MARCH 23, 1998


            The Acadia Parish School Board met in SPECIAL SESSION on this the 23rd day of March, 1998, at 5:00 p.m., in Crowley, Louisiana, with President Myron Clark Hoffpauir presiding, pursuant to the following notice given in writing to each and every member thereof and duly posted in the manner required by law, viz:


March 17, 1998


Dear Board Member:


By virtue of the authority vested in me by law by reason of the fact that it is deemed necessary, advisable, and to the public interest that the Acadia Parish School Board be called to special session; therefore, I, Myron Clark Hoffpauir, president of the Acadia Parish School Board, do hereby give notice that a special meeting of the said Board will be held at its domicile in the City of Crowley, Louisiana, on MONDAY. MARCH 23. 1998, at 5:00 p.m., for the purpose of discussing, and, if deemed advisable, acting upon the following propositions, to wit:





and to transact any other business that may properly come before the Board. Sincerely,


s/s Myron Clark Hoffpauir, President

Acadia Parish School Board


(Copies sent to Central Office Staff Members, Principals, News Media)


1)         Members present for the special meeting were Lyle Johnson, Myron Clark Hoffpauir, Wadie Bias, Woody Marceaux, John Suire, Lynn Shamsie, John Quebodeaux, Nolton Senegal, Roland Boudreaux, Rodney Trahan, Johnnie Smith, Charles Daigle, Shirley Vige', Robert McManus. Kitty Valdetero and Lynn Miller were absent.


2&3)    Dr. Marietta James led the prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.


4)         President Hoffpauir read the letter calling for a special meeting.


SS 1)   Dr. James updated the board on APSB ongoing attempts to acquire the Wal-Mart building for an alternative school and school food service warehouse. She recommended that the APSE acquire the property at this time.


Part 1  Purchase of Wal-Mart Property


            Mr. Daigle motioned and Mr. Senegal seconded that APSB purchase the Wal-Mart property at this time. Mr. Boudreaux opposed this action, citing possible objections from adjoining businesses.  Mr. Kim Hayes, attorney, gave a legal interpretation of the matter. Discussion continued among board members concerning the relative merits of acquisition. Question was called by Ms. Bias and seconded by Mr. Smith. Call for question failed by a 5 to 9 roll call vote. Two-thirds needed to pass.


YEA: Hoffpauir, Bias, Suire, Shamsie, Senegal, Smith, Daigle, Vige', McManus

NAY: Johnson, Marceaux, Quebodeaux, Boudreaux, Trahan

ABSENT: Valdetero, Miller


            Discussion continued. Question was called by Mr. Quebodeaux but did not receive a second.


            Mr. Johnson expressed opposition to the acquisition of the Wal-Mart property at this time. Much discussion followed, then Mr. Boudreaux indicated that a family in Rayne has offered to donate five (5) acres of land adjacent to a school. Question was called by Mr. Smith and seconded by Mr. Daigle. Call for question passed by a roll call vote of 12 to 1 (two-thirds needed to pass).


YEA: Johnson, Bias, Marceaux, Suire, Shamsie, Quebodeaux, Senegal, Boudreaux, Smith, Daigle, Vige', McManus

NAY: Trahan

ABSENT:        Valdetero, Miller


            The main motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Senegal, to purchase the Wal-Mart property at this time, passed by a roll call vote of 8 to 5.


YEA:    Bias, Suire, Shamsie, Senegal, Smith, Daigle, Vige', McManus

NAY:   Johnson, Marceaux, Quebodeaux, Boudreaux, Trahan

ABSENT:        Valdetero, Miller


Part 2  Renovations


            Mr. Don Breaux, architect, presented information concerning proposed renovations for the Alternative School. He presented an open space format which would save considerable renovation costs. The cost will be approximately $517,000. These plans were discussed further by the board. Mr. Johnson suggested expanding the initial size of the school, if the open space format is to be considered.


            Mr. Senegal motioned and Dr. McManus seconded to proceed with renovations as presented. Mr. Johnson asked about the condition of the roof. Mr. Breaux indicated that it was a single-ply roof in good shape and should remain serviceable for several years.


            The main motion to proceed with renovations passed by a majority voice vote.


Part 3  Task Force Recommendations for the Alternative School


            Superintendent James recommended that the proposal of the Alternative School Task Force regarding operations of the school be approved as submitted.


            Mr. Quebodeaux motioned and Mr. Senegal seconded that the Alternative School Task Force recommendation for Alternative School operations be approved. The Board agreed that the proposed items would be addressed individually.


            1.         The philosophy statement of the alternative school


Every individual has his/her own unique learning style. Every individual has his/her own unique personality. Some students cannot adapt to learning in a traditional manner, and some students cannot adapt to participating in the social environment found in the traditional school setting. Every student has a right to instruction conducive to his/her individual learning styles and should be provided opportunities to receive guidance in a safe environment that will help him/her to develop to his/her utmost potential while building self worth. Each student should be encouraged to continue his/her education, to set realistic goals, and to receive direction as to how to attain the skills that could eventually lead to the achievement of those goals. When a student cannot function in the traditional school setting, an alternative to that setting should be available for the benefit of that student and the benefit of other students in the traditional setting so that all students receive the opportunity to get a quality education best suited to such an individual's needs.


            Mr. Johnson motioned and Mr. Boudreaux seconded to amend the main motion for a change in the philosophy statement and offered the following statement.


            Since State Law requires either an approved waiver or an approved alternative school, the Acadia Parish System will follow the most cost effective path so as to minimize any detrimental effect on the learning process in the traditional setting because of the cost of educating suspended and/or expelled students.


            Mr. Daigle suggested changing "Should" to "Shall" for the only change to be made.


            Mr. Trahan questioned the term "learning style" in the original philosophy statement.


            The amendment to change the philosophy statement failed by a majority voice vote.


            Mr. Johnson offered an amendment that everywhere "administrator or coordinator" appears, the term be changed to "certified principal". The motion to amend the main motion to reflect this change was seconded by Mr. Trahan and passed by a majority voice vote.


            2.         The mission statement of the alternative school


The mission of the Acadia Alternative School is to provide Acadia Parish students who have been recommended for expulsion and who are at risk of not continuing their education an opportunity to do so in an alternative program away from their regular school setting. The alternative school environment will provide opportunities for continued academic growth, counseling, and social skills training, all of which will help students develop compassion, self-discipline, responsibility, and the life skills needed to become productive citizens.


The staff at the school will guide students to reflect, to identify and set academic/career goals, to make better choices, to 'develop life skills, higher expectations and self-confidence. Students will be encouraged to redirect themselves toward becoming lifelong learners and productive citizens.


            Mr. Johnson motioned to change the mission statement and offered the following statement. The motion did not receive a second.


            R.S. 17:416.2 requires every school district to have either an approved waiver or an approved alternative school for all students who have been suspended or expelled. The Acadia Parish School System will either seek such a waiver or provide such a school.


            Mrs. Genevia Johnnie discussed the process used to develop the recommended philosophy. An alternative motion by Mr. Senegal, seconded by Mr. Smith, to adopt the original philosophy statement as submitted, carried by a majority voice vote.


            3.         Beginning enrollment and student population


Begin providing an alternative school for up to 100 middle and high school students who are recommended for expulsion.


            Mr. Michael LeBlanc recommended changing wording regarding eligibility to be more inclusive for special education students. Upon motion by Mr. Senegal, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, wording will be changed to include "and students who are at risk of not continuing their education. "


            4.         Alternative School Screening and Review Committee


Alternative School Screening and Review committee will be comprised of a school administrator, faculty, principal from a nonreferring school and a Special Education Representative (when applicable).


            Upon motion by Mr. Marceaux, seconded by Mr. Boudreaux, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, wording will be changed to "alternative school principal, alternative school faculty member".


            5.         Entry criteria


Acadia Parish students, ages 12-21, recommended for expulsion, agreement of parent/guardian and student, and students reentering school from a correctional facility.


            Upon motion by Mr. Boudreaux, seconded by Mr. Marceaux, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, age requirement will be changed to 11-21 and add "students waiting to enter a correctional facility".


            6.         Exit criteria


Regular education students remain until they complete the assigned expulsion period. Students returning from a correctional facility remain for at least six weeks before reporting to their regular schools. Special education students stay until the beginning of the following school year, pending review of IEP. Any student violating the unexcused absence policy and/or the infractions of the alternative school policy will be terminated from the program.


Upon motion by Mr. Senegal, seconded by Mr. Boudreaux, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the exit criteria was approved as submitted.


            7.         Procedure for entering the alternative school


Hearing officer provides the student with the option of attending the alternative school during the expulsion hearing. Student applies to enter the alternative school. Alternative School Committee interviews parent and student, reviews eligibility requirements and makes a determination. Student is notified of decision, and if accepted is given a date to enter the school.


            Upon motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Daigle, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, procedure for entering the alternative school was approved as submitted.


            8.         Proposed Curriculum for Acadia Parish students


State approved middle/high school curriculum which includes reading, language arts, social studies, science, and math, etc. Computer-assisted curriculum for remediation and enrichment in the state-approved curriculum. Conflict resolution, life skills, counseling.


Upon motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Senegal, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, proposed curriculum for Acadia Parish students was approved as submitted.


9.         Hours of Operation


From 8:15 to 2:30 or 8:30 to 2:30. From 2:30 to 3:30 the Alternative School Screening and Review Committee will review, plan, and have time for staff development.


            Upon motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Trahan, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, hours of operation were approved as submitted.


            10.       Recommended class schedule


            Upon motion by Mr. Marceaux, seconded by Mr. Boudreaux, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, class, scheduling (lunch period) will be adjusted by the principal.


            11.       Transportation


Transportation should be provided to the alternative school. Logistics and costs will be worked out with the transportation supervisor.


            Concern was expressed about having these students on regular buses. After some discussion, Superintendent James recommended allowing the transportation supervisor to work out the logistics. Upon motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a majority voice vote, the proposal for transportation was approved as submitted.


            12.       Staff


Nine staff members to begin will include an administrator, two secondary teachers, two middle school teachers, one special education teacher, one counselor, one secretary/clerk, and one maintenance employee.


Concern was expressed about the duties of teachers prior to full enrollment. Upon motion by Mr. Marceaux, seconded by Ms. Bias, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, administrator was changed to principal, and hire nine staff members as proposed and utilize them appropriately.


            13.       Student-teacher ratio 12 to 1


Staff will need to increase as enrollment reaches maximum of 100 to satisfy a 12 to 1 ratio.


Upon motion by Mr. Boudreaux, seconded by Mr. Senegal, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, student-teacher ratio was approved as submitted.


            14.       Dress Code


Students will wear Acadia Parish School Board approved uniforms and an Acadia Parish Alternative School identification badge.


Upon motion by Mr. Trahan, seconded by Mr. Smith, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the dress code was approved as submitted.


15.       Parent requirements at the alternative school


            Attend mandatory meetings, provide necessary information including valid emergency numbers, accompany student(s) to entry and exit interviews, attend parent/teacher conferences, adhere to alternative school policies (i.e., meetings, school visitations).


            Upon motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Vige', and carried by a unanimous voice vote, parent requirements at the alternative school were approved as submitted.


16.       Policy for entry of special education students


            Special education students are given an option to apply as are other regular education students.


Upon motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Senegal, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, policy for entry of special education students was approved as submitted.


            17.       Recommends computer-assisted instruction at the alternative school


Upon motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Senegal, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, computer-assisted instruction was approved.


            18.       Purchase of Plato Software for the alternative school


Mr. Johnson discussed the merits of Plato but suggested that computer-assisted learning be studied further before a decision is rendered. He also suggested that other schools be considered for such software.


Upon motion by Ms. Bias, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a majority voice vote, purchase of Plato software was approved as submitted.


19.       Compliance with R.S. 17:416.2  Directs the coordinator to do the following:


            Request a waiver of R.S. 17:416.2 for the 98-99 school year pending the acquisition of a site and completion of renovations of the Wal-Mart facility.


            The alternative school proposal shall be submitted to the Louisiana State Department of Education for approval to meet the 60 day requirement.


            This proposal is nonapplicable at this time. No action necessary.


            20.       Name of school  Acadia Parish Alternative School


            Upon motion by Mr. Quebodeaux, seconded by Mr. Senegal, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board approved Acadia Parish Alternative School as the name of the school.


            The main motion by Mr. Quebodeaux, seconded by Mr. Senegal that the Alternative School Task Force recommendation for Alternative School operations be approved as amended carried by a majority voice vote, Mr. Johnson opposed.


            President Hoffpauir thanked Mrs. Genevia Johnnie and the Task Force for all their assistance in developing plans for the alternative school. He also thanked board members and all involved.


SS2)    Upon a motion by Mr. Boudreaux, seconded by Mr. Senegal, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, permission was granted to Crowley High students to travel to NASA in Houston, Texas, on March 26, 1998.




            Upon motion by Mr. Trahan, seconded by Mr. Smith, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.



Myron Clark Hoffpauir, President





Dr. Marietta W. James, Secretary-Treasurer