JUNE 7, 2004


1)         The Acadia Parish School Board met on this the 7th  day of June 2004, at 5:00 p.m., in a regular session, with President John Quebodeaux presiding.  Members present were Mrs. Ezora J. Proctor, Mr. Lyle C. Johnson, Mr. Lynn Shamsie, Mr. Roland J. Boudreaux, Mr. Gene Daigle, Mr. Shirley Vige’, Dr. Robert L. McManus, and Superintendent John E. Bourque, Secretary-Treasurer.


2&3)    Reverend Glen Howie led the prayer, and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Gerard Caswell.


4)         Consider approval of a revised agenda, if there are any changes.

Upon motion by Dr. McManus, seconded by Mr. Vige’, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, Routine Item 22a (CONSIDER APPROVAL OF CONSOLIDATED APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL PROGRAMS) was added to the agenda.


5)         Read and approve minutes of the May 3, 2004, meeting.

Reading of the minutes of the May 3, 2004, meeting was dispensed with (copies of minutes were sent to each member prior to this meeting) and adopted as submitted, upon motion by Mrs. Proctor, and seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote.


6)         Recognize Iota Lady Dogs softball team for being state runner-ups.

Mr. Steve Jones introduced the Iota Lady Dogs softball team and coach.  The team placed as state runner-ups in softball.


ACTION ITEMS:      There were no action items.




1)         Consider recommendation of the Superintendent for a bus driver in the Mire area.

Upon motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Boudreaux, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, Gadric Fontenot was appointed as bus driver in the Mire area to replace Vernida Credeur, who is retiring.


2)         Consider recommendation of the Superintendent for a bus driver for the Rayne area.

Upon motion by Mr. Boudreaux, seconded by Mr. Vige’, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, Greg Lacroix was appointed as bus driver in the Rayne area to replace Gadric Fontenot.  Louis Meche was appointed to replace Greg Lacroix as bus driver in the Rayne area.


3)         Consider recommendation of the Superintendent for a bus driver for the Iota area.

Upon motion by Dr. McManus, seconded by Mr. Vige’, and carried by a unanimous voice, Bobby Gotte was appointed as bus driver in the Iota area to replace Hardy Lasage (deceased).


4)         Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee regarding adoption of the final budget revisions for 2003-04.


Upon motion by Mr. Vige’, seconded by Mr. Daigle, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board approved adoption of the final budge revisions for 2003-04, as recommended by the Budget/Finance Committee.


5)         Consider recommendation of the Superintendent for a Technology Coordinator.

Upon motion by Dr. McManus, seconded by Mr. Vige’, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, Mr. Jesse Joubert was appointed Technology Coordinator, as recommended by the Superintendent.


6)         Consider recommendation of the Superintendent for an Acting Principal of Iota Middle School.

Upon motion by Dr. McManus, seconded by Mr. Vige’, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, Ms. Debbie Seibert was appointed Acting Principal of Iota Middle School for one year beginning July 15, 2004, and ending June 30, 2005, as recommended by the Superintendent.


7)         Consider authorizing the Superintendent to advertise for Principal of Rayne High School.

Upon motion by Mr. Boudreaux, seconded by Mrs. Proctor, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Superintendent was authorized to advertise for Principal of Rayne High School.


8)         Consider recommendation from the Budget/Finance Committee regarding a request from Church Point High to purchase athletic equipment.

Upon motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, a request was granted to Church Point High School to purchase athletic equipment using alternative financing arrangements - two-year payout with no interest, as recommended by the Budget/Finance Committee.


9)         Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee regarding a request from Mire Elementary to lease a copier.

Upon motion by Mr. Vige’, seconded by Mr. Daigle, and carried by a unanimous voice vote,  a request was granted to Mire Elementary to lease a copier with available funds, as recommended by the Budget/Finance Committee.  The Board suggested the idea of standardizing copiers throughout the parish.


10)       Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee regarding a request from Midland High to purchase metal fabricating equipment.

Upon motion by Mr. Shamsie, seconded by Mr. Johnson, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, a request was granted to Midland High to purchase metal fabricating equipment with available funds, as recommended by the Budget/Finance Committee.


11)       Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee regarding a proposed contract with Talbot, Carmouche & Marcello for survey and clean up of old well sites.


Upon motion by Mr. Shamsie, seconded by Mr. Daigle, and carried by a majority voice vote, (Dr. McManus opposed), a contract with Talbot, Carmouche & Marcello for survey and cleaning up of old well sites was approved, as recommended by the Budget/Finance Committee.


12)       Consider recommendation of the Personnel/Insurance Committee regarding renewal of the group health insurance program.

Upon motion by Mrs. Proctor, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a majority voice vote (Mr. Boudreaux abstained), a group health insurance program was renewed, as recommended by the Personnel/Insurance Committee.


13)       Consider proposals for renewal of property and liability insurance.

Mr. Dwight Collier briefly went over proposals received for property and casualty insurance renewal, resulting in cost reduction of more than $3000,000 from the pervious year.  He answered questions of the Board.  Upon motion by Mrs. Proctor, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, property and casualty insurance was renewed with North American Solution, as recommended.


14)       Consider change in date for July board meeting.

Upon motion by Mr. Vige’, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board meeting will be held on Monday, July 12, 2004.


15)       Consider recommendation of the Personnel/Insurance Committee regarding adoption of the Pupil progression Plan for 2004-2005.

Upon motion by Mr. Vige’, seconded by Mrs. Proctor, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Pupil Progression Plan for 2004-2005 was adopted as recommended by the Personnel/Insurance Committee.


16)       Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee regarding leasing buses for open routes.

After some discussion, upon motion by Mr. Boudreaux, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board approved the lease of five buses for the upcoming year on a trial basis.  Half of the lease payment will apply to the purchase, if that decision is made by the end of the year.


17)       Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee for Child Nutrition bid on Large Equipment.

Mr. Mike Leonards presented prices to install a used hood in lieu of bids received for a new one.  Mrs. Ruth Miller recommended a proposal from Schexnaider Sheet Metal of $14,950 to install the hood at Armstrong Cafeteria.  Upon motion by Mr. Vige’, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, Mrs. Miller’s recommendation was approved.


18)       Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee for Child Nutrition bid on Small Equipment.          


Upon motion by Mr. Vige’, seconded by Mr. Daigle, and carried by a unanimous voice vote,  bid for Child Nutrition Small Equipment was approved as recommended by the Budget/Finance Committee.


19)       Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee for child Nutrition bid on Frozen and Chilled Meats.

Upon motion by Mr. Vige’, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, bid for Child Nutrition Frozen and Chilled Meats was approved as recommended by the Budget/Finance Committee.


20)       Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee for Child Nutrition bid on Canned and Frozen Fruits and Vegetables.

Upon motion by Mr. Vige’, seconded by Mr. Boudreaux, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, bid for Child Nutrition Canned and Frozen Fruits and Vegetables was approved as recommended by the Budget/Finance Committee.


21)       Consider approval of Head Start applications for COLA funds and one-time funding supplement.

Mrs. Sondra Myers presented proposed distribution of COLA funds for the Head Start program and answered question of the Board.  She then reviewed a list of items on a one-time request for funding special projects.  Upon motion by Mr. Shamsie, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Head Start application s for COLA funds and one-time funding supplement was approved.


22)       Consider approval of Head Start program plans and parent handbook.

Upon motion by Dr. McManus, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Head Start program plans and parent handbook was approved.


22a)     Consider consolidated application for Federal Programs.

Mr. Sherman Wilson gave an overview of the budge for Federal Programs, which is substantially the same as the current year.  Upon motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Vige’, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, consolidated application for Federal Programs was approved.


23)       Consider going into an executive session to discuss the Superintendent’s evaluation.

Upon motion by Dr. McManus, seconded by Mr. Johnson, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, at 6:08 p.m., the Board went into an executive session to discuss the Superintendent’s evaluation.

Upon motion by Mrs. Proctor, seconded by Mr. Johnson, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, at 6:54 p.m., the Board reconvened into a regular session.


24)       Correspondence

Superintendent Bourque reviewed a letter from USDA and correspondence on sales tax judgement.


DISCUSSION ITEMS: There were no Discussion items to address.




Upon motion by Mrs. Proctor, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the following action was taken:


1)    New assignments and changes of professional employees were approved as submitted.

2)    The monthly sales tax report showing a year-to-date decrease of -27.06% was received.

3)    Mrs. Orelia Leger, custodian at Mire Elementary, was granted a leave without pay from May 21, 2004, to August 9, 2004.

4)    Mrs. Jackie Herpin, central office accountant, was granted a maternity leave from June 21, 2004, to July 23, 2004.




Mrs. Proctor thanked Mrs Ruth Miller and Superintendent Bourque for their cooperation in assisting with Summer Feeding in Crowley.




There being no other business to come before the Board, at 6:57 p.m., upon motion by Mr. Vige’, seconded by Mrs. Proctor, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the meeting adjourned.


John H. Quebodeaux, President




Mr. John E. Bourque, Superintendent