APRIL 3, 2006
The Acadia Parish School Board met on this the 3rd day of April 2006, at 5:00 p.m., in a regular session, with President Lyle C. Johnson presiding. Members present were Dr. Ezora J. Proctor, Mr. Lynn Shamsie, Mr. John A. Suire, Mr. Roland J. Boudreaux, Mr. Gene Daigle, Mr. Shirley Vige’, Dr. Robert L. McManus, and Superintendent John E. Bourque, Secretary-Treasurer.
2) Father Gary Schexnaider, pastor at St. Michael Catholic Church, led the prayer.
3) Christian Courtney, a student at Crowley Kindergarten, led the Pledge of Allegiance.
4) Consider approval of a revised agenda, if there are any changes.
There were no changes to the agenda.
5) Read and approve minutes of the March 6, 2006, meeting.
Reading of the minutes of the March 6, 2006, board meeting was dispensed with (copies of minutes were sent to each member prior to this meeting) and adopted as submitted, upon motion by Mr. Vige’, seconded by Mr. Daigle, and carried by a unanimous voice vote.
6) Recognize Egan Elementary as the first Four-Star School in Acadia Parish.
Egan Elementary School was recognized as the first four-star school in Acadia Parish. The principal, Ms. Julie Myers, and faculty were congratulated for this academic achievement. Mr. Milton Simar, representing the Acadia Principals’ Association, also acknowledged this accomplishment.
1) Consider proposed changes in the homebound instruction policy.
Dr. Proctor addressed the changes in the homebound instruction policy. Upon motion by Dr. Proctor, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, changes to the homebound instruction policy were approved as presented and recommended by the Personnel/Insurance Committee.
Students who are unable to attend school because of physical disability may be assigned a teacher who will instruct them at home or in a hospital. In order for a student to be considered for homebound instruction, the student, as a result of illness, accident, emotional crisis or the treatment thereof, is unable to be moved from the hospital or home environment for the provision of regular educational services. Such incapacitation shall require verification on the application by a physician. The homebound instruction program is a continuation of the regular school instructional program, designed to help the child return to school without falling too far behind in assigned work. The student shall be under the same state and local regulations as any other student. A responsible adult must be present where instruction is provided. Applications for Homebound services must be obtained through the Acadia Parish School Board Special Education Department. Homebound instruction will begin upon the approval of the completed application by the Supervisor of Special Education.
A regular education student enrolled in the Acadia Parish School System is eligible to be a hospital or homebound student if the following criteria are met:
1. There is certification by a physician due to illness/accident or certification by a psychiatrist or properly certified psychologist due to emotional disturbance/condition that the student is expected to be at home or hospitalized for at least fifteen (15) operational days and will be able to participate in and benefit from an instructional program.
2. The student is under constant medical care for an illness or injury which is acute or catastrophic in nature, or chronic physical condition which has acute phases and which requires homebound instruction during the acute phases. If the student is pregnant, a medical evaluation must verify that there are complications in the pregnancy or recovery which could be detrimental to the health of the student.
3. The student is free of infectious or communicable disease. If the student is not free of such diseases, other appropriate instructional arrangements must be made such as instruction by school to home telephone.
4. The parent or guardian signs a parental agreement concerning homebound or hospital policies and parental cooperation.
A review of the student's educational program conducted by the student's regular education teacher(s) should be provided to the hospital/homebound teacher to permit continuity in instruction. Periodic conferences between the student's regular teacher and homebound instructor should be conducted as well.
The following regulations must be observed by the parents and students once a teacher has been assigned:
1. One of the student's parents, or a responsible adult, must be present in the home the entire time a homebound teacher is teaching.
2. Child and teacher are not to be disturbed during the instructional period.
3. Members of the family must remain out of the room during the class period.
4. In the event a teacher is unable to keep the child's appointment, he/she should notify the parents. If the child is unable to receive a lesson at the scheduled time, the parents should let the teacher know as soon as possible.
5. Home study is essential for the student to maintain his/her class standing. It then becomes the child's responsibility, under the supervision of the parents, to prepare the work which has been assigned. An assigned lesson which is not completed is a loss of valuable time and may jeopardize the student's course work.
Failure to observe these regulations can result in the withdrawal of this special service.
1) Consider approval of a lease with NEXTEL
Mr. Gerard Caswell, attorney, addressed a lease with NEXTEL. Upon motion by Mr. Vige’, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board authorized the Superintendent and Board Counsel to finalize the terms of this agreement and authorized the Superintendent to sign on behalf of the Acadia Parish School Board
2) Consider approval of bids received for construction of six permanent classrooms at Mire Elementary.
Mr. Bill Ackal, architect, reviewed bids for an addition of six permanent classroom at Mire Elementary School. Five bids were received on March 10, 2006. Upon motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Boudreaux, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the low bid from E. L. Habetz in the amount of $404,140 was approved as recommended.
E. L. Habetz Builders $404,140 -24,000 -44,000 - 9,000
F. Phillips General Contractors $454,000 -31,000 -48,000 -10,000
Fruge’ Lumber Company $406,900 -22,730 -27,000 -11,000
(JV) L. K. Breaux & Assoc. $395,833.47 -33,000 -41,800 - 7,000
Quad Group General Contractors $493,600 -42,000 -41,000 -11,000
3) Consider Budget/Finance Committee’s recommendation regarding a resolution authorizing the opening of bank accounts.
Upon motion by Mr. Vige’, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board approved a resolution authorizing the opening of bank accounts as recommended by the Budget/Finance Committee.
WHEREAS, it is necessary for schools and their related clubs and organizations to maintain bank accounts at various financial institutions throughout the parish.
WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Business Manager to open accounts and handle the investments of the Acadia Parish School Board.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the principal at each school be authorized to open any accounts necessary for the operation of their school, its related clubs and organizations, and that the Business Manager is authorized to open accounts and manage the investments of the Acadia Parish School Board.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Superintendent, Business Manager, or Accountant is authorized to confirm with local banks any changes in school administration that may require updating of accounts and/or signature cards.
4) Consider Budget/Finance Committee’s recommendation regarding a request to lease property near Evangeline for hunting.
Upon motion by Mr. Suire, seconded by Dr. Proctor, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, a request to lease property near Evangeline for hunting was tabled and will be sent back to committee for further discussion.
5) Consider Budget/Finance Committee’s recommendation regarding a request to lease property near Egan for a youth recreation facility.
Upon motion by Mr. Vige’, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Superintendent was authorized to advertise for a lease of property in Egan for recreational purposes, subject to obtaining appropriate insurance and other terms specified in a contract as recommended by the Budget/Finance Committee.
6) Consider Personnel/Insurance Committee’s recommendation regarding adoption of the school calendar for 2006-07.
Upon motion by Dr. Proctor, seconded by Mr. Boudreaux, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board adopted the 2006-07 school calendar, as recommended by the Calendar Panel.
7) Consider Personnel/Insurance Committee’s recommendation regarding the Special Education Department.
Superintendent Bourque reported that Mr. John Doughty is taking medical leave and Mrs. Carol Tall has been selected as the designee in his absence. Upon motion by Dr. McManus, seconded by Dr. Proctor, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board approved compensation for Mrs. Tall for additional hours (working until 4:30 p.m.).
8) Consider Superintendent’s recommendation for a bus driver for the Eunice bus route.
Upon motion by Mr. Vige’, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, Ms. Lucinda Lopez was approved for a bus driver route in Eunice, as recommended by Superintendent Bourque.
9) Correspondence
Superintendent Bourque called attention to two documents. The first pertained to food vendors meeting our >No Import’ specification. The second was a news article regarding regulatory action taken against a New Iberia-based food distribution company.
There were no discussion items to address.
Upon motion by Dr. McManus, seconded by Mr. Daigle, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the following action was taken by the Board:
1) Approved assignments and changes of professional employees.
2) Received notification of retiring employees.
3) Received the monthly sales tax report showing a year-to-date increase of 39.83 percent.
4) Granted a request to Oliver Paquette, teacher at Crowley High School, for sabbatical leave for the 2006 Fall semester, for professional development.
5) Granted a request to Oliver Paquette, teacher at Crowley High School, for a leave without pay for the 2007 Spring semester, for professional development.
6) Granted a request to Edith Lejeune, cafeteria technician at Midland High, for leave without pay from March 8, 2006, to April 19, 2006, for medical reasons.
Superintendent Bourque indicated monetary rewards for schools’ accountability program, noted that testing went well last week, and a smoking survey is being conducted.
There being no other business to come before the Board, upon motion by Mr. Boudreaux, seconded by Dr. Proctor, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m.
Mr. Lyle C. Johnson, President
Mr. John E. Bourque, Superintendent