SEPTEMBER 13, 1999


1)         The Acadia Parish School Board met on this the 13th day of September 1999, at 5:00 p.m., in regular session, with President John H. Quebodeaux presiding. Members present were Lyle C. Johnson, Bill Pinac, Kitty M. Valdetero, Wadie H. Bias, Woody M. Marceaux, John A. Suire, Lynn Shamsie, Nolton J. Senegal, Sr., Roland J. Boudreaux, Rodney J. Trahan, Johnnie L. Smith, Charles F. Daigle, Mr. Shirley Vige', Dr. Robert McManus, Paul K. Bellon, and Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Marietta W. James.


2&3)    Verdie Bastiste, a student at Church Point High, delivered the prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Prior to the opening items, President Quebodeaux sought to swear-in the new board member from District 2, Mr. Bill Pinac. He was unopposed for this seat. Ms. Bias asked why this was being done at this time instead of after the October date. Mr. Kenneth Privat, attorney, explained that he has verified with Secretary of State officials that this is permissible. more discussion continued among board members. Then Mr. Pinac was sworn-in.


President Quebodeaux recognized Mrs. Ezora Proctor for filling-in as member of District 2 after the resignation of Mr. Clark Hoffpauir. She was commended by those present and then she briefly addressed the Board. She thanked them for the opportunity to serve in this capacity. Dr. McManus suggested that Mrs. Proctor be compensated for her service for the month of September.


4)         The agenda was revised by adding Routine 16a (CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION OF THE BUDGET/FINANCE AND TRANSPORTATION/FACILITIES COMMITTEES REGARDING BIDS RECEIVED FOR ELECTRICAL WORK AT MERMENTAU ELEMENTARY), Routine Item 16B (CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION OF THE BUDGET/FINANCE AND TRANSPORTATION/FACILITIES COMMITTEES REGARDING RE-ROOFING AT CROWLEY HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM, SPECIAL EDUCATION BUILDING, AND RAYNE HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM). Routine Items 1 and 5 were switched, upon motion by Mr. Shamsie, seconded by Ms. Valdetero, and carried by a unanimous voice vote. Mr. Johnson motioned and Mr. Trahan seconded to change Routine Items 10 through 14 to discussion items. After some discussion, Ms. Bias offered a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Daigle, that only Routine Item 10 be considered as a discussion item at tonight's meeting.  More discussion continued regarding the timing of the adoption of these policies. The substitute motion failed by a majority voice vote. The main motion to move Routine Items 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 to Discussion Items 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 passed by a unanimous voice vote.


5)         Mr. Senegal motioned and Dr. McManus seconded to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the August 2 and 18, 1999, (copies of minutes were sent to each member prior to this meeting) and approved as submitted. Mr. Johnson asked that the entire wording of his proposed reprimand be included in the minutes of August 2, 1999. Mr. Quebodeaux read that portion of the minutes as written. The Board moved to approve the minutes as revised. The original motion failed.


6)         Mr. Carl LeJeune introduced teacher mentors who helped new teachers in the parish last year. He presented them with certificates of appreciation. Those present were recognized by the Board. Mr. Senegal also recognized Mrs. Antoinette Pete, who serves on the board at the state level providing guidance for this program.


7)         Mrs. Margaret Jones introduced Ms. Janie Chappelle who introduced members (juniors and seniors) of the Teacher Cadet class at Crowley High School.    This class has grown significantly since last year.


8)         Mrs. Ezora Proctor introduced Mr. John Lennox of Entergy. Mr. Lennox recognized the recipient at Branch Elementary School who received a grant of $800 for this school year. Mrs. Ezora Proctor, who wrote the grant, explained briefly how the funds will be used.


9)         Mrs. Margaret Jones introduced Mr. Richard Lavergne, principal at Rayne High School, who proudly announced the recipient of a $52,030 grant. This grant will promote reading and writing across the curriculum,


10)       Mr. Cal Simar introduced Ms. Dana Leger, a teacher at Ross Elementary, who wrote a grant for geography related materials in the amount of $999.09. Ms. Leger was commended by the Board.


ACTION ITEM         There were no action items.




1 was 5)           Mr. Bill Ackal, architect, gave an update on the progress of rebuilding at Midland High School, which was struck by a tornado a year ago. He indicated that some permanent buildings have been provided in lieu of renting portable buildings. Damaged buildings have been repaired or razed in preparation for new buildings; gymnasium, library, cafeteria, and eighth grade classrooms. Anticipated completion is July 2000. Mr. Shamsie commended Mr. Ackal for his efforts in this rebuilding effort. Mr. Shamsie was pleased with the speed and quality of work by the contractor, Damage Control and Restoration, Inc. Mr. Ackal indicated that the insurance company has also been quite helpful in these rebuilding efforts.


2)         Dr. James reported that there were two applicants for the position of Adult & Community Education/Testing Supervisor. She recommended Ms. Dianna Guidry for the position. Upon motion by Mr. Shamsie, seconded by Mr. Senegal, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, Ms. Guidry was appointed as supervisor of Adult & Community Education and Testing. Ms. Guidry was recognized and commended by the Board.


3)         Mrs. Ruth Miller gave a report on meal prices and the cost for additional servings. She reviewed procedures implemented for selling additional servings to students in cafeterias. She provided a history of revenue generated from extra sales over the past four years. She answered question of the Board regarding the sale of extra servings. Superintendent James suggested that students not be charged for leftover food. Several board members expressed concern about the amount of food thrown away by students. Mrs. Miller explained the difference between leftovers and planned sale of extras.


Mr. Shamsie motioned and Mr. Trahan seconded that food left over be given to students at no charge instead of throwing it away. Mrs. Miller asked for clarification to whether or not she can still plan for and sell extras. This was discussed further and it was agreed that the cafeterias be given the discretion to plan for and prepare extra food sales. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.


4)         Mr. Cal Simar gave a report concerning first time freshmen in remedial courses and ACT scores showing a five-year trend of ACT scores for all high schools in Acadia Parish. He feels that new state accountability guidelines and ACT preparatory classes will help raise Acadia's averages. Trends were also presented showing the percentage of first-time college freshmen in remedial courses. This problem was discussed further. The TOPS program and more stringent college admission standards may help ease this dilemma.


Mr. Boudreaux joined the meeting at this point, 7:08 p.m.


5 was 1)           Mr. Senegal presented the recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee stating that "Additional expenditures in the general fund be balanced by reducing expenditures elsewhere within the general fund. "   Mr. Senegal motioned and Mr. Trahan seconded to accept this recommendation. Mr. Johnson offered an amendment to the motion to require a two-thirds vote of the entire membership, in order to increase the budget without an offsetting reduction. The motion to amend was seconded by Mr. Vige'.   Discussion followed about how such budget changes could be considered and approved by the Budget/Finance Committee and the full board. Ms. Valdetero called for question. The amended motion passed by a unanimous voice vote. Upon motion by Mr. Suire, seconded by Mr. Senegal, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board recessed at 7:17 p.m.


Upon motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Boudreaux, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board reconvened at 7:24 p.m.


6)         Mr. Carl LeJeune presented information comparing student enrollment with last years figures. Enrollment trends continue to decline. He disclosed teacher/pupil ratio's by school and grade. Board members discussed with Mr. LeJeune the need to reduce staffing. Dr. James suggested that this matter be studied further before making staffing recommendations next spring to be implemented next school year. Mr . Vige' asked on what enrollment figures was the budget based. Mr. Leonards will prepare a report on how enrollment was factored into the MFP estimates for the current year.


7)         The Acadia Parish Policy Jury recently took action to return the old gym at the old North Crowley School site to the Acadia Parish School Board. Mr. Privat reported that he has reviewed their actions and indicated that, after a few technical corrections, the APSB may regain possession of the property. Questions were raised abut the condition of this property. Upon motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Pinac, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, this matter was referred to the Transportation/Facilities Committee to report back to the Board with a recommendation.


8)         Upon motion by Dr. McManus, seconded by Mr Bellon, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the extension of underground irrigation on Section 16, Township 8 South, Range 1 West (N of Iota) will be completed at a cost not to exceed $20,000. (The estimated cost is $21,300).


9)         Upon motion by Mr. Boudreaux, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, advertisement for sale of timber on Section 16, Township 7 south, Range 1 East (SE of Eunice) was approved. Forestry Service will be consulted to help establish the value of timber to be sold.


10, 11, 12, 13, 14) These items were moved to discussion items.


15)       Upon motion by Ms. Valdetero, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, a follow-up goals meeting will be held Wednesday, October 6, 1999, at 5:00 p.m., in the APSB Media Center.


16)       Mr. Shamsie motioned and Mr. Bellon seconded that the matter of extending a bus route

to Rayne Christian pre-School/Day Care Center be referred back to the Transportation/Facilities committee to be considered at their next meeting. Pastor Finley addressed the Board. He asked to address the T/F Committee regarding this issue. A substitute motion offered by Mr. Suire, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to act on this item at tonight's meeting, passed by a roll call vote of 10 to 5.


YEA:    Johnson, Pinac, Valdetero, Bias, Marceaux, Suire, Senegal, Boudreaux, Trahan, Vige'

NAY:   Shamsie, Smith, Daigle, McManus, Bellon


Mr. Johnson motioned and Mr. Boudreaux seconded to extend this route with the additional cost to be borne by the pre-school. Mr. Shamsie cautioned the Board about setting a precedent which would cause such requests from other pre-school facilities. More discussion continued on both side of the issue. Mr. John Doughty addressed the Board, he cited APSB existing policy which limits such transportation to day-care centers on the route. Discussion went on regarding the merits of this request. Question was finally called by Ms. Valdetero. Revered and Betty Finley made final comments in support of this request. The substitute motion to extend the bus route to the Rayne Christian Pre-School/Day Care Center with the additional cost being borne by the pre-school passed by a roll call vote of 10 to 5


YEA:    Johnson, Pinac, Valdetero, Marceaux, Suire, Senegal, Boudreaux, Trahan, Vige', Bellon

NAY:   Bias, Shamsie, Smith, Daigle, McManus


The policy will be referred to the Transportation/Facilities Committee to consider walk zones and transportation to day-care centers.


16a)     Upon motion by Mr. Senegal, seconded by Mr. Shamsie,  and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the T/F and B/F Committees recommendation was accepted and low bid of $71,000 for re- wiring at Mermentau Elementary School was awarded to H & H Electrical Service.


BIDDER                                              BASE BID       NO. OF DAYS

H&H Electrical Service                            $71,000                  120

Prevost Electric .                                      $78,590                  120


16b)     Upon motion by Mr. Shamsie, seconded by Mr. Senegal, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the recommendation of the B/F and T/F Committees was approved and low proposal of $81,990 for re-roofing Crowley High School Stadium, Rayne High School Stadium, and special education building was awarded to Habetz Roofing Service.


16c)     Upon motion by Dr. McManus, seconded by Mr. Bellon, and carried by a majority voice vote (Mr. Boudreaux opposed), the recommendation of the B/F and T/F Committees to air-conditioning the gym at Iota High School at an estimated cost of $41,150, with funds not needed

for re-wiring at Mermentau.


17 & 18) Mr. Privat indicated that the teacher requested a closed session, but would note be present. Upon motion by Mr. Trahan, seconded by Mr Senegal, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board went into executive session at 8:52 p.m. to consider items 17 and 18.


Upon motion by Mr. Senegal, seconded by Mr. Boudreaux, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board reconvened at 9:10 p.m.


Upon motion by Ms. Valdetero, seconded by Mr. Pinac, and carried by a majority voice vote (Mr. Vige' opposed), Mr. Privat was authorized to continue negotiation in this matter.


Upon motion by Mr. Trahan, seconded by Mr. Smith, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Rayne High School's tenured teacher's resignation was accepted.


19)       President Quebodeaux updated the status of APSB declaratory judgment regarding the Alternative School property.



1)         The item to discuss teaching on a trimester level for grades K-3 was postponed by Mr.Johnson with the consensus of the Board.


2)         President Quebodeaux cautioned against naming too many committees, as it may stifle the ability of the superintendent and staff to conduct business. He suggested that the only standing committees are Budget/Finance, Transportation/Facilities, Personnel/Insurance,

Technology/Instructional/Federal Program, and Discipline Committees, as appointed by the president and approved by the Board. All other activities will be considered staff action and presented to the superintendent for her consideration.


Discussion followed regarding the merits and responsibilities of the Compensation committee. Mr. Marceaux suggested dismantling the Compensation committee. Mr. Johnson suggested having no committees and having the Board meet twice per month to conduct all of their business.


Upon motion by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Bellon, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, Discussion Items 3 through 7 ( the remaining discussion items) were tabled until the next regular board meeting, at which time they will be considered again as Discussion Items.




Upon motion by Mr. Senegal, seconded by Mr. Bellon, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the following action was taken by the Board.


1          Approved personnel assignments and changes, since the last meeting.

2          Received sales tax report showing a year-to-date decrease of 2.89%.

3          Granted requests for release of contract to Rallen Fontenot, Jr., teacher at Ross Elementary, effective 7-29-99; Roland LaComb, teacher at Crowley high, effective 8-16-99; Jane M. Bellard, teacher at Richard Elementary, effective 8-18-99; Cindy Habetz, teacher at martin Petitjean Elementary, effective 8-11-99; Juanita S. Hebert, teacher at Evangeline Elementary, effective 8-9-99; Paulette B. Gaspard, teacher at Morse Elementary, effective 8-5-99; Melissa F. Bergeron, teacher at Rayne High, effective 8-6-99; Laura Souther, teacher at South Crowley Elementary, effective 8-9-99; Georgette L. Richard, teacher at Crowley Middle, effective 8-20-99; Peggy Kendrick, teacher at Church Point Elementary, effective 8-1-99; Karen Schexneider, teacher at Rayne High, effective 8-31-99; Hope Beggan, teacher at Crowley high, effective 9-1-99; and Brandi Gonzales, teacher at Branch Elementary, effective 8-11-99.

4          Granted request to Jeanette V. Shepherd, teacher at Ross head Start, for leave without pay from 8-18-99 to 8-31-2000.

5          Granted request to Wendy C. Landry, secretary at Head Start, for maternity leave from 10-28-99 through 11-15-99 (21 days).




There being no other business to come before the Board, upon motion by Mr. Trahan, seconded by Mr. Pinac, and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.



John H. Quebodeaux, President



Dr. Marietta W. James, Superintendent