REGULAR SESSION - Monday, March 13, 2023

Generated by Sharron LeDoux on Tuesday, March 14, 2023


Members present

Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, James Etta David, Frances R Miller


Meeting called to order at 5:00 PM



Procedural: 1.1 Call To Order

Procedural: 1.2 Roll Call

Procedural: 1.3 Prayer

Procedural: 1.4 Pledge of Allegiance led by Egan Elementary 4-H



Action, Minutes: 2.1 Approve the minutes of the February 6, 2023 Regular Session meeting, the minutes of the February 13, 2023 Special Session, and the minutes of the Budget & Finance Committee, and Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee meetings dated February 27, 2023

Motion to approve the minutes of the February 6, 2023 Regular Session, the minutes of the February 13, 2023 Special Session, and the minutes of the Budget & Finance Committee, and Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee meetings dated February 27, 2023

Motion by James Higginbotham, second by Frances R Miller.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, James Etta David, Frances R Miller


Action: 2.2 Consider approval to pay bus driver privatization cost in one lump sum payment

Motion to approve paying bus driver privatization cost in one lump sum payment

Motion by James Higginbotham, second by Steve Jones.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, James Etta David, Frances R Miller


Action: 2.3 Consider approval to purchase property adjacent to Evangeline Elementary

Motion to approve the purchase of property adjacent to Evangeline Elementary

Motion by Milton Simar, second by Frances R Miller.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, James Etta David, Frances R Miller


Action: 2.4 Consider approval of Crowley Kindergarten HVAC / N Crowley Elem HVAC / Crowley Middle School HVAC bid of $657,000, and Crowley High restroom building and Ag addition bid of $679,800, and Central Rayne Kindergarten restroom building bid of $315,700, Rayne High weight room bid of $512,000, all received for ESSER III projects

Motion to approve Crowley Kindergarten HVAC / N Crowley Elem HVAC / Crowley Middle School HVAC bid of $657,000, and Crowley High restroom building and Ag addition bid of $679,800, and Central Rayne Kindergarten restroom building bid of $315,700, and RHS weight room bid of $512,000, all received for ESSER III projects

Motion by James Etta David, second by Steve Jones.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, James Etta David, Frances R Miller


Action: 2.5 Consider rejecting South Crowley Elementary School ESSER III federally funded project bid (no qualified bids received) and authorize readvertisement

Motion to reject South Crowley Elementary School ESSER III federally funded project bid (no qualified bids received) and authorize readvertisement

Motion by Frances R Miller, second by James Etta David.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, James Etta David, Frances R Miller


Action: 2.6 Consider rejecting Church Point Middle School ESSER III federally funded project bid (over budget) and authorize readvertisement

Motion to reject Church Point Middle School ESSER III federally funded project bid (over budget) and authorize readvertisement

Motion by James Higginbotham, second by Ike Richard.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, James Etta David, Frances R Miller


Action: 2.7 Consider approval to declare 19 buses and 10 vehicles as surplus property and give authority to the Superintendent to take any legal action necessary in order to effectuate the sale/removal of the 19 buses and 10 vehicles

Motion to declare 19 buses and 10 vehicles as surplus property and give authority to the Superintendent to take any legal action necessary in order to effectuate the sale/removal of the 19 buses and 10 vehicles

Motion by James Higginbotham, second by Ike Richard.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, James Etta David, Frances R Miller


Action: 2.8 Consider conducting the Regular Session Meeting of April 3, 2023 at the Rayne Civic Center in Rayne, LA

Motion to conduct the Regular Session Meeting of April 3, 2023 at the Rayne Civic Center in Rayne, LA

Motion by James Etta David, second by Frances R Miller.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, James Etta David, Frances R Miller



Action: 3.1 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee regarding approval to add a water well on Section 16, Township 7 South, Range 1 West Acadia Parish

Motion to add a water well on Section 16, Township 7 South, Range 1 West Acadia Parish

Motion by Milton Simar, second by Frances R Miller.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, James Etta David, Frances R Miller


Action: 3.2 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee regarding approval of a budget revision from Head Start Operations Budget

Motion to approve a budget revision from Head Start Operations Budget

Motion by James Etta David, second by Becky Atkinson.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, James Etta David, Frances R Miller


Action: 3.3 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee regarding approval of Head Start's Request for Extension of Expiring Awards for budget period 04/01/2021 - 03/31/2023

Motion to approve Head Start's Request for Extension of Expiring Awards for budget period 04/01/2021 - 03/31/2023

Motion by Frances R Miller, second by Becky Atkinson.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, James Etta David, Frances R Miller


Action: 3.4 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee regarding the 2022-2023 Mid-Year Budget Revisions

Motion to approve the 2022-2023 Mid-Year Budget Revisions

Motion by Frances R Miller, second by Ike Richard.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, James Etta David, Frances R Miller


Action: 3.5 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee regarding approval to advertise and seek bids on hunting lease on 142 acres of Section 16, Township 7 South, Range 1 East Southeast of Eunice in Acadia Parish

Motion to advertise and seek bids on hunting lease on 142 acres of Section 16, Township 7 South, Range 1 East Southeast of Eunice in Acadia Parish

Motion by James Higginbotham, second by Milton Simar.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, James Etta David, Frances R Miller


Action: 3.6 Consider the recommendation of the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee regarding a travel request from Church Point Middle School Science Club to visit NASA Space Center in Houston, TX on May 10, 2023

Motion to approve a travel request from Church Point Middle School Science Club to visit NASA Space Center in Houston, TX on May 10, 2023

Motion by James Higginbotham, second by Ike Richard.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, James Etta David, Frances R Miller



Procedural: 4.1 Receive assignments and changes of personnel

Procedural: 4.2 Receive Sales Tax report



Action, Procedural: 5.1 Adjourn meeting

Motion to adjourn meeting

Motion by Steve Jones, second by James Higginbotham.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, James Etta David, Frances R Miller


Meeting adjourned at 5:47 PM





         Becky F. Atkinson, President



         Scott M. Richard, Superintendent