September 12, 2011



The Acadia Parish School Board met on this the 12th day of September, 2011 at 5:00 p.m., in a regular session at Crowley, Louisiana, with President Mr. Gene I. Daigle presiding.  Members present were Mr. Israel Syria, Mr. Milton Simar, Mr. Douglas J. LaCombe, Mr. John A. Suire, Mr. James Higginbotham, Mr. Lynn Shamsie, and Secretary-Treasurer, Superintendent John E. Bourque.   Mr. Roland Boudreaux absent.


2)         Mr. Israel Syria led the prayer.


3)         Mr. Doug LaCombe led the pledge of allegiance.


4)         Consider approval of a revised agenda, if there are any changes.

Upon motion by Mr. Simar, seconded by Mr. LaCombe, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, Opening Item #6A was deleted from the agenda.


5)         Read and approve minutes of the August 1, 2011 meeting.


Reading of the minutes of the August 1, 2011, board meeting were dispensed (copies of minutes were sent to member prior to this meeting) and upon motion by Mr. Simar, seconded by Mr. Syria, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the August 1, 2011 board meeting minutes were approved.


6)        Recognize Rayne High school FFA National Award.


Dr. Chance introduced faculty and students from Rayne High school to share their accomplishments, including the FFA National Chapter Award.  They made a brief presentation to the board and will be attending the National Convention in October.  They were commended by the board and officially recognized for their exceptional efforts.


6a)      Recognize Debbie Siebert, Iota Middle School.

Mr. Bourque introduced Debbie Siebert, principal at Iota Middle school, who recently had an armed intruder on campus.  She was able to diffuse the situation and prevent any injuries.  She shared the experience and thanked other school and law enforcement officials for their support during this event.  She was commended for her heroic efforts, along with her faculty and staff.






1)         Consider approval of sales tax auditing contract.


Mr. Leonards presented a proposed contract with Tax Compliance & Recovery to provide sales tax auditing services.  We have contacted all of the taxing jurisdictions in the parish, asking them to consider ratification of the agreement at their next scheduled meeting.  Mr. Caswell explained that their approval is now required by state law.


2)        Consider recommendation for bus driver in Richard area.


Mr. DeRousselle recommended John Marshall for bus driver in the Richard area. Upon motion by Higginbotham, seconded by Mr. Simar, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the board approved bus driver John Marshall for the Richard area.


3)        Consider recommendation for Council Policy Community Representative.


           Mr. Leonards recommended the following for Council Policy Community representative: John Suire, School Board Member (Crowley, Rayne), Sandra Monroe, Wal Mart Manager, Rebecca Turner, Estherwood Former Parent, and Maxine Trahan, Acadia Parish Sheriff’s Office. Upon motion by Mr. Simar, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the board approved Council Policy Community representatives.


4)        Consider recommendation of the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum committee regarding revisions to Head Start personnel policies.


Sondra Myers discussed proposed changes to the Head Start personnel policies. She will be adding a policy prohibiting the use of personal cell phones by any employee supervising children, except in the case of a true emergency. Upon motion by Mr. LaCombe, seconded by Mr. Syria, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the board approved revisions to Head Start personnel policies.


5)        Consider recommendation of the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum committee regarding Head Start annual report.


Sondra Myers went over the Annual Report for the Head Start program for 2010-2011, discussing the major highlights, statistical and financial data. She proudly announced that the on-site review in May found the program to be 100% in compliance with all applicable guidelines. Upon motion by Mr. LaCombe, seconded by Mr. Syria, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the board approved the Head Start annual report.


6)        Consider recommendation of the Personnel, Insurance & Curriculum committee regarding renewal of excess workers compensation policy.


Mr. Leonards presented a summary of renewal proposals for our excess workers compensation insurance policy which expires next month. He recommended renewing with New York Marine, the same company with the same terms as our expiring policy. Upon motion by Mr. LaCombe, seconded by Mr. Syria, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the board approved renewal of excess workers compensation policy.


7)        Consider recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee regarding reapportionment of school board member districts.


           Mr. Leonards provided an update on the reapportionment of board member districts. He provided a synopsis from demographer Mike Hefner, detailing how this matter was handled and the remaining steps to be taken. He recommended that the board consider a resolution to confirm their acknowledgement of the new boundaries, which can then be filed with necessary authorities. He can handle this matter for us at a cost of $4,900. Upon motion by Mr. Suire, seconded by Mr. Higginbotham, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the board approved reapportionment of school board member districts.


8)        Consider recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee regarding retaining an attorney for rice crop litigation.


Mr. Leonards presented a proposed agreement for legal representation of the Acadia Parish School Board as landowners in the rice crop class action claim. Mr. Caswell recommended working another law firm which specializes in this matter. Upon motion by Mr. Suire, seconded by Mr. Higginbotham, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the board approved retaining an attorney for rice crop litigation.


9)        Consider recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee regarding revisions to agricultural contracts.


Mr. Leonards indicated that Mr. Caswell has approved the revised wording to our agricultural contracts, a copy having been provided to the committee members. Upon motion by Mr. Suire, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the board approved revisions to agricultural contracts.


10)     Consider recommendation of the Budget & Finance committee regarding proposed amendments to easements with covenants and restrictions affecting land.


Mr. Leonards provided a copy of the proposed amendments to covenants and restrictions regarding property owned by Mr. Gatti’s in the old Wal Mart parking lot. Mr. Caswell has met several times with the Gielen’s and as a result of those discussions, they have modified the agreement to everyone’s satisfaction. Bryant Gielen answered questions of the committee. Upon motion by Mr. Suire, seconded by Mr. LaCombe, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the board approved amendments to easements with covenants and restrictions affecting land.


11)     Consider dates for next committee and board meetings.


Upon motion by Mr. LaCombe, seconded by Mr. Higginbotham, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the committee meetings will be September 21, 2011 and the board meeting will be October 3, 2011.


13)     Correspondence.

           Each member received correspondence regarding the media printings in regards to intruder at Iota High school, Zero Tolerance poster, BESE elections and 70% recalculation of instructional requirement.    





           Upon motion by Mr. LaCombe, seconded by Mr. Syria, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, Consent Items 1 through 3 was taken in globo.


1)     Consider assignments and changes of professional employees.

           Upon motion by Mr. LaCombe, seconded by Mr. Syria, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, assignments and changes of professional employees were approved.


2)     Consider retirement notification of employees.

           Upon motion by Mr. LaCombe, seconded by Mr. Syria, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, retirement notification of employees was approved.


3)     Receive Sales Tax Report.

           Upon motion by Mr. LaCombe, seconded by Mr. Syria, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the board received the sales tax report which showed a year to date increase of .12.28%.



           Mr. Bourque mentioned sales taxes are up, commended students who spoke from Rayne High and Iota High, and mentioned a good start to the school year.



There being no other business to come before the Board, upon motion by Mr. Syria, seconded by Mr. Higginbotham,  and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the meeting adjourned at 5:51 p.m.


Gene I. Daigle, President




John E. Bourque, Superintendent