Acadia Parish School Board Regular Session - Monday, April 19, 2021
Generated by Sharron LeDoux on Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Members present
James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar
Meeting called to order at 5:15 p.m.
Procedural: 1.2 Call To Order
Procedural: 1.3 Roll Call
Procedural: 1.4 Prayer
Procedural: 1.5 Pledge of Allegiance
Recognition: 1.6 Recognition of APSB overall Students of the Year awardees in grades 5, 8 and 12 Mire Elementary 5th grader Calli Richard, Branch Elementary 8th grader Raeghan Gartman and Iota High School 12th grader Kyle Guidry were recognized by the Board as the 2020-2021 Parish Students of the Year
Action, Minutes: 2.1 Approve the minutes of the March 1, 2021 Regular Session meeting, and the minutes of the Special Session, Budget & Finance Committee, and Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee meetings dated March 22, 2021
Motion to approve the minutes of the March 1, 2021 Regular Session meeting, and the minutes of the Special Session, Budget & Finance Committee, and Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee meetings dated March 22, 2021
Motion by James Higginbotham, second by James Proctor.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar
Action: 2.2 Consider approval of Head Start 2021-2022 Request for Supplemental Funding (COLA) application
Motion to approve Head Start 2021-2022 Request for Supplemental Funding (COLA) application
Motion by James Higginbotham, second by James Proctor.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar
Action: 2.3 Consider approval to purchase 2 vehicles for the Head Start Program using Head Start funding
Motion to approve the purchase of 2 vehicles for the Head Start Program using Head Start funding
Motion by Steve Jones, second by James Higginbotham.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar
Action: 3.1 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee regarding approval to purchase 5 buses to be used as activity buses dependent upon allowability of ESSERF II funding
Motion to approve the purchase of 5 buses to be used as activity buses dependent upon allowability of ESSERF II funding
Motion by Delo Hebert, second by Steve Jones.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar
Action: 3.2 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee regarding approval of summer remediation pay schedules
Motion to approve the summer remediation pay schedules
Motion by Delo Hebert, second by Becky Atkinson.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar
Action: 3.3 Consider the recommendation of the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee regarding approval of the 2021-2022 school year calendars
Motion to approve the 2021-2022 school year calendars
Motion by Delo Hebert, second by James Proctor.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar
Action: 3.4 Consider the recommendation of the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee regarding reviewing and considering changes to the APSB Health Insurance Vesting Schedule
Motion to amend agenda to add item - Consider appointing of a committee by Board President to review and consider changes to the APSB Health Insurance Vesting Schedule
Motion by Milton Simar, second by Steve Jones.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar
Motion for Board President to appoint a committee to review and consider changes to the APSB Health Insurance Vesting Schedule
Motion by Milton Simar, second by Steve Jones.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar
Procedural: 4.1 Receive assignments and changes of personnel
Procedural: 4.2 Receive Sales Tax report
Information, Procedural: 5.1 Superintendent's Comments
Action, Procedural: 6.1 Adjourn meeting
Motion to adjourn meeting
Motion by Milton Simar, second by James Proctor.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar
Meeting Adjourned at 5:45 p.m.
Information: 6.2 Notice: Upon adjournment an informational workshop will be conducted to review RFP proposals received for student transportation services with no action to be taken. Informational only workshop will occur at the Board's regular meeting place located at 2402 N. Parkerson Avenue, Crowley, LA 70526
An information only workshop was conducted to review RFP proposals received for student transportation services beginning at 5:45 and ending at 6:45 p.m.
Delo Hebert, President
Scott M. Richard, Superintendent