REGULAR SESSION of the Acadia Parish School Board (Monday, April 11, 2016)
Generated by TaLisa Fruge on Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Members present
James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, John Suire, David Lalande, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar
Absent: Delo Hebert
Meeting called to order at 5:00 PM
Procedural: 1.1 Roll Call
Procedural: 1.2 Prayer
Rev. Proctor led the prayer
Procedural: 1.3 Pledge of Allegiance
Mr. Simar led the pledge
Action, Procedural: 1.4 Consider approval of a revised agenda, if there are any changes
Delete Opening Item 1.7
Motion to delete Opening Item 1.7
Motion by John Suire, second by James Higginbotham.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, John Suire, David Lalande, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar
Action, Minutes, Procedural: 1.5 Approve minutes of meeting dated March 7, 2016
Motion to approve minutes of meeting dated March 7, 2016
Motion by Milton Simar, second by James Proctor.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, John Suire, David Lalande, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar
Action: 3.1 Consider proclaiming the week of April 18-22, 2016 as Attendance Awareness Week
Mr. Lacombe read the Proclamation proclaiming April 18-22, 2016 as Attendance Awareness Week
Motion to proclaim the week of April 18-22, 2016 as Attendance Awareness Week
Motion by Milton Simar, second by James Higginbotham.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, John Suire, David Lalande, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar
Action: 3.2 Consider recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee regarding hunting lease bids for wooded portion of Section 16, T7S, R1E, Southeast of Eunice
On a motion by Rev. Proctor, seconded by Mr. Lalande, and carried, the Budget & Finance committee recommended approval of hunting lease bids for a wooded portion of Section 16, T7S, R1E, Southeast of Eunice to the highest bidder, Mr Aaron J. Smith, for $2,000 annually.
Motion by John Suire, second by Gene Daigle.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, John Suire, David Lalande, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar
Action: 3.3 Consider recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee regarding Head Start Application for 2016-2017
On a motion by Rev. Proctor, seconded by Mr. Lalande, and carried, the Budget & Finance committee recommended approval of the Head Start Application for 2016-2017
Motion by John Suire, second by James Proctor.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, John Suire, David Lalande, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar
Action: 3.4 Consider recommendation of the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum committee regarding school calendar for 2016-2017
On a motion by Mr. Hebert, seconded by Mr. Simar, and carried, the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum committe recommended approval of school calendars for 2016-2017
Motion by James Higginbotham, second by Milton Simar.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, John Suire, David Lalande, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar
Action: 3.5 Canvas the returns and declare the results of the election held by School District No. 6 Church Point on Saturday, March 5, 2016
Motion to canvas the returns and declare the results of the election held by School District No. 6 Church Point on Saturday, March 5, 2016
Motion by Gene Daigle, second by James Higginbotham.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, John Suire, David Lalande, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar
Action: 3.6 Canvas the returns and declare the results of the election held by School District No. 7 Fifth Ward on Saturday, March 5, 2016
Motion to canvas the returns and declare the results of the election held by School District No. 7 Fifth Ward on Saturday, March 5, 2016
Motion by James Higginbotham, second by Gene Daigle.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, John Suire, David Lalande, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar
Action: 3.7 Canvas the returns and declare the results of the election held by School District No. 8 Iota-Egan on Saturday, March 5, 2016
Motion to canvas the returns and declare the results of the election held by School District No. 8 Iota-Egan on Saturday, March 5, 2016
Motion by Milton Simar, second by Gene Daigle.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, John Suire, David Lalande, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar
Action, Procedural: 3.8 Consider dates for the next committee and board meeting
Committee April 25, 2016 and board meeting May 2, 2016
Motion to approve dates for next committee and board meeting
Motion by David Lalande, second by Milton Simar.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, John Suire, David Lalande, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar
Information, Procedural: 3.9 Correspondence
School board raining certificates, thank you letter from Maxine Trahan, Sheriff's Dept., and Day at the Capitol, Wednesday, April, 27, 2016
Procedural: 5.1 Receive assignments and changes of professional employees. Receive retirement notification of employees
Procedural: 5.2 Receive retirement notification of employees
Procedural: 5.3 Receive Sales Tax report
Information, Procedural: 6.1 Superintendent's Comments
Mr. Bourque mentioned the passing of the elections was a great accomplishment, IHS powerlifting team was great to see, and testing right around the corner.
Action, Procedural: 7.1 Adjourn meeting
5:25 p.m.
Motion to adjourn meeting
Motion by Milton Simar, second by John Suire.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Yea: James Proctor, Douglas LaCombe, John Suire, David Lalande, Gene Daigle, James Higginbotham, Milton Simar