Cf:  CB





The Acadia Parish School Board shall employ the Superintendent pursuant to a written contract for a period not to exceed four (4) years, which period, however, may extend no longer than two (2) years after the expiration of the term of office of the members of the Board electing the Superintendent. The election of the Superintendent shall require a favorable vote of a majority of the entire membership of the School Board.


Such contract shall contain but need not be limited to specific performance objectives.


In case of a discrepancy between the contract and any policy, the contract provisions shall prevail.  Not less than ninety (90) days prior to the termination of such a contract, the School Board shall notify the Superintendent of termination of employment under such contract, or in lieu thereof the Board and the Superintendent may negotiate and enter into a contract for subsequent employment.


The Superintendent may choose not to enter into a subsequent contract and may either terminate his/her employment or, if he/she has acquired permanent status as a teacher, resume employment as a teacher.


The School Board may choose not to offer a subsequent contract to the Superintendent.


The Superintendent shall be retained during the term of a contract unless the Superintendent is found incompetent, unworthy, or inefficient or is found to have failed to fulfill the terms and performance objectives of his/her contract or to comply with School Board policy.  However, before the Superintendent can be removed during the contract period, he/she shall have the right to written charges and a fair hearing before the Board after reasonable written notice.


The Board shall negotiate and offer the Superintendent a new contract at the expiration of each existing contract unless a majority of the Board membership votes at least ninety (90) days prior to the termination of the existing contract against offering a new contract.


Revised:  December 6, 2010



Ref:     La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยง17:54

Board minutes, 11-7-05, 12-6-10


Acadia Parish School Board