REGULAR SESSION (Monday, September 10, 2018)
Generated by Sharron LeDoux on Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Members present James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, Douglas LaCombe
Meeting called to order at 5:01 p.m.
David Lalande joined the meeting at 5:03 p.m.
Procedural: 1.1 Call To Order
Procedural: 1.2 Roll Call
Procedural: 1.3 Prayer led by James Proctor
Procedural: 1.4 Pledge of Allegiance led by Douglas LaCombe
Action, Procedural: 1.5 Consider approval of a revised agenda, if there are any changes None
Action, Minutes, Procedural: 1.6 Approve minutes of meeting dated August 6, 2018
Motion to approve minutes of meeting dated August 6, 2018
Motion by James Proctor, second by Delo Hebert.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, Douglas LaCombe, David Lalande
Recognition: 1.7 Recognize Crowley High FFA for recent State and National accomplishments
The Ag students introduced themselves to the Board and gave a report on their many accomplishments as: Gold Emblem Chapter in State, 3rd Overall Program in State, 3 Star Ranking on National Level, 2nd in State Dairy Cattle Judging, 2nd in State Nursery Landscaping. FFA student Taylor Perrodin was elected as State Officer, and FFA student Brennan Credeur was elected Area Officer.
Action: 2.1 Consider recommendation of the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee regarding changes to Policy File JCDB Student Dress Code as a result of legislation
Motion to approve recommendation of the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee regarding changes to Policy File JCDB Student Dress Code as a result of legislation
Motion by Delo Hebert, second by James Proctor.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, Douglas LaCombe, David Lalande
Action: 3.1 Consider recommendation of the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee regarding a travel request from Church Point High School for Spanish classes to travel to San Antonio, TX from Thursday, December 20, 2018 through December 23, 2018
Motion to approve the recommendation of the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee regarding a travel request from Church Point High School for Spanish classes to travel to San Antonio, TX from Thursday, December 20, 2018 through December 23, 2018
Motion by Gene Daigle, second by Delo Hebert.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, Douglas LaCombe, David Lalande
Action: 3.2 Consider recommendation of the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum regarding a travel request for Technology Department to travel to Austin, TX from September 17, 2018 through September 21, 2018
Motion to approve recommendation of the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum regarding a travel request for Technology Department to travel to Austin, TX from September 17, 2018 through September 21, 2018
Motion by Delo Hebert, second by James Proctor.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, Douglas LaCombe, David Lalande
Action: 3.3 Consider recommendation of the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee requesting Head Start updates be a standing item on Committee meeting agendas
Motion to approve recommendation of the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee requesting Head Start updates be a standing item on Committee meeting agendas
Motion by James Proctor, second by Delo Hebert.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, Douglas LaCombe, David Lalande
Action: 3.4 Consider Head Start Director salary correction
Motion to approve Head Start Director salary correction
Motion by James Proctor, second by Delo Hebert.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, Douglas LaCombe, David Lalande
Action: 3.5 Consider recommendation of the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee regarding options for legal services and approving of resolution
Motion to approve recommendation of the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum Committee regarding options for legal services and approving of resolution
Motion by Milton Simar, second by James Proctor.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, Douglas LaCombe, David Lalande
Nay: Gene Daigle
Action: 3.6 Consider recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee regarding Substantial Completion of Iota Elementary New Gymnasium
Motion to approve recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee regarding Substantial Completion of Iota Elementary New Gymnasium
Motion by David Lalande, second by Milton Simar.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, Douglas LaCombe, David Lalande
Action: 3.7 Consider recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee regarding the Audit Compliance Questionnaire for the year ending June 30, 2018
Motion to approve the recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee regarding the Audit Compliance Questionnaire for the year ending June 30, 2018
Motion by David Lalande, second by Delo Hebert.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, Douglas LaCombe, David Lalande
Action: 3.8 Consider recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee adopting the Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire Resolution
Motion to approve the recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee adopting the Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire Resolution
Motion by David Lalande, second by Delo Hebert.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, Douglas LaCombe, David Lalande
Action: 3.9 Consider recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee regarding a change to the bus driver field trip form
Motion to approve recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee regarding a change to the bus driver field trip form, specifically adding a $15 payment to the bus driver for the first additional field trip stop
Motion by David Lalande, second by Milton Simar.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, Douglas LaCombe, David Lalande
Action, Procedural: 3.10 Consider dates for the next committee meeting, September 17, 2018, and next board meeting, October 1, 2018
Motion to approve dates for the next committee meeting, September 17, 2018, and next board meeting, October 1, 2018
Motion by Delo Hebert, second by James Proctor.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, Douglas LaCombe, David Lalande
Information, Procedural: 3.11 Correspondence
Procedural: 5.1 Receive assignments and changes of professional employees
Procedural: 5.2 Receive retirement notification of employees
Procedural: 5.3 Receive Sales Tax report
Information, Procedural: 6.1 Superintendent's Comments
Paula Cutrer, Principal of Ross Elementary is the honoree of the 2018 Women Who Mean Business award.
A benefit rodeo will be held on September 14 and 15, 2018 at the Rice Arena in Crowley for Iota Elementary student Gracie Zaunbrecher. We are now halfway through the first grading period and staffing has stabilized. Mr. Richard thanked all teachers and staff for a smooth opening.
Action, Procedural: 7.1 Adjourn meeting
Motion to adjourn meeting
Motion by Delo Hebert, second by Milton Simar.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, Douglas LaCombe, David Lalande
Meeting Adjourned 5:39 p.m.
James Higginbotham, President
Scott M. Richard, Superintendent