:     La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:81, 17:81.6, 17:81.8

            Board minutes, 6-6-94


Acadia Parish School Board