OCTOBER 1, 2007


The Acadia Parish School Board met on this the 1ST day of October 2007, at 5:00 p.m., in a regular session at Crowley, Louisiana, with President. Roland J. Boudreaux presiding.  Members present were Mr. Israel G. Syria, Mr. Douglas J. LaCombe, Mr. Lynn Shamsie, Mr. John A. Suire, Mr. Gene I. Daigle, Mr. James Higginbotham, and Secretary-Treasurer, Superintendent John E. Bourque.  Mr. Milton R. Simar was absent.


2)         Mr. Israel Syria led the prayer.


3)         Mr. Doug LaCombe led the pledge of allegiance.


3a)       Hear from Mr. Dale Bayard, candidate for BESE Board.


Mr. Dale Bayard, candidate for BESE Board, addressed the Board.  He cited ongoing challenges to education in the state.  He is currently seeking reelection to the BESE Board.


4)         Consider approval of a revised agenda, if there are any changes.


The agenda was revised by adding Opening 3a (HEAR FROM MR. DALE BAYARD, CANDIDATE FOR BESE BOARD.)


5)         Read and approve minutes of the September 10, 2007, meeting.


Reading of the minutes of the September 10, 2007, meeting was dispensed with (copies of minutes were sent to each member prior to this meeting) and adopted as submitted, upon motion by Mr. Syria, seconded by Mr. LaCombe, and carried by a unanimous voice vote.


6)         Recognize 2007-08 Head Start Policy Council members and officers.


Mrs. Sondra Myers introduced the 2007-08 Head Start Policy Council members and officers.  Church Point: Parent Representatives, Elizabeth Daigle, and Consala Bourque.  Estherwood: Parent Representative, Ruby Touchet; Parent Representative Alternates, Erica Borill and Dawn LeJeune. Rayne: Chairperson, Mercedes Francis, Secretary/Treasurer, Danell Menard; Parent Representative Alternates, Leola Young Woods and Kaylyn Coleman; Ross: Parent Representative, Rochelle Reed; Vice Chairperson, Sheila Mayfield; Parent Representative, Stacy Bates; Parent Representative Alternatives, Courtney Guidry, Sr. And John Savoy.  APSB Representative, Board member Mr. Israel Syria, Parliamentarian.  Community: Community Representatives, Judy Capel, Lyle Johnson, and Bonnie Johnson; Chaplain, M’Elise Trahan


7)         Hear a report from Lafayette Schools Federal Credit Union regarding operations in Acadia Parish.


Ms. Connie Roy, CEO of LSF Credit Union, addressed the Board, outlining Lafayette Schools Federal Credit Union operations and growth in Acadia Parish.  Plans are to construct a new permanent building on Oddfellows Road at a cost of approximately $1.7 million.  Construction will begin in the next few months.  Completion is expected next summer.


ACTION ITEMS:      There were no action items to address.




1)         Consider proclamation declaring the week of October 15-18, 2007, National School Lunch Week.


Mrs. Ruth Miller discussed activities planned in connection with National School Lunch Week.  Upon motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Higginbotham, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the following proclamation declaring the week of October 15-18, 2007, as National School Lunch Week was adopted.


                                              NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH WEEK


WHEREAS      The National School Lunch Program has served out nation admirably for over sixty years through advanced practices and nutrition education; and


WHEREAS      the National School Lunch Program is dedicated to the health and well-being of our nation’s children; and


WHEREAS      the National School Lunch Program has been joined through the years by many other excellent child feeding programs, and there is evidence of continued need for nutrition education and awareness of the value of school nutrition programs.


NOW THEREFORE, I Roland Boudreaux, of the Acadia Parish School Board do hereby proclaim the week of October 15-19, 2007, as NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH WEEK and I encourage all residents to become aware and concerned about their children’s and their own nutrition habits, in hope of achieving a more healthful citizenry for today and the future.


2)         Consider approval of the recommendation for Head Start Policy Council Community Representative.


Upon motion by Mr. LaCombe, seconded by Mr. Syria, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, Mrs. Bonnie Johnson was named Head Start Policy Council Community Representative.


3)        Consider Personnel/Insurance/Curriculum Committee’s recommendation regarding the job description for the Parental Involvement/Professional Development Coordinator.


Mrs. Ellan Baggett presented an updated job description to combine the responsibilities for Parent Involvement/Professional Development Coordinator.  Upon motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Syria, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the job description for Parental Involvement/Professional Development Coordinator was approved as presented.


4)         Consider the Budget/Finance Committee’s recommendation regarding a request from SLEMCO for a servitude on Section 16, Township 8 South, Range 1 West for the purpose of extending service to an APSB irrigation well.


Upon motion by Mr. Suire, seconded by Mr. Higginbotham, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, SLEMCO was granted a  servitude on Section 16, Township 8 South, Range 1 West for the purpose of extending service to an APSB irrigation well as recommended by the Budget/Finance Committee.


5)         Consider the Budget/Finance Committee’s recommendation regarding an intergovernmental agreement with the Town of Iota for the use of baseball and softball fields at Becnel Park.


Based on discussions with the Mayor of Iota and Iota High School personnel, an intergovernmental agreement to formalize the school’s use of Becnel Park for baseball and softball and outline the responsibilities of both entities.  Upon motion by Mr. Suire, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board approved this agreement as recommended by the Budget/Finance Committee.




(Regarding baseball and softball facilities located at Becnel Park in Iota)


Responsibilities of the Acadia Parish School Board, by Iota High School personnel:


                 Maintain grass on softball and baseball fields (inside the fence area) for the duration of high school baseball and softball seasons.  This work shall be accomplished with existing school board equipment and personnel located at Iota High School at no cost to the Town of Iota.

                Provide proof of insurance and hold harmless agreement to the Town or Iota.


Responsibilities of the Town of Iota:


                Other than the tasks mentioned above, the Town of Iota shall maintain the grounds and facilities of Becnel Park in a manner suitable for conducting baseball and softball practice and games for youth recreation, league play, and high school teams.


6)         Consider the Budget/Finance Committee’s recommendation regarding school security issues and the installation of additional surveillance equipment.


Superintendent Bourque presented a report to the Budget/Finance Committee regarding recent occurrences of theft and vandalism at Acadia Parish schools.  In the past, Drug Free Schools money was used to install security systems in some schools, but additional resources are needed to cover other high-risk areas.  He suggested that a parish-wide survey of security needs be conducted and to proceed with the installation of a security system at Midland High School using general funds.  Upon motion by Mr. Suire, seconded by Mr. LaCombe, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board approved the installation of additional surveillance equipment using general funds as recommended by the Budget/Finance Committee.


7)         Consider dates for the next committee and board meetings.


Upon motion by Mr. Shamsie, seconded by Mr. Daigle, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the committee meetings will be held Wednesday, October 17, 2007, and the Board meeting will be held Monday, November 5, 2007.


8)         Correspondence


Superintendent Bourque reminded the Board of upcoming training offered by LSBA.




1)         Discuss the Budget/Finance Committee’s recommendation regarding the proposed addendum to agricultural contracts.


Mr. Mike Leonards informed Mr. Gerard Caswell, attorney, of the committee’s recommendations, who put these items into a legal format for inclusion in future agricultural leases, or as an addendum to current leases.  This matter will be referred back to committee in October.  Mr. Leonards will verify any sign-up dates at FSA to make sure they will work with the proposed contract changes.


2)         Discuss adopting a resolution in support of legislation to allow the exemption of local sales tax on propane/butane used in grain dryers by persons involved in farming.


A draft if the resolution was prepared for review by the Board.  Mr. Leonards will contact the APPJ to see when they plan to consider this resolution.  This matter will be referred back to committee in October.



WHEREAS          the Acadia Parish School Board, the Acadia Parish Police Jury, and the Acadia Parish Sheriff’s Department recognize the role of agriculture in our community


WHEREAS          the farmers in Acadia Parish are facing ever rising costs in the production of crops


WHEREAS          the farmers are seeking the same classification for local sales tax purposes for all utilities necessary for the drying of crops in farm based bins


WHEREAS          existing legislation does not give local sales taxing bodies the authority to exempt butane/propane used in farm grain dryers from parish sales tax


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Acadia Parish School Board, the Acadia Parish Policy Jury and the Acadia Parish Sheriff Department hereby ask the Louisiana Legislature to provide enabling legislation which would allow the sales tax collecting bodies in Acadia Parish the flexibility to consider exemption local sales tax on propane/butane used in farm grain dryers.




Upon motion by Mr. Higginbotham, seconded by Mr. Daigle, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the following action was taken by the Board.


1)         Approved assignments and changes of professional employees.

2)         Received retirement notification of employees.

3)         Received the monthly sales tax report showing a year-to-date increase of 23.62 percent

4)         Granted a request to Ms Gena Thibodeaux, teacher, Church Point High School, for a sabbatical leave from January 7, 2008, through May 30, 2008.




Superintendent Bourque recognized Ms. Sandra Roberts who is replacing Mrs. Carol Tall as Special Education Teacher Training Facilitator.


Mrs. Margaret Jones went over workshops for teachers that were conducted last week.


Superintendent Bourque commented on the increased teacher pay scale, which went into effect last week


He also commended the Board on its effort to operate Acadia Parish Schools in an efficient manner, always considering first the needs of students.




There being no other business to come before the Board, upon motion by Mr. LaCombe, seconded by Mr. Syria, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m.



Roland J. Boudreaux, President




John E. Bourque, Superintendent