Cf:  BC





The Acadia Parish School Board shall formulate policies to guide the action of those to whom it delegates authority.  These guides shall constitute the policies governing the operation of the school district.  They shall be recorded in writing and made a part of the official School Board Policy Manual.


The formulation and adoption of Board policies shall constitute one method by which the Board shall exercise its leadership in the operation of the school district.  The study and evaluation of reports concerning the execution of its written policies shall constitute the basic method by which the Board shall exercise its control over the operation of the school district.


The policies of the Board are meant to be interpreted in terms of Louisiana laws, rules and regulations of the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, and all other regulatory agencies within the local parish, state, and federal levels of government.


The operation of policy or section of policy not established by law or contract may be temporarily suspended by a majority vote of Board members present and voting at a regular or special meeting.




The Board recognizes policy adoption as a major responsibility.  For a policy to be adopted by the Board, it must receive a simple majority vote of the entire membership of the Board.  Any proposed change to the policy manual based strictly on legislation will be placed on the agenda as an Action item.  Any proposed change to the policy manual that is a local recommendation must first be placed on the Board meeting agenda as a Discussion item, to become an Action item on the agenda the following month.  This practice provides Board members time to study the proposed policy and to give interested parties an opportunity to react. 


The formal adoption of Board policies shall be recorded in the minutes of the Board.  The official minutes shall constitute the authority for any change made in the Policy Manual.


The Board is recognized as the legal body authorized to approve policies for the School District, and shall not delegate or relinquish that authority to another party or group.  The Board welcomes comments and suggestions on local policy matters, and will comply with all laws addressing proper involvement of other parties in the policy process.




The Board shall periodically direct the systematic review of its policies.  The Superintendent shall appropriately involve representative groups of administrators, teachers, supervisors, students, support personnel and lay citizens relative to policies affecting each group.


The Board shall appoint a discipline policy review committee, whose selection of members shall be neither discriminatory nor arbitrary in nature.  The purpose of the discipline policy review committee shall be to annually review discipline policies of the Board to assure consistency with state law, receive input into the effectiveness of established policy, and make recommendations to improve policy provisions.  A public hearing shall be held on the recommendations before the Board considers revising any of the discipline policies.  State law also requires the administrators, teachers and parents of each public school to meet annually and develop or review the discipline regulations for their school and assure compliance with Board policy and state law.




The Board shall direct the Superintendent to establish and maintain an orderly plan for disseminating School Board policies and administrative rules and regulations.


School Board policies and administrative rules and regulations shall be made accessible to all employees of the School District directly or indirectly affected by those policies.  Board policies and administrative rules and regulations shall also be made accessible to members of the Board, students and members of the community served by the School District. 




In cases where action must be taken within the school system where the Board has no formalized policy statement, the Superintendent shall have the power to act.  His or her decisions, however, shall be subject to review by action of the Board at its regular meeting.  It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to inform the Board promptly of such action and of the need for policy if in his or her best judgment, a need for such policy exists.


Revised:  October, 2003

Revised:  November 3, 2008



Ref:     Constitution of Louisiana, Art. VI, Sec. 10

La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:416.8

Louisiana Handbook for School Administrators, Bulletin 741, Louisiana Department of Education

Board minutes, 11-1-99, 9-8-03, 10-6-08, 11-3-08


Acadia Parish School Board