SPECIAL SESSION (Monday, March 19, 2018)

Generated by TaLisa Fontenot on Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Members present

James Proctor, Delo Hebert, John Suire, David Lalande, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, Douglas LaCombe


Meeting called to order at 5:04 PM




Procedural: 1.01 Call To Order


Procedural: 1.02 Roll Call


Procedural: 1.04 Pledge of Allegiance


Action: 1.05 Reading of the letter calling for Special Session


Action, Procedural: 1.06 Consider approval of revised agenda, if there are any changes

Move Routine Item 3.02 to 3.01


Motion to approve revised agenda, if there any changes


Motion by David Lalande, second by James Proctor.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, John Suire, David Lalande, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, Douglas LaCombe






Action: 3.01 Consider going into Excecutive Session to discuss disciplinary action

Motion to consider going into Excecutive Session to discuss disciplinary action regarding student matter 42:17A7  5:07 p.m.


Motion by David Lalande, second by James Proctor.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, John Suire, David Lalande, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, Douglas LaCombe


Motion to consider going back into Special Session 5:20 p.m.


Motion by Douglas LaCombe, second by Delo Hebert.

Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, John Suire, David Lalande, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, Douglas LaCombe


Action: 3.02 Hear presentation from Hammonds & Sills regarding procedures for hiring process of Superintendent

Mr. Hammonds made recommendation to vote on the following items for approval regarding procedures for hiring process of Superintendent


Consider advertising annual salary range of Superintendent $130,000 - $160,000


Motion to consider advertising annual salary range of Superintendent $130,000 - $160,000


Motion by James Proctor, second by David Lalande

At this time a substitue motion was made by Milton Simar, second by Gene Daigle to advertise annual salary range of Superintendent at $130,000 - $150,000

By a roll call vote of 3 to 5, motion failed

Yea:  Delo Hebert, Gene Daigle, Milton Simar

Nay:  James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, John Suire, David Lalande, James Higginbotham


By a roll call vote of 5 to 3, original motion to consider advertising annual salary range of Superintendent $130,000 - $160,000, motion carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, John Suire, David Lalande, James Higginbotham

Nay: Delo Hebert, Gene Daigle, Milton Simar


Consider advertising for Superintendent using procedures presented by Bob Hammonds of Hammonds & Sills


Motion to consider advertising for Superintendent using procedures presented by Bob Hammonds of Hammonds & Sills


Motion by James Proctor, second by Milton Simar

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, John Suire, David Lalande, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, Douglas LaCombe

Consider approving timeline of hiring procedures of Superintendent presented by Bob Hammonds of Hammonds & Sills


Motion to consider approving timeline of hiring procedures of Superintendent presented by Bob Hammonds of Hammonds & Sills

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, John Suire, David Lalande, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, Douglas LaCombe






Procedural: 6.01 Superintendent's Comments




Action, Procedural: 7.01 Adjournment



Motion to adjourn meeting


Motion by John Suire, second by Milton Simar.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Delo Hebert, John Suire, David Lalande, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar, Douglas LaCombe





James Higginbotham, President



John E. Bourque, Superintendent