REGULAR SESSION (Monday, July 1, 2019)
Generated by Sharron LeDoux on Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Members present
James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, Milton Simar
Meeting called to order at 5:01 PM
Procedural: 1.1 Call To Order
Procedural: 1.2 Roll Call
Procedural: 1.3 Prayer led by James Proctor. Superintendent Richard asked for a moment of silence and prayer for the family of Acadia Parish student Layne Perry that passed away in a car accident over the weekend
Procedural: 1.4 Pledge of Allegiance led by Steve Jones
Action, Minutes: 2.1 Approve minutes of the June 3, 2019 Regular Session meeting, and the minutes of the Budget & Finance Committee, and Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee meetings dated June 10, 2019
Motion to approve minutes of the June 3, 2019 Regular Session meeting, and the minutes of the Budget & Finance Committee, and Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee meetings dated June 10, 2019
Motion by James Proctor, second by Ike Richard.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, Milton Simar
Action: 2.2 Conduct a Public Hearing on the 2019-2020 budget
Motion to conduct a public hearing on the 2019-2020 budget
Motion by Steve Jones, second by James Proctor.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, Milton Simar
Public Hearing opened with comments from Superintendent Richard. Time was allowed for public comment.
Motion to close public hearing on the 2019-2020 budget
Motion by Douglas LaCombe, second by Steve Jones.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, Milton Simar
Action: 2.3 Adopt the resolution for the Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the General Fund, Special Revenue, and other funds for the period beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020
Resolution was read into record by Superintendent Richard.
Motion to adopt the resolution for the Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the General Fund, Special Revenue, and other funds for the period beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020
Motion by Douglas LaCombe, second by Becky Atkinson.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, Milton Simar
Resolution adopting an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the General, Special Revenue, and Other Funds, for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020
A resolution adopting and implementing the Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the General, Special Revenue, and Other Funds for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020 for the Acadia Parish School Board is hereby presented, to wit:
WHEREAS, the Superintendent/Secretary-Treasurer, in the capacity as chief administrative officer of the Acadia Parish School Board, Crowley, Louisiana has had prepared a proposed Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the General, Special Revenue, and Other Funds for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020, which was accompanied by a budget adoption resolution with comments; and,
WHEREAS, the proposed Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the General, Special Revenue, and Other Funds for the Fiscal Year for July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020 as shown in the Annual Operating Budget document shows the revenues itemized by source and the expenditures itemized by function as required by Louisiana R.S. 39:1305; and,
WHEREAS, the adoption of the proposed Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures is hereby declared to operate as an appropriation of the amount herein set forth within the terms of the budget classification for the General Fund, Special Revenue - Maintenance Funds, and the School Lunch Fund; and,
WHEREAS, the appropriation for all other Special Revenue - Federal Funds Budgets presented herein shall be in accordance with budgetary expenditure limits and classifications approved by the Department of Education, the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, or any other appropriate state or federal agency; such approval by these agencies represents full permission to expend funds accordingly; and,
WHEREAS, the accompanying budget adoption resolution has been submitted to the Acadia Parish School Board for review and consideration; and,
WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing on the proposed General Fund Budget and notice of the availability of the proposed budgets for review at such hearing, has been timely published in the official journal and posted; and,
WHEREAS, a public hearing on the proposed General Fund Budget has now been reviewed and considered; now,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board that the proposed General Fund Budget for the period July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 is hereby approved, adopted, and finalized;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Superintendent/Secretary-Treasurer of the School Board, is hereby authorized to make such changes within the various budget classifications as he may deem necessary provided that any reallocation of funds affecting in excess of five percent (5%) of the projected revenue collections must be approved in advance by action of the School Board at a meeting duly noticed and convened.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Superintendent/Secretary-Treasurer of the Acadia Parish School Board in his capacity as chief administrative officer of the School Board is hereby directed to advise the Acadia Parish School Board in writing when, to wit: (a) total revenue collections and other sources plus projected revenues and other sources for the remainder of the year, within a fund, are failing to meet total budgeted revenues and other sources by five percent (5%) or more; or, (b) total expenditures and other uses plus projected expenditures and other uses for the remainder of the year, within a fund, are exceeding the total budgeted expenditures and other uses by five percent (5%) or more; or, (c) the actual beginning fund balance, within a fund, fails to meet the estimated beginning fund balance by five percent (5%) or more, and the fund balance is being used to fund current year expenditures.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Superintendent/Secretary-Treasurer of the Acadia Parish School Board shall certify completion of all actions required by Louisiana R.S. 39:1306 by publishing a notice of the minutes of the meeting in the official journal.
This final resolution, with accompanying comments, was offered for consideration on a motion by Douglas LaCombe , seconded by Becky Atkinson , and carried, and the vote thereon was 7 YEAS, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSTAINING, and 1 ABSENT.
Thus done and adopted, on the 1st day of July 2019 in the City of Crowley, Parish of Acadia, State of Louisiana.
Attested: /s/ Delo Hebert
Delo Hebert, Board Vice-President
/s/ Scott Richard
Scott Richard, Superintendent
Action: 2.4 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee adopting final revisions for the 2018-2019 budget
Motion to adopt final revisions for the 2018-2019 budget
Motion by Delo Hebert, second by James Proctor.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, Milton Simar
Action: 2.5 Consider approval of bids received for Bid 289SL Milk, Dairy Products & Juice
Motion to approve bids received for Bid 289SL Milk, Dairy Products & Juice
Motion by Steve Jones, second by Ike Richard.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, Milton Simar
Action: 3.1 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee regarding approval of the Technology Usage Resolution for replaced equipment for the Acadia Parish School System
Motion to approve the Technology Usage Resolution for replaced equipment for the Acadia Parish School System
Motion by Delo Hebert, second by Becky Atkinson.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, Milton Simar
BE IT RESOLVED that at the July 1, 2019 meeting of the Acadia Parish School Board, the following resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS, Article 7, Section 14(B) of the Louisiana Constitution of 1974 allows for "the donation of the use of public equipment and personnel by a political subdivision upon request to another political subdivision for an activity or function the requesting political subdivision is authorized to exercise"; and,
WHEREAS the Acadia Parish School Board (hereinafter “Board”) is constitutionally charged with the provision of a quality education to students throughout Acadia Parish and which often involves the regular integration of technology equipment designed to enhance student instruction; and,
WHEREAS, within the Acadia Parish School System there are three political subdivisions/taxing districts: the Fifth Ward School District Number 7 of Acadia Parish; the Iota-Egan Oilfield Consolidated School District Number 8; and, the Church Point School District Number 6 (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Taxing Districts); and,
WHEREAS, in the Taxing Districts, the acquisition of updated technology equipment results in the storage of that equipment which is replaced, as it is no longer needed in such areas of the parish, but remains fully operable; and,
WHEREAS, there is a need to use the replaced/stored instructional technology equipment in other areas of the school system,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that in instances whereby replaced instructional technology equipment can be used in other areas of the District as evidenced by written requests of need, the Superintendent of Schools be and is hereby authorized to allow the use of such equipment in other areas of the District; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that written documentation be maintained identifying the specific instructional technology equipment by item description and school location of transfer.
THUS DONE in Crowley, Louisiana on the 1st day of July, 2019, in accordance with the following votes:
YEAS: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert,
Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, Milton Simar
NAYS: None
ABSENT: James Higginbotham
_ _ /s/ Scott Richard_ _
Action: 3.2 Consider the recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee regarding approval of FY 2019-2020 salary book
Steve Jones recommendation a committee to review and update book.
Motion to approve the FY 2019-2020 salary book
Motion by Delo Hebert, second by Douglas LaCombe.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, Milton Simar
Action: 3.3 Consider the recommendation of the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee regarding dates of Board and Committee meetings through February 2020
Motion to approve dates of Board and Committee meetings through February 2020
Motion by James Proctor, second by Ike Richard.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, Milton Simar
Action: 3.4 Consider the recommendation of the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee regarding approval of updated job descriptions for School Building Level Committee/Response to Intervention Facilitator and English as a Second Language/Migrant Teacher
Motion to approve the updated job descriptions for School Building Level Committee/Response to Intervention Facilitator and English as a Second Language/Migrant Teacher
Motion by James Proctor, second by Becky Atkinson.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, Milton Simar
Procedural: 4.1 Receive assignments and changes of personnel
Procedural: 4.2 Receive Sales Tax report
Information, Procedural: 5.1 Superintendent's Comments
Superintendent Richard thanked the teachers, principals and staff for their work during the first half of this busy summer.
He wished everyone a happy and safe 4th of July holiday.
Action, Procedural: 6.1 Adjourn meeting
Motion to adjourn meeting
Motion by Milton Simar, second by Ike Richard.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, Becky Atkinson, Steve Jones, Ike Richard, Milton Simar
Meeting adjourned 5:25 PM
James Higginbotham, President
Scott M. Richard, Superintendent