Acadia Parish School Board Regular Session - Monday, November 1, 2021

Generated by Sharron LeDoux on Tuesday, November 2, 2021


Members present

James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Meeting called to order at 5:00 PM



Procedural: 1.1 Call To Order

Procedural: 1.2 Roll Call

Procedural: 1.3 Prayer

Procedural: 1.4 Pledge of Allegiance



Action, Minutes: 2.1 Approve the minutes of the October 4, 2021 Regular Session meeting, the minutes of the Special Session meeting of October 11, 2021, and the minutes of the Budget & Finance Committee, and Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee meetings dated October 18, 2021

Motion to approve the minutes of the October 4, 2021 Regular Session meeting, the minutes of the Special Session meeting of October 11, 2021, and the minutes of the Budget & Finance Committee, and Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee meetings dated October 18, 2021

Motion by Douglas LaCombe, second by James Proctor.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Action: 2.2 Consider going into Executive Session to discuss workers compensation litigation regarding Rita Rayon

Motion to go into Executive Session to discuss workers compensation litigation regarding Rita Rayon 5:04 PM

Motion by James Higginbotham, second by Ike Richard.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar

Motion to return to Regular Session 5:15 PM

Motion by Douglas LaCombe, second by James Higginbotham.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Action: 2.3 Consider approval of actions relative to the foregoing matters discussed in Executive Session

Motion to approve actions relative to the foregoing matters discussed in Executive Session

Motion by James Higginbotham, second by James Proctor.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Action: 2.4 Consider approval of bids received for Child Nutrition Program freezer

Motion to approve bids received for Child Nutrition Program freezer

Motion by James Higginbotham, second by James Proctor.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Action: 2.5 Consider approval of servitude agreement with CLECO

Motion to approve servitude agreement with CLECO

Motion by James Higginbotham, second by Ike Richard.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Action: 2.6 Consider approval of amendment to oil and gas lease recorded December 10, 2018 under Entry No. 901053, COB A71, Page 98, Records of Acadia Parish

Motion to approve the amendment to oil and gas lease recorded December 10, 2018 under Entry No. 901053, COB A71, Page 98, Records of Acadia Parish

Motion by James Higginbotham, second by James Proctor.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar



Action: 3.1 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee regarding approval to complete a rollover request to the Office of Head Start to carry over $5,621.72 of Head Start funds and $2,799.61 of COVID-19 funds not expended for the 2020-2021 program year

Motion to complete a rollover request to the Office of Head Start to carry over $5,621.72 of Head Start funds and $2,799.61 of COVID-19 funds not expended for the 2020-2021 program year

Motion by Douglas LaCombe, second by James Higginbotham.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Action: 3.2 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee regarding approval to purchase 11 regular route buses

Motion to approve the purchase of 11 regular route buses

Motion by Douglas LaCombe, second by James Proctor.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Action: 3.3 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee regarding approval to purchase 2 buses to be used as mobile STEM Labs dependent upon allowability of ESSER funding

Motion to approve the purchase of 2 buses to be used as mobile STEM Labs dependent upon allowability of ESSER funding

Motion by Douglas LaCombe, second by James Higginbotham.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar



Procedural: 4.1 Receive assignments and changes of personnel

Procedural: 4.2 Receive Sales Tax report



Action, Procedural: 5.1 Adjourn meeting

Motion to adjourn meeting

Motion by Douglas LaCombe, second by James Higginbotham.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar

Meeting adjourned 5:29 PM





         Delo Hebert, President



         Scott M. Richard, Superintendent