FEBRUARY 5, 2007


The Acadia Parish School Board met on this the 5th day of February 2007, at 5:00 p.m., in a regular session at Crowley, Louisiana, with President. Roland J. Boudreaux  presiding.  Members present were Mr. Israel G. Syria, Mr. Douglas J. LaCombe, Mr. Lynn Shamsie, Mr. John A. Suire, Mr. Roland J. Boudreaux, Mr. Gene I. Daigle, Mr. James Higginbotham, Mr. Milton R. Simar, and Secretary-Treasurer, Superintendent John E. Bourque.


2)         Dr. Ezora J. Proctor, former Board member and educator, led the prayer.


3)         Mr. Higginbotham led the pledge of allegiance.


4)         Consider approval of a revised agenda, if there are any changes.

Upon motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Higginbotham, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the agenda was revised by adding Opening Item 8 (RECOGNIZE FEBRUARY 12-15, 2007, AS SCHOOL COUNSELOR WEEK).


5)         Read and approve minutes of the January 8, regular meeting, and January 24, 2007, special session.

Reading of the minutes of the January 8, regular meeting, and January 24, 2007, special session was dispensed with (copies of minutes were sent to each member prior to this meeting) and adopted as corrected, on page 5 of the January 8, 2007, minutes, in the adjournment to read (upon motion by MR. LACOMBE instead of Dr. Proctor, and seconded by MR. DAIGLE instead of Mr. Vige’) upon motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Higginbotham, and carried by a unanimous voice vote.


6)         Recognize Dr. Ezora Proctor with Career Expo.

Dr. Ezora J. Proctor addressed the Board, inviting them to attend the Acadia Parish Career Connections EXPO 2007 to be held Tuesday, February 6, 2007, at the Rice Festival Building.


7)         Recognize February 12-15, 2007, as Attendance Awareness Week.

Upon motion by Mr. Higginbotham, seconded by Mr. Syria, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board recognized February 12-15, 2007, as Attendance Awareness Week.


8)         Recognize February 04-10, 2007, as School Counselor Week.

Upon motion by Mr. Syria, seconded by Mr. Higginbotham, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the board recognized February 01-10, 2007, as School Counselor Week.




WHEREAS,     February 4-10, 2007, has been designated School counselor Week by the Louisiana Association of School Counselors; and

WHEREAS,     rapid changes occurring in our world and economy are increasing the complexity of work that spans the entire workforce of today’s society and demand that education and guidance services for all students be made more relevant to future careers and life skills; and

WHEREAS,     standards focusing on what students should know and be able to do need to be promoted and developed through thinking processes that students will use in the classroom and real-world situations; and

WHEREAS,     society in the 21st Century demands standards designed to address content knowledge, life skills, and career orientation while addressing the diversity of education needs of all Louisiana students; and

WHEREAS,     a need exists to develop a counseling program model that aligns with rigorous academic standards and challenging assessments to ensure a better future for all our children; and

WHEREAS,     there is a recognized need for a comprehensive developmental counseling program that will offer all students an opportunity to have their needs addressed through structured development experiences presented through individual, small group, and classroom activities;

NOW THEREFORE, the Acadia Parish School Board does proclaim the week of February 4-10,2007

                                                    SCHOOL COUNSELOR WEEK


IN THE PARISH OF Acadia and urge all citizens to become more familiar with the services and benefits offered by the school guidance and testing programs to help address the needs of all students.




1)         Consider recommendations of the Personnel/Insurance Committee regarding policy revisions necessary as the result of changes in state law.

Upon motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Suire, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board, as recommended by the Personnel/Insurance Committee and previously discussed at board and committee meetings, adopted the following policy revisions as listed.



Reduced cost and/or travel expenses are defined as gifts.

Does not preclude:

Acceptance of food/drinks

Acceptance of campaign contributions

Changed location of information

Allows the employ of an immediate family member as an athletic director.





Requests for reasonable accommodation

Work duty restrictions

Specific procedures for evacuation

Written consent of the employee

Information relating to dependents and beneficiaries of deceased employees (The request must be made in writing.)

An employee shall have unlimited access to any and all information.






1)         Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee regarding the adoption of the Budget Preparation Calendar for the 2007-08 fiscal year.

Upon motion by Mr. Shamsie, seconded by Mr. Simar, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board adopted the Budget Preparation Calendar for the 2007-08 fiscal year.


                  2007-2008 BUDGET PREPARATION CALENDAR


Wednesday  February 21, 2007    5:30 p.m.              Initial Meeting

Wednesday  March 21, 2007        5:30 p.m.              Budget Committee Meeting

Wednesday  April 18, 2007           5:30 p.m.              Budget Committee Meeting

Wednesday  May 16, 2007           5:30 p.m.              Final Budget Meeting

Thursday      May 17, 2007                                       Budget made available for public inspection

Thursday      May 17, 2007                                       Publication of Public Hearing Notice in Official Journal

Monday       June 4, 2007             4:30 p.m.              Public Hearing for Budget

Monday       July 2, 2007              5:00 p.m.              Adoption of Budget by School Board

Friday          August 3, 2007                                     Budget filed with Legislative Auditor


2)         Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee regarding the purchase of five new ZTR mowers, the disposition of existing tractors and mowers.      

Upon motion by Mr. Suire, seconded by Mr. Simar, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board approved the purchase of five new John Deere commercial ZTR mowers (31 hp diesel, 60 inch deck with rear discharge) on state contract for $58,000, along with trailers to transport them.


Discussion was held about how to sell the existing tractors and mowers (fixed price vs. sealed bid).  This matter will be decided at the February committee meeting.


3)         Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee regarding the air-conditioning of gymnasiums at Crowley High School.

Due to anticipated cost of this project, specifications will be drawn up and public bids will be taken.  It is anticipated that this job can be completed during the summer.  Mr. Joshua Hoffpauir  was recommended to be the architect for this work.  He answered question of the Board.  Upon motion by Mr. Suire, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board approved proceeding with the air-conditioning of both gymnasiums at Crowley High School.  The gymnasiums will be disconnected from existing chillers and have separate units.


4)         Consider setting dates for February committee meetings and March board meeting.

Upon motion by Mr. LaCombe, seconded by Mr. Simar, and carried by a unanimous voice vote,  committees will be Wednesday, February 21, 2007, and the Board will meet Monday, March 5, 2007.


At this time, upon motion by Mr. Shamsie, seconded by Mr. Daigle, and carried by a unanimous voice vote,  consideration of a performance contract for Mr. Rex Mills was removed from the agenda because he is not on a contract.  He is a retiree returned to work - no contract.


At this time, upon motion by Mr. Shamsie, seconded by Mr. Daigle, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, consideration of performance contracts (Routine Items 5 through 27) expiring June 30, 2007 were taken in globo.  Each name and position was read aloud by President Boudreaux.


5)         The performance contract for Mrs. Patsy Cart, principal, Central Rayne Kindergarten was renewed for two years, beginning July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.

6)         The performance contract for Mr. Louis J. Joubert, technology coordinator, central office, was renewed for two years, beginning July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.

7)         The performance contract for Ms. Julie Miers, principal, Egan Elementary, was renewed for two years, beginning July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.

8)         The performance contract for Mr. Bobby Hamlin, principal, Rayne High, was renewed for two years, beginning July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.

9)         The performance contract for Ms. Paula Cutrer, assistant principal, Rayne High, was renewed for two years, beginning July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.

10)       The performance contract for Mr. Charles Barbier, principal, Iota Elementary, was renewed for two years, beginning July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.

11)       This item was removed from the agenda, since Mr. Mills is a retiree returned to work and not on a performance contract.

12)       The performance contract for Mrs. Wendy Thibodeaux, assistant principal, Church Point Elementary, was renewed for two years, beginning July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.

13)       The performance contract for Mr. Cal Simar, child welfare and attendance supervisor, central office, was renewed for two years, beginning July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.

14)       The performance contract for Mrs. Ida Yeager, principal, Crowley Kindergarten, was renewed for two years, beginning July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.

15)       The performance contract for Mrs. Antoinette Pete, principal, Crowley Middle, was renewed for two years, beginning July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.

16)       The performance contract for Mrs. Margaret Jones, curriculum/instruction executive director, central office, was renewed for two years, beginning July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.

17)       The performance contract for Mrs. Ruth Miller, child nutrition supervisor, central office, was renewed for two years, beginning July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.

18)       The performance contract for Ms. Melanie Venable, principal, Mire Elementary, was renewed for two years, beginning July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.

19)       The performance contract for Mr. Lee Ward Bellard, principal, Church Point High, was renewed for two years, beginning July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.

20)       The performance contract for Mr. Harvey Ward, assistant principal, Church Point High, was renewed for two years, beginning July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.

21)       The performance contract for Ms. Deborah Arnold, assistant principal, Crowley Middle, was renewed for two years, beginning July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.

22)       The performance contract for Mr. Marshall Thibodeaux, principal, Armstrong Middle, was renewed for two years, beginning July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.

23)       The performance contract for Mr. Steve Duplechin, principal, Crowley High, was renewed for two years, beginning July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.

24)       The performance contract for Ms. Marlene Courvelle, assistant principal, Armstrong Middle, was renewed for two years, beginning July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.

25)       The performance contract for Mrs. Sondra Myers, director, Head Start, was renewed for two years, beginning July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.

26)       The performance contract for Ms. Kimberly Cummins, principal, Martin Petitjean Elementary, was renewed for two years, beginning July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.

27)       The performance contract for Mrs. Brenda Benoit, principal, South Rayne Elementary, was renewed for two years, beginning July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2009.

28)       Consider continuation of property tax for maintenance in the Fifth Ward.

Mr. Mike Leonards, business director, explained that the maintenance millage expired in 2006.  It is necessary to call an election to renew this tax which is currently 13.45 mills.  Maintenance millages are subject to renewal every ten years.  Upon motion by Mr. Shamsie, seconded by Mr. Suire, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board approved calling an election on May 5, 2007, for the continuation of a 13.45 millage for maintenance in the Fifth Ward.

29)       Consider property tax for maintenance in the Iota/Egan school district.

Mr. Mike Leonards, business director, explained that the debt service millage for the Iota area expired in 2006.  To generate additional funds for maintenance, it is necessary to call an election for a maintenance tax.  Upon motion by Mr. Simar, seconded by Mr. LaCombe, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board approved calling an election on May 5, 2007, for 10 mills for maintenance in the Iota/Egan school district.

30)       Consider approval of Head Start eligibility criteria for 2007-08.

Upon motion by Mr. Syria, seconded by Mr. Higginbotham, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Head Start eligibility criteria for 2007-08 were approved.

31)       Correspondence

Superintendent Bourque commented on a recent flub by a local TV station that erroneously announced that school in Acadia Parish was cancelled due to weather concerns.  He and key supervisors had been monitoring the conditions and notified board members that APSB schools would remain open.  He also spoke about the Cinema 4 property outlines (information made available) and the LSBA Convention registration information.




There were no discussion items.




Upon motion by Mr. Simar,  seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the following action was taken by the Board.


1)         Approved assignments and changes of professional employees.

2)         Received notification of retiring employees.

3)         Received the monthly sales tax report showing a year-to-date increase of 22.88 percent.






There being no other business to come before the Board, upon motion by Mr. Suire, seconded

by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the meeting adjourned at 5:49 p.m.


Roland J. Boudreaux, President



John E. Bourque, Superintendent