Acadia Parish School Board Regular Session - Monday, June 7, 2021

Generated by Sharron LeDoux on Monday, June 7, 2021


Members present

James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Meeting called to order at 5:00 PM



Procedural: 1.1 Call To Order

Procedural: 1.2 Roll Call

Procedural: 1.3 Prayer

Procedural: 1.4 Pledge of Allegiance



Action, Minutes: 2.1 Approve minutes of the May 3, 2021 Regular Session meeting, and the minutes of the Budget & Finance Committee, and Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee meetings dated May 17, 2021

Motion to approve the minutes of Regular Session meeting dated May 3, 2021, and the minutes of the Budget & Finance Committee, and Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee meetings dated May 17, 2021

Motion by Douglas LaCombe, second by James Proctor.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Information: 2.2 Recognize Board members' mandated training hours for calendar year 2020

Each board member should earn a minimum of 6 training hours in a calendar year.  Acadia School Board members have received the following hours in 2020:

Becky Atkinson 12, Delo Hebert 16, James Higginbotham 11.5, Steve Jones 12, Douglas LaCombe 25.5, James Proctor 12, Ike Richard 12, and Milton Simar 12.


Action: 2.3 Consider approving the renewal of general liability insurance for fiscal year 2021-2022 with Property Casualty Alliance of Louisiana (PCAL)

Motion to renew general liability insurance for fiscal year 2021-2022 with Property Casualty Alliance of Louisiana (PCAL)

Motion by James Higginbotham, second by James Proctor.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Action: 2.4 Consider approval of AMIKids Acadiana agreement for 2021-2022

Motion to approve an agreement with AMIKids Acadiana for 2021-2022

Motion by James Higginbotham, second by Ike Richard.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar



Action: 3.1 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee regarding approval to increase the June 10th supplement by $600 for professional and support employees from sales tax funds, and make all yearly pay supplements permanent for fiscal years 2022, 2023, and 2024

Motion to increase the June 10th supplement by $600 for professional and support employees and make all yearly pay supplements permanent for fiscal years 2022, 2023, and 2024.  The Budget & Finance Committee will discuss a November supplement for certified staff

Motion by Douglas LaCombe, second by James Higginbotham.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Action: 3.2 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee regarding approval to increase the hourly wage by $1/hour permanently for all cafeteria workers, maintenance workers, warehouse workers, and custodians for the 2022 Fiscal Year

Motion to increase the hourly wage by $1/hour permanently for all cafeteria workers, maintenance workers, warehouse workers, and custodians for the 2022 Fiscal Year

Motion by Douglas LaCombe, second by Steve Jones.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Action: 3.3 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee regarding approval of the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Salary Book

Motion to approve the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Salary Book

Motion by Douglas LaCombe, second by James Higginbotham.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Action: 3.4 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee regarding approval to authorize the Superintendent to update the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Salary Book by any legislative action taken from the legislative session ending in June 2021

Motion to grant authorization to the Superintendent to update the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Salary Book by any legislative action taken from the legislative session ending in June 2021

Motion by Douglas LaCombe, second by James Higginbotham.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Action: 3.5 Consider recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee regarding approval of Expenditures for the 2021-2022 budget

Motion to approve Expenditures for the 2021-2022 budget

Motion by Douglas LaCombe, second by Ike Richard.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Action: 3.6 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee regarding approval of Industrial Tax Exemption #20200049-ITE for Supreme Rice, LLC (Crowley location)

Motion to approve Industrial Tax Exemption #20200049-ITE for Supreme Rice, LLC (Crowley location)

Motion by James Higginbotham, second by Steve Jones.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar

Abstain: Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert


Action: 3.7 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee regarding approval of Industrial Tax Exemption #20210032-ITE for Supreme Rice, LLC (Mermentau location)

Motion to approve Industrial Tax Exemption #20210032-ITE for Supreme Rice, LLC (Mermentau location)

Motion by Ike Richard, second by James Proctor.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar

Abstain: Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert


Action: 3.8 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee regarding bids received for 2021-2022 Official Journal

Motion to approve bids received for 2021-2022 Official Journal

Motion by Douglas LaCombe, second by James Higginbotham.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Action: 3.9 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee regarding bids received for Child Nutrition Program Paper & Cleaning Supplies Bid 305SL

Motion to approve bids received for Child Nutrition Program Paper and Cleaning Supplies Bid 305SL

Motion by Douglas LaCombe, second by Ike Richard.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Action: 3.10 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee regarding bids received for Child Nutrition Program Milk, Dairy Products & Juice Bid 304SL

Motion to approve bids received for Child Nutrition Program Milk, Dairy Products & Juice Bid 304SL

Motion by Douglas LaCombe, second by James Higginbotham.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Action: 3.11 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee regarding bids received for Child Nutrition Program Pots, Pans, Mops, Sink Chemicals Bid 302SL

Motion to approve bids received for Child Nutrition Program Pots, Pans, Mops, Sink Chemicals Bid 302SL

Motion by Douglas LaCombe, second by James Proctor.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Action: 3.12 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee regarding bids received for Child Nutrition Program Meats, Fruits, Vegetables Condiments and Staple Items Bid #303SL

Motion to approve bids received for Child Nutrition Program Meats, Fruits, Vegetables Condiments and Staple Items Bid #303SL

Motion by Douglas LaCombe, second by James Proctor.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Action: 3.13 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee regarding approval to pay employees a one-time supplement as additional compensation dependent upon allowability of ESSER II funding in June of 2021

Motion to pay employees a one-time supplement as additional compensation dependent upon allowability of ESSER II funding in June of 2021

Motion by Douglas LaCombe, second by James Higginbotham.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Action: 3.14 Consider the recommendation of the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum committee regarding the renewal of employee and retiree health insurance with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana for the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year

Motion to approve the renewal of employee and retiree health insurance with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana for the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year

Motion by James Proctor, second by Milton Simar.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Action: 3.15 Consider the recommendation of the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum committee regarding renewal of crime coverage through North American Solutions

Motion to approve renewal of crime coverage through North American Solutions

Motion by James Proctor, second by Steve Jones.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Action: 3.16 Consider the recommendation of the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum committee approving a job description for Child Nutrition Program Warehouse Manager

Motion to approve Child Nutrition Program Warehouse Manager job description

Motion by James Proctor, second by Ike Richard.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar



Procedural: 4.1 Receive assignments and changes of personnel


Procedural: 4.2 Receive Sales Tax report



Information, Procedural: 5.1 Superintendent's Comments

The Superintendent recognized new curriculum supervisors:  Christy Higginbotham, Elementary Schools, Sam Babineaux, Middle Schools and Wendell Prudhomme, High Schools

The summer learning program starts Thursday June 10, the summer feeding program starts Friday June 11 and the ACT Boot Camp starts next week.  

Teachers of the Year for 2021-2022 are Charlotte Reed, Elementary, Jared Henry, Middle and Charlotte Cope, High Schools.



Action, Procedural: 6.1 Adjourn meeting

Motion to adjourn meeting

Motion by Ike Richard, second by James Higginbotham.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Meeting adjourned 5:53 PM





         Delo Hebert, President



         Scott M. Richard, Superintendent