In keeping with its commitment to provide equal educational opportunities for each child, the Acadia Parish School Board recognizes that the basic instructional program in the district's schools consist of those required courses that lead to high school graduation, including students in special and alternative schools as listed in the Louisiana Handbook for School Administrators, Bulletin 741. A variety of other courses and programs shall also be offered. Regardless of the high school they attend, students throughout the district shall be given equal opportunity in course and program selection.
Although particular course offerings and teaching approaches may vary school to school and area to area, programs in basic curriculum areas shall be coordinated and sequenced to grade level so that students can make satisfactory progress throughout their school careers. In all instances, the elementary curriculum, junior high curriculum, and senior high curriculum shall meet the educational requirements established by state statute and the Louisiana Department of Education.
The Acadia Parish School Board believes that one of the most basic and important functions of the school system is the development, within each individual student, of a proper sense of values. The values to be taught should be those which, when applied to human behavior, exalt and refine life and bring it into accord with the standards of conduct that are approved in today’s democratic society.
The School Board believes public schools should manage their activities upon those values which the American people deem fundamental. The teaching of those values should permeate the entire educational process. The entire life of the school - every classroom, every teacher, every activity - makes a contribution, plus or minus, to the understanding and appreciation of moral values.
This goal requires a school system which will open to every child the opportunity to grow to the fullest physical and intellectual stature and which will assist the home in the emotional and moral development of the child. Schools justify their existence as they contribute to the growth, happiness and well-being of all individuals who function within them. This feeling of well-being is dependent upon the degree of acceptance by all concerned of certain basic values, namely:
Moral responsibility - each person should feel responsible for the consequences of his/her own conduct
Common consent - this element calls for an educational program which gives many opportunities for friendly cooperation
Devotion to truth - the public schools should provide young people with experience in the process of seeking truth, of comparing opinions, and of appealing to reason in controversial questions
Respect for excellence - this requires that excellence in mind, character, and creative ability be fostered and that individuals who demonstrate such excellence be recognized because of the genuine worth of their abilities and not because of their wealth, ancestry, or social position
Moral equality - all persons should be judged by the same moral standards
Brotherhood - the public school should be regarded as an agency for increasing the learner’s usefulness to the entire society as well as for providing a road to individual success
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:183.1, 17:183.2, 17:183.3, 17:183.5, 17:261, 17:262, 17:268
Louisiana Handbook for School Administrators, Bulletin 741, Louisiana Department of Education
Board minutes, 6-6-94
Acadia Parish School Board