Cf:  DN, ECA







The Acadia Parish School Board directs the Superintendent to maintain a current itemized list of all land, buildings, improvements other than buildings, equipment, and any other general fixed assets which were purchased or otherwise acquired, for which the Board is accountable.  The list shall include information as to the date of purchase, the initial cost, and the disposition, if any, and the purpose of such disposition and the recipient of the property or equipment disposed of.   Where ascertaining the cost, exact selling price or any other relevant information on property or equipment is not available, estimates may be provided.


Reporting Of Assets


Schools shall submit to the central office data concerning assets, such as beginning balances, gains, losses, and ending balances.  For five (5) of the categories, namely:  Land, Buildings, Construction in Progress, Improvements to Site Other than Buildings, and Textbooks, special forms shall be made available by the central office for annual updating of information.


Accountability of Machinery/Equipment will be assured by a computerized inventory of all items costing $5,000.00 or more and having a useful life of more than one year, except items purchased with 8(g) funds, which shall be $250.00.  Quarterly updates will be submitted by schools to the central office relative to current location or disposition of equipment.  The central office shall provide information concerning equipment sent to schools by means of routing sheets and information concerning items that are to be removed from the inventory with Notice of Salvage form.  The central office shall provide printouts of equipment in schools by buildings and rooms to be used by school personnel in performing annual physical inventory.


This information will be of value in preparing statistical reports to the Louisiana Department of Education and for meeting requirements established by the Legislative auditor.


For accountability and internal control purposes, an inventory of equipment and other items costing less than $5,000 may also be inventoried, tagged, and tracked by the School Board.


Physical Inventory


In order to maintain an accurate account of Acadia Parish School Board possessions, a physical inventory of all possessions is to be taken at the building level at least annually, but may be more frequent as needed.  Principals are the designated custodians of all possessions at the school level and shall be ultimately responsible for the safeguarding and record maintenance of all possessions in their schools.  However, any employee who has physical custody of School Board assets shall be personally responsible for safeguarding the assets, i.e., each teacher shall be responsible for his/her classroom, the librarian for the assets in the library, the band director for the assets in the band department, etc. 


Building level administrators shall be responsible for ensuring that annual inventories are taken and that the property control officer is notified of any changes that need to be made to their respective inventory records or reported as required.  The Superintendent and/or his/her designee shall maintain pertinent procedures for maintaining inventory and tracking records, including, identifying, appraising, tagging, and removing fixed assets from any inventory records.




Before items can be officially removed from the inventory of assets, permission must be granted by the appropriate supervisor.  Permission will normally be sought midway through and at the end of a given fiscal year.  Schools will be notified that these items can be officially removed from the listing of assets.  If special provisions for disposal of assets are required by the funding source (i.e. federal funds), the appropriate supervisor will be responsible to see that all of the criteria have been met prior to sending the material to the warehouse.


Report Of Property Loss


Reason(s) which may be used on the quarterly update to justify removal of assets from the inventory are:


  1. Stolen

  2. Traded in

  3. Transferred to Other Agency

  4. Sold

  5. Junked




The School Board and each school shall keep an inventory record of all textbooks on hand at the beginning of the session, as well as records of those textbooks added, worn out, and in need of replacement.  Textbook records should be kept on file for a minimum of three (3) years.


All lost or damaged books must be paid for by the student to which the books have been assigned.  Money received by a principal for lost or damaged books must be recorded and deposited into the school account.


Revised:  June, 2008

Approved:  November 3, 2008



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:81, 24:515

Louisiana Accounting and Uniform Governmental Handbook, Bulletin 1929, Louisiana Department of Education

Board minutes, 6-6-94, 9-4-01, 3-7-05, 11-3-08


Acadia Parish School Board