April 24, 2013


The Acadia Parish School Board met on this the 24th day of April, 2013 at 5:00 p.m., in a SPECIAL SESSION at Crowley, Louisiana, with President Mr. Gene Daigle presiding, pursuant to the following notice given in writing to each and every member thereof and duly posted in the manner required by law, viz.


April 18, 2013


Dear Board Member:


By virtue of the authority vested in me by law by reason of the fact that it is deemed necessary, advisable, and to the public interest that the Acadia Parish School Board is called to a SPECIAL SESSION; therefore, I, Douglas J. LaCombe, President of the Acadia Parish School Board, do hereby give notice that a special meeting of the said Board will be held at its domicile in the City of Crowley, Louisiana, at 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 24, 2013, for the purpose of discussing, and, if deemed advisable, acting upon the following proposition(s), to wit:






1.      Oath of Office for newly elected District 5 board member.

2.      Consider 12 month school calendar.

3.      Consider the purchase of band uniforms for Rayne High.

4.      Consider appointment of Principal, Crowley High school.   

5.      Consider appointment of Supervisor of Secondary Education and other assignments.

6.      Consider request from Lee Ann Wall, Iota Middle, to attend Learn Zillion, Common Core professional development from May 2, 2013 – May 5, 2013 in San Francisco, California.







Douglas J. LaCombe, President

Acadia Parish School Board





1)               Mr. Douglas LaCombe called the meeting to order.  Members present were Mr. Lynn Shamsie, Mr. James Higginbotham, Mr. Gene Daigle, Mr. John Suire, Mr. Israel Syria, Mr. Milton Simar, Mrs. Janet Boudreaux, and Superintendent John Bourque. 


2)         Mr. Syria led the prayer.


3)         Mr. Suire led the pledge of allegiance.


4)         Reading of the letter calling for Special Session.


                        Mr. Douglas LaCombe read the letter calling for a special session.




1)        Oath of Office for newly elected District 5 board member.


             Mr. Caswell read the oath of office and sworn in Mr. David Lalande, newly elected District 5 board member.  Mr. LaCombe presented Mrs. Janet Boudreaux a plaque of appreciation for her service to the board. 


2)       Consider 12 month calendar.


  Mr. Shamsie made a move to accept the calendar and remove the four extra days worked, seconded by Mr. Syria, after much discussion,  Mr. Daigle made a motion to table item until next board meeting, seconded by Mr. Lalande, and carried, item will be tabled until May board meeting.


3)        Consider the purchase of band uniforms for Rayne High.


            Upon motion by Mr. Suire, seconded by Mr. Lalande, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the board approved the purchase of 75 band uniforms for Rayne High with an annual repayment plan for five years.


4)         Consider appointment of Principal, Crowley High school.


            Mr. Bourque recommended Mr. Perry Myles, Principal, Crowley High school.  Mr. Myles was congratulated by the committee.


5)         Consider appointment of Secondary Supervisor of Secondary Education and other assignments.


            Mr. Bourque recommended Dr. Gibson Miller, Secondary Supervisor of Secondary Education.  Dr. Miller was congratulated by the committee.


6)         Consider request from Lee Ann Wall, Iota Middle, to attend Learn Zillion, Common Core professional development from May 2, 2013 – May 5, 2013 in San Francisco, California.


            Upon motion by Simar, seconded by Mr. Daigle, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the board approved request from Lee Ann Wall, Iota Middle, to attend Learn Zillion, Common Core professional development from May 2, 2013 – May 5, 2013 in San Francisco, California.




            Upon motion by Mr. Suire, seconded by Mr. Simar, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the meeting adjourned at 5:28 p.m.



Douglas J. LaCombe, President




John E. Bourque, Superintendent