REGULAR SESSION of Acadia Parish School Board (Monday, August 7, 2017)

Generated by TaLisa Fontenot on Thursday, August 10, 2017


Members present

James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, John Suire, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Meeting called to order at 5:04 PM




Procedural: 1.1 Call To Order


Procedural: 1.2 Roll Call


Procedural: 1.3 Prayer


Procedural: 1.4 Pledge of Allegiance


Action, Procedural: 1.5 Consider approval of a revised agenda, if there are any changes


Action, Minutes, Procedural: 1.6 Approve minutes of meeting dated July 10, 2017


Motion to approve minutes dated July 10, 2017


Motion by Gene Daigle, second by James Proctor

Final Resolution:  Motion Carried

Yea:  James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, John Suire, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar





Information: 3.1 Hear a report on Child Nutrition services

Mrs. Vidrine gave a report on Child Nutrition services for the 2017-2018 school year


Action: 3.2 Approve the Audit Compliance Questionnaire for the year ending June 30, 2017


Motion to approve the Audit Compliance Questionnaire for the year ending June 30, 2017


Motion by Milton Simar, second by Delo Hebert

Final Resolution:  Motion Carried

Yea:  James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, John Suire, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Action: 3.3 Consider Adopting the Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire Resolution


Motion to approve adopting the Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire Resolution by a roll call vote


Motion by James Proctor, second by Gene Daigle

Final Resolution:  Motion Carried


YEAS:  James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, John Suire, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar

NAYS:  None

By a roll call vote of 7-0, Motion Carried


Action: 3.4 Consider renewal of excess coverage of workers compensation


Motion to consider renewal of excess coverage of workers compensation


Motion by Douglas LaCombe, second by Delo Hebert

Final Resolution:  Motion Carrired


Action, Procedural: 3.5 Consider dates for the next committee August 21, 2017 and board meeting September 11, 2017


Motion to consider dates for the next committee August 21, 2017 and board meeting September 11, 2017


Motion by Delo Hebert, second by James Proctor

Final Resoltuion:  Motion Carried


Information, Procedural: 3.6 Correspondence

Bus Logs, Per Pupil Spending, Fall Trailblazer, LSBA bill passed




Discussion: 4.1 Discuss the sale of used buses

Mr. Carrier went over the 6 used buses for sale and if we don't receive minimum bid then board will vote to rebid again




Procedural: 5.1 Receive assignments and changes of professional employees


Procedural: 5.2 Receive retirement notification of employees


Procedural: 5.3 Receive Sales Tax report




Information, Procedural: 6.1 Superintendent's Comments

Mr. Bourque mentioned breakfast and lunches, school supplies being supplied, thanked organizations supplied schools supplies, introduced Desiree, Crowley Post Signal, went over Per Pupil spending comparison throughout the state.




Action, Procedural: 7.1 Adjourn meeting

5:27 p.m.


Motion to adjourn meeting

Motion by Delo Hebert, second by Milton Simar

Final Resolution:  Motion Carried







James Higginbotham, President



John E. Bourque, Superintendent