MARCH 7, 2005
The Acadia Parish School Board met on this the 7th day of March 2005, at 5:00 p.m., in a regular session, with President Lyle C. Johnson presiding. Members present were Mrs. Ezora J. Proctor, Mr. Lynn Shamsie, Mr. John A. Suire, Mr. Roland J. Boudreaux, Mr. Gene Daigle, Mr. Shirley Vige’, Dr. Robert L. McManus, and Superintendent John E. Bourque, Secretary-Treasurer.
President Lyle C. Johnson recognized Mr. John A. Suire and welcomed him back on the Board as member from District 4.
3) Mr. Lyle C. Johnson, Board President, led the prayer.
4) Ms. Sarah Hollingsworth led the Pledge of Allegiance.
5) Consider approval of a revised agenda, if there are any changes.
Upon motion by Mr. Boudreaux, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the agenda was approved as submitted
6) Read and approve minutes of the February 14, 2005, meeting.
Reading of the minutes of the February 14, 2005, board meeting was dispensed with (copies of minutes were sent to each member prior to this meeting) and adopted as submitted, upon motion Mr. Shamsie, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote.
7) Recognize Students of the Year.
Students of the Year recognized by Mr. Cal Simar were Jessie Smith, a fifth grade student at Mire Elementary; Holly Blanchard, an eighth grade student at Midland High, and Audrey Hebert, a senior at Iota High. Each student was presented with a plaque and gift certificate.
8) Recognize schools receiving School Performance Reward
Mrs. Margaret Jones presented information about district performance scores and answered questions. Schools were recognized for academic growth and performance, generating more than $63,800 in additional funds for school supplies. Schools were honored and given a flag in recognition of this achievement.
1) Consider policy changes as a result of legislative action.
Upon motion by Mrs. Proctor, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, policy changes as a result of legislative action, discussed at last month’s meeting, were approved.
2) Consider Budget/Finance Committee’s recommendation regarding policy revision for disposal of assets.
Upon motion by Mr. Vige’, seconded by Mr. Boudreaux, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, policy revision for disposal of assets was approved as recommended by the Budget/Finance Committee. (Revisions are typed in red and underlined)
Before items can be officially removed from the inventory of assets, permission must be granted by the appropriate supervisor. Permission will normally be sought midway through and at the end of a given fiscal year. Schools will be notified that these items can be officially removed from the listing of assets. If special provisions for disposal of assets are required by the funding source (i.e. federal funds), the appropriate supervisor will be responsible to see that all of the criteria have been met prior to sending the material to the warehouse.
All schools/departments shall submit to the Warehouse Supervisor a list of excess items which have become obsolete or worn. Prior to public sale, supervisors/principals will be given an opportunity to view the items for possible use at their respective sites...
If no utilization can be found, all materials, supplies, equipment, and furniture shall be disposed of by one of the following methods. The Warehouse Supervisor will determine which method offers the best advantage.
Trade-in: The disposal must be accomplished as a routine transaction (a ”r;no-charge” purchase order is required).
Outright Sale: The Warehouse Supervisor will prepare a list of items and advertise the types of items for sale and the time place, etc.
Sale as scrap: If the dollar value is determined to be too low to offer the item(s) for public bidding, the item(s) will be sold as scrap to any source making the best offer.
If the Warehouse Supervisor determines that the item has no possible salvage value, it may be discarded immediately instead of being warehoused until the next sale. It is recommended that any such item(s) be rendered inoperative before final disposal.
Conditions concerning sales shall be as follows:
Full payment must be made by check or money order.
All sales are ”r;as-is” condition without warranty or guarantee.
The awarded bidder shall be responsible for removing and transporting the item(s) within twenty (20) working days.
The Business Office shall issue a receipt for the sale of all items.
Regardless of the method of disposition or value, every tagged item taken out of service must be reported to the Media Center so that fixed asset records may be accurately updated in a timely manner.
3) After discussion, this item was moved from a Discussion Item to an Action Item, at this meeting.
Consider the status of committee membership, especially as it relates to the role of ex-officio members.
Upon motion by Mrs. Proctor, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board adopted changes to policy (red type and underlined) regarding Board committee membership as it relates to the role of ex-officio members, to take place immediately.
The President and Vice-President will serve on all committees. The Superintendent will ex-officio committee meetings. Ex-officio members shall not count for a quorum and shall not vote on issues. Committees will meet on the third Wednesday of each month. The Personnel/Insurance committee will meet at 5:00 p.m. and the Budget/Finance Committee at 5:30 p.m.
The Acadia Parish School Board shall have the following standing committees:
Federal and State Mandated Committees
Composition of the Budget/Finance and Personnel/Insurance Committees shall consist of five (5) members each with the President and Vice-President serving both the Budget/Finance Committee and the Personnel/Insurance Committee. The size and composition of Federal and State mandated Committees shall be determined by the mandate establishing such committees. Transportation and facilities’ matters will go before the Budge/Finance Committee and technology, instruction, and federal program matters will go before the Personnel/Insurance Committee.
The Board President and Vice-President shall serve as members of all non mandated committees, and the Superintendent shall serve as ex-officio (non-voting) members of all non mandated committees. The Board President, with approval of the Board, shall make appointments of committee members except for mandated committees.
The Budget/Finance Committee shall serve as the lead committee for the development of all Acadia Parish School Board central office budgets and budget revisions.
Committees may develop specifications for required projects, equipment, facilities, and materials. Bids may be solicited for these requirements after approval by the Board.
When deemed necessary to obtain expert advice, committees are empowered to invite those persons knowledgeable in areas being considered to attend meetings. Should a fee or payment be required, prior Board approval shall be required.
1) Consider proclaiming March 7-11, 2005, Louisiana School Breakfast and Lunch Week.
Upon motion by Mrs. Proctor, seconded by Mr. Daigle, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board proclaimed March 7-11, 2005, Louisiana School Breakfast and Lunch Week.
2) Receive a report on self-assessment and NRS data for Head Start.
Mrs. Sondra Myers presented results of the initial NRS testing, showing Acadia’s results as compared to national averages. She also went over the results of a recent self-assessment of the communities served by Head Start. The results of this study will be considered when preparing for next year’s budget. Upon motion by Mr. Boudreaux, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the report on self-assessment and NRS data for Head Start was received.
3) Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee regarding Head Start refunding application for 2005-06.
Upon motion by Mr. Vige’, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Head Start refunding application for 2005-06 was approved by the Board as recommended by the Budget/Finance Committee.
4) Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee regarding sales tax collection software upgrade.
After some discussion, the Board recommended referring this back to the committee. Meanwhile, the staff will contact other taxing bodies in the parish regarding this proposed upgrade, seeking their participation in the purchase. Their response will be brought to the committee. Also, discussed was the APSB current collection fee of 1 2 %. A question was raised how this compared to other tax collectors in our area. The estimated cost is $45,000.
5) Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee regarding a surveillance system at Rayne High School.
Upon motion by Mr. Vige’, seconded by Mr. Daigle, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board approved a surveillance system for Rayne High School using Drug-Free school funds, as recommended by the Budget/Finance Committee.
6) Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee regarding electrical rewiring at Rayne High School.
Upon motion by Mr. Boudreaux, seconded by Mr. Vige’, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board approved electrical rewiring at Rayne High School at an estimated cost of $185,000, as recommended by the Budget/Finance Committee.
7) Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee regarding an unrestricted donation from Rayne Boosters.
Upon motion by Mr. Vige’, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board approved an unrestricted donation from Rayne Boosters in the amount of $800 for a coaching supplement, as recommended by the Budget/Finance Committee.
8) Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee regarding distribution of sick leave and sabbatical savings in accordance with Act 778.
Upon motion by Mr. Vige’, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, distribution of sick leave and sabbatical savings in accordance with Act 778 was approved by the Board, as recommended by the Budget/Finance Committee. The amount of the $46 will be distributed to teachers in June, then added permanently to the teachers’ pay scale.
9) Consider change order to bid for lighting at Gardiner Memorial Stadium.
Mr. Ronnie Chaumont and Mr. Darrel Hicks presented a change order for lighting at Gardiner Memorial Stadium. Concrete lighting poles will be installed for the project in lieu of the steel poles specified amounting to a decrease of $11,300; the new contract is $198,700. The date of substantial completion as of the date of this change order therefore is July 18, 2005. Upon motion by Dr. McManus, seconded by Mr. Suire, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the change order for lighting at Gardiner Memorial Stadium was approved by the Board, as recommended.
10) Correspondence
There was no correspondence.
1) Discuss the status of committee membership, especially as it relates to the role of ex-officio members.
Mrs. Ellan Baggett presented proposed changes to the role of ex-officio in committee membership of the Board.
Upon motion by Mrs. Proctor, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, this item was moved to an Action Item, at this meeting. (See Action Item 3)
Upon motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the following action was taken:
1) New assignments and changes of professional employees were approved as submitted.
2) Received notification of retiring employees.
3) Received the monthly sales tax report showing a year-to-date increase of 30.20 percent.
4) Granted permission to Rebecca L. Guidry, aide, Head Start, for change of maternity leave from January 13, 2005, through March 11, 2005. (38 days).
Superintendent Bourque welcomed Mr. John A. Suire to the Board. He mentioned LSBA Convention topics; health care and retirement in particular. Mr. Bourque stated that he was pleased with the school performance scores.
There being no other business to come before the Board, at 6:02 p.m., upon motion by Mrs. Proctor, seconded by Mr. Suire, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the meeting adjourned.
Mr. Lyle C. Johnson, President
Mr. John E. Bourque, Superintendent