All purchasing for the school system to be paid from Acadia Parish School Board funds shall be made by the Superintendent or his/her designee in conformance with existing regulations and procedures of the School Board and the laws pertinent to state and federal agencies.  Budget allocations for specific purposes shall constitute advance School Board approval for all purchases except in such cases as state law or School Board policy may require.  No debt shall be contracted in the name of the Acadia Parish School Board without action by the School Board, except those items which are provided for in the regular budget.  Purchases shall be made at the lowest possible cost to the school system consistent with the system specifications of quality and service.


Each principal shall assure that purchases by the individual school shall be made in accordance with regulations and procedures developed by the Superintendent and staff.


No employee, officer or agent of the Acadia Parish School Board shall participate in the selection, award, or administration of a contract if a conflict of interest, real or apparent, would be involved.  The Acadia Parish School Board's employees shall neither solicit nor accept gratuities, favors or anything of monetary value from contractors, potential contractors, or parties to subagreements.




Equipment and supplies requisitions from the schools and Central Office personnel shall be submitted to the appropriate supervisor.  Such requests must include:


  1. Complete description of each item requested

  2. Suggested vendor and other information which would be beneficial in purchasing the item

  3. Originator of the request

  4. Funding source if applicable


The supervisor will review the requisitions to ensure validity.  If approved by the supervisor, fund code and account code numbers will be assigned and a purchase order prepared, if in excess of $300.00.  Purchases of less than $300.00 will not require the preparation of a purchase order; however, must include proper fund and account coding and supervisory approval.  Even though a purchase order is not required, such purchases must not exceed the budget.


Some grants may require purchase orders for all expenditures, therefore the $300.00 limits shall not apply.  Additionally, supervisors have the option to require purchase orders for amounts less than $300.00.


Purchases made from more than one funding source shall require a separate purchase order from each fund.


Each supervisor shall generate a purchase order and attach the requisition to the purchase order.  The purchase order shall be forwarded for review and approval to the appropriate Director for the department which made the request.  Upon approval by the Director, the purchase order shall be returned to the Supervisor for processing.




The Acadia Parish School Board may finance the purchase of equipment or other movable property to be used by the School Board by entering into an installment sale, lease, or similar agreement with any lender or other person.  Such agreement shall be subject to approval of the State Bond Commission in accordance with statutory provisions.  No individual school or employee shall obligate the School Board without proper school system personnel knowledge and approval.




The School Board may award a contract for the purchase of supplies, services, or major repairs without competition when the Superintendent or designated employee has determined, in writing, that there is only one source for the supply, service, or major repair item(s) to be acquired.  Pertinent procedures for purchasing such items from a sole source shall be as outlined in the State of Louisiana Office of State Purchasing's Purchasing Rules and Regulations.




If equipment, materials or supplies are available from a State of Louisiana Contract, the Superintendent and/or his/her designee may approve the purchase without using one of the purchasing procedures outlined in statutory provisions, if advantageous to the School Board.  The School Board may also piggyback, or purchase materials and supplies on valid contracts of other political subdivisions




The School Board, as a member, may participate in a school district purchasing cooperative for the purchase of services, materials, equipment, and supplies. 


In accordance with solicitations, bids, or proposals put forth by the school district purchasing cooperative, the School Board may purchase services, equipment, materials, and supplies at the prices selected by the cooperative.




The School Board may use a reverse auction or competitive online solicitation process on the Internet for the purchase of equipment, supplies, and other materials in lieu of the more formal bid process when the School Board’s procurement officer determines that the electronic bidding is more advantageous and in the best interests of the School Board.


Prior to the use of a competitive online solicitation process, the School Board may require that: 


  1. Vendors register before opening dates and time, and as part of the registration, require that the vendors agree to any terms and conditions and other requirements of the solicitation.

  2. Vendors be prequalified prior to placing bids and allow only bidders who are prequalified to submit bids.

  3. The solicitation shall designate an opening date and time and the closing date and time.  The closing date and time may be fixed or remain open depending on the structure of the item being bid.

  4. At the opening date and time, the School Board shall begin accepting online bids and continue accepting bids until the bidding is officially closed.  Registered bidders shall be allowed to lower the price of their bid below the lowest bid posted on the Internet until the closing date and time.

  5. Bidders’ identities shall not be revealed during the bidding process; only the successively lower prices, ranks, scores, and related bid details shall be revealed.

  6. All bids shall be posted electronically and updated on a real-time basis.

  7. The School Board shall retain the right to cancel the solicitation if it determines that it is in the School Board’s best interest.

  8. The School Board shall retain its existing authority to determine the criteria that will be used as a basis for making awards.


Adequate public notice for purchases using a reverse auction or competitive online solicitation process shall be given as follows:


  1. The advertisement or notice shall be published two (2) times in a newspaper in the locality, the first advertisement to appear at least fifteen (15) days before the opening date of the reverse auction.  In addition to the newspaper advertisement, the School Board may also publish an advertisement by electronic media available to the general public.

  2. The first publication of the advertisement shall not occur on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.




A Band Equipment Sales Night that involves the demonstration, sale, lease, or purchase of band instruments to parents and which has any school or school personnel involvement must include at least two (2) instrument vendors.  All band instrument vendors who formally request to participate must do so in writing.  The formal request should be sent by the vendor to the school in which it is requesting to participate.  Any interested vendors who formally requested to participate must be notified by the band director as to the date, time, and place of their band night.  Any school "recommended brand of instruments" must include an "or equal to" statement.  The final choice of instrument brand belongs to the family. 


Revised:  August, 2004

Revised:  November, 2011

Revised:  March 2, 2015



Ref:     La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§33:4712.7, 38:2211, 38:2212, 38:2212.1, 38:2214, 38:2218, 38:2219, 38:2271, 39:1551, 39:1552, 39:1553, 39:1554, 39:1554.1, 39:1556, 39:1557, 39:1558, 39:1597, 39:1710

Board minutes, 6-6-94, 5-3-99, 7-2-01, 9-4-01, 4-5-04, 5-3-04, 3-2-15


Acadia Parish School Board