REGULAR SESSION of Acadia Parish School Board (Monday, February 6, 2017)

Generated by TaLisa Fontenot on Wednesday, February 22, 2017


 Members present
James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, John Suire, David Lalande, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


 Meeting called to order at 4:02 PM




Procedural: 1.1 Call To Order


Procedural: 1.2 Roll Call


Procedural: 1.3 Prayer


Procedural: 1.4 Pledge of Allegiance


Action, Procedural: 1.5 Consider approval of a revised agenda, if there are any changes


Action, Minutes, Procedural: 1.6 Approve minutes of meeting dated December 5, 2017 and Special Session minutes dated January 23, 2017


Motion to approve minutes of meeting dated December 5, 2017 and Special Session minutes dated January 23, 2017


Motion by Delo Hebert, second by James Proctor.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, Delo Hebert, John Suire, David Lalande, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar


Information: 1.7 Hear comments from John Stefanski


John Stefanski, Candidate for District 42, State Representative, introduced himself to the board and asked for everyone's support.


Recognition: 1.9 Recognize Support Personnel


Mrs. Baggett introduced the Support Personnel of the Year as follows:

Donna Gildersleeve – Secondary

Teresa Henny- Middle School

Kate Crews - Elementary






Action: 3.1 Consider recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee to continue retaining Broussard Poche', LLP as audit firm for the year ending June 30, 2017


Motion to approve the recommendation of the Budget & Finance Committee to continue retaining Broussard Poche', LLP as audit firm for the year ending June 30, 2017


Motion by Delo Hebert, second by John Suire.

Action: 3.2 Consider recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee granting permission to advertise for the Official Journal for 2017-2018


Motion to approve the recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee granting permission to advertise for the Official Journal for 2017-2018


Motion by Milton Simar, second by Douglas LaCombe.


Action: 3.3 Consider recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee approving bids received for Child Nutrition Bid 272SL, large equipment


Motion to consider recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee approving bids received for Child Nutrition Bid 272SL, large equipment


Motion by John Suire, second by Delo Hebert.


Action: 3.4 Consider recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee to affirm the calendar for revisions of the 2016-2017 budget and for the 2017-2018 budget adoption calendar


Motion to approve the recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee to affirm the calendar for revisions of the 2016-2017 budget and for the 2017-2018 budget adoption calendar


Motion by John Suire, second by James Proctor.


Action: 3.5 Consider request from Rayne High Health Sciences Class to travel to Houston, TX Health Museum on February 17, 2017


Motion to consider request from Rayne High Health Sciences Class to travel to Houston, TX Health Museum on February 17, 2017


Motion by David Lalande, second by Delo Hebert.


Action, Procedural: 3.6 Consider dates for the next committee February 20, 2017 and board meeting March 6, 2017


Motion to approve dates for next committee February 20, 2017 and board meeting March 6, 2017


Motion by Delo Hebert, second by Milton Simar.


Information, Procedural: 3.7 Correspondence






Procedural: 5.1 Receive retirement notification of employees


Information, Procedural: 5.3 Receive Sales Tax report




 Information, Procedural: 6.1 Superintendent's Comments


Mr. Bourque commented that he heard on the radio that Monday after Superbowl, no absences. We had 14 bus drivers out today. Mr. Daigle would be in hospital another 2 weeks, getting better each day. We will be receiving sales tax from Amazon between March and April. Spoke of letter grade schools and the State Dept. Thanked Mr. Suire and Mr. Stefanski for being here and wished them luck.




 Action, Procedural: 7.1 Adjourn meeting


Motion to adjourn meeting 

5:29 p.m.


Motion by John Suire, second by Delo Hebert.