MAY 5, 2003
1) The Acadia Parish School Board met on this the 5th day of May 2003, at 5:00 p.m., in a regular session, with President John Quebodeaux presiding. Members present were Mrs. Ezora J. Proctor, Mr. Lyle C. Johnson, Mr. Lynn Shamsie, Mr. Roland J. Boudreaux, Mr. Gene Daigle, Mr. Shirley Vige’, Dr. Robert L. McManus, and Superintendent John E. Bourque, Secretary-Treasurer.
2&3) Mrs. Ezora Proctor introduced Reverend David Broussard who led the prayer. Chad Breaux, a sixth grader at Morse, led the Pledge of Allegiance.
4) Consider approval of a revised agenda, if there are any changes.
The agenda was revised by adding Routine Item 1a (CONSIDER AUTHORIZING THE SUPERINTENDENT TO ADVERTISE FOR SUPERVISOR OF PERSONNEL), and Consent Item 8 (CONSIDER REQUEST FROM AUDRA ROMERO, TEACHER AIDE, ROSS HEAD START, FOR MATERNITY LEAVE FROM MAY 5, 2003, THROUGH AUGUST 12, 2003), upon motion by Dr. McManus, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a unanimous voice vote.
5) Read and approve minutes of the April 7, 2003, meeting.
Reading of the minutes of the April 7, 2003, meeting was dispensed with (copies of minutes were sent to each member prior to this meeting) and adopted as submitted, upon motion by Mrs. Proctor, seconded by Mr. Vige, and carried by a unanimous voice vote.
6) Recognize Iota High and Crowley High girls’ Sweet Sixteen Basketball Teams.
Mr. Steve Jones, supervisor, introduced Iota High and Crowley High basketball members who recently advanced to the Sweet Sixteen tournament. Mr. Alton Allen, coach at Crowley High School, briefly addressed the Board. Mr. Stan Baggett, coach at Iota High School, recognized members of his team and thanked the community for its support.
7) Recognize Rayne High School, Armstrong Middle School, Crowley Middle School, and Mire Elementary School for their contribution to United Way.
Mr. Greg Arceneaux of United Way addressed the Board. Schools in Acadia Parish recognized for outstanding contributions to the United Way were Rayne High, Armstrong Middle, Crowley Middle and Mire Elementary. Plaques were presented to principals of each school.
1) Consider recommendation of the Personnel/Insurance committee regarding the selection of interview panels for administrative positions.
Mr. Carl LeJeune, director, reviewed the process for the selection of interview panels for administrative positions. He highlighted recommended changes. Upon motion by Dr. McManus, seconded by Mr. Vige, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the changes for selection of interview panels for administrative positions were approved as submitted to become effective May 6, 2003.
The Acadia Parish School Board has delegated to the Superintendent the authority to recommend for employment all personnel for the Acadia Parish Schools. The Superintendent is obligated to recommend for appointment the most qualified applicant for all positions. All administrative and supervisory recommendations for appointments must be ratified by the School Board.
Upon the creation of a new administrative or supervisory position, or a vacancy in an existing position, except for the position of Superintendent of Schools, position announcements will be sent by the Personnel Director to each school and local newspapers. Only applicants certified for the position according to Bulletin 746 will qualify for consideration.
After the time period for submitting applications has expired, an interview team shall be called into session by the Superintendent. The Personnel Director shall compile the initial pre-interview points on each applicant and house these points in the Personnel Office. All applicants and interviewers shall be notified of the time and place of the interview. The Interview Team shall be in accordance with the Administrators Objective Criteria Guidelines. Interview questions will be randomly selected from a pool of questions and housed in the Superintendent’s office.
After the interview has been completed, each member of the Interview Team shall complete an ”r;Interview Tally Sheet” for each applicant which shall become part of the review file record. The ”r;Interview Tally Sheets” will be gathered by the Personnel Director and each applicant’s average will be added to his/her pre-interview points to form a composite score. The Personnel Director will then list the applicants and their composite scores in descending order and return the results to the Interview Team.
The Interview Team will recommend to the Superintendent the three applicants with the highest composite scores. The Superintendent should recommend the applicant with the highest composite score to the board. If the Superintendent wishes to nominate one of the remaining two applicants, written justification must be provided to the board and the applicant(s) with higher composite score(s).
All documents pertinent to the appointment of an administrative or supervisory position using the Objective Criteria shall be maintained in the Superintendent’s office and shall be available for inspection by school board members and all applicants for the specific position.
NOTE: Applicants shall be responsible for reviewing their personnel records on file in the Acadia Parish School Board Office at the time of application for an administrative or supervisory position to assure that all pertinent records are on file for use by the Interview Team.
The following guidelines shall be used in determining the qualifications of applicants for administrative and supervisory positions:
Criteria for Rating Applicants
I. Pre-Interview
A. Professional Preparation Points
Master’s Degree plus 30 graduate hours 5
Specialist’s Degree 10
Doctor’s Degree 15
B. Years of Experience (Points for in or out of parish)
Range Scale Points
20+ years 10
15 - 19 years 8
12 - 14 years 6
8 - 11 years 4
5 - 7 years 2
If the last five years of work experience is in Acadia Parish, add two (2) additional points.
C. Years of Administrative and/or Supervisory Experience Points
As Instructional Assistant/Helping Teacher/Curriculum 1
As Assistant Principal/Facilitator 2
As Principal 4
As Executive Director/Supervisor/Coordinator 4
Administrative/Supervisory points will reflect an applicant’s highest points for a maximum of 10 years of service. Instructional Assistants/Helping Teachers are included in this category because they have supervisory responsibilities. Persons who vacate principalships to accept Central Office positions as coordinators or other positions voluntarily, and with the Superintendent’s permission, will be given additional credit as if they still held the previous principalship or assistant principalship.
Points for Instructional Assistants/Helping Teachers will be awarded from the exact date of certification in Administration and Supervision.
II Interview
A. Guidelines for the Interview Team
1. The Interview Team and the applicant will be the only people present during the interview.
2. The Interview Team shall not view the pre-interview points.
3. The Superintendent shall be a non-voting member of the Interview Team in all interviews relating to administration and/or supervision. The Superintendent will act as facilitator for the team.
4. The Interview Team will remain as a complete group from the first interview to the last for each position considered. If the group must recess for lunch, the group will not disband.
5. At least one member of each Interview Team must be a female and one member must be a minority. The Superintendent will insure that this balance is accurate after the initial selection of Interview Team members.
6. Selection of Teacher/Professional Interview Team members:
a. Teachers/Professionals will be nominated by their respective principals to be members of the Interview Pool.
b. A teacher/professional may only serve once a year on an interview team.
c. Each year the principal of each school in the parish will submit a list of pool members. The same members from a school may be included each year as designated by the principal.
d. A teacher/professional may elect not to be a member of the pool at any time.
e. A teacher/professional must have at least five years of experience to be nominated as a pool member.
f. Pool members will be drawn by lot and if a pool member’s name is drawn for an interview involving a position at that pool member’s school, the pool member will not be allowed to be on the interview team. Another name will be drawn.
g. Teacher/professionals selected as Interview Team members shall not be employed at the same school as candidates.
h. Inservice for interview pool members should be provided to prepare effective Interview Teams.
7. In case of a tie between any candidates, the interview points will break the tie. In the event that the interview points are tied, a written signed vote of the interview team members will determine the tie breaker.
B. Interview Teams
1. Assistant Principal positions:
a. Superintendent as non-voter/facilitator
b. Principal of the School
c. Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction
d. Teacher/Professional (from Interview Pool)
e. Principal from another school at same level (chosen by the principal of the school)
2. Principal positions:
a. Superintendent as non-voter/facilitator
b. Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction
c. Teacher/Professional (from Interview Pool)
d. Supervisor (above Executive Director’s choice)
e. Principal (Executive Director’s choice)
3. Coordinator/Facilitator positions:
a. Superintendent as non-voter/facilitator
b. Executive Director of applicable program
c. Teacher/Professional (from Interview Pool)
d. Immediate Supervisor for this position
e. Principal (Executive Director’s choice)
4. Supervisor positions:
a. Superintendent as non-voter/facilitator
b. Executive Director of applicable program
c. Teacher (from Interview Pool)
d. Supervisor (Executive Director’s choice)
e. Principal (chosen by Executive Director on the team)
5. Executive Director position:
a. Superintendent as voter
b. Remaining Executive Directors
c. External Administrator at central office level (chosen by Superintendent)
3. Interview Rating Areas Maximum Points
1. Mission 10
2. Problem-solving abilities 10
3. Communication Skills
1. Oral 5
1. Written 5
4. Leadership/Management 10
5. Personal and Professional Stability 10
(Questions to measure the Interview Rating Areas will be randomly selected from a question bank to ask each applicant.)
2) Consider policy changes as recommended by Forethought Consulting.
Mr. Carl LeJeune, director, reviewed information regarding Section G - Personnel policy revisions from Forethought Consulting (previously provided to each board member). After some discussion, upon motion by Mr. Vige’, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, Section G - Personnel policy revisions were adopted as submitted by Forethought Consulting. The possibility of placing this information in electronic format was discussed.
1) Authorize the Superintendent to advertise for the Assistant Principal at Church Point Middle School.
Upon motion by Mrs. Proctor, seconded by Mr. Daigle, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Superintendent was authorized to advertise for Assistant Principal at Church Point Middle School, due to the upcoming retirement of Mr. Joseph Malveaux.
1a) Consider authorizing the Superintendent to advertise for Supervisor of Personnel.
Upon motion by Dr. McManus, seconded by Mr. Vige’, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Superintendent was authorized to advertise for Supervisor of Personnel.
2) Consider Superintendent’s recommendation for renewal of performance contract for Sondra Myers, Principal (Director) of Head Start.
Upon motion by Mr. Boudreaux, seconded by Mrs. Proctor, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board renewed Sondra Myers’ performance contract for two years from July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005.
Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee regarding a portable classroom at Richard Elementary School.
Upon motion by Mr. Vige’, seconded by Mr. Daigle, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board approved acquisition and installation of a portable classroom at Richard Elementary School at an estimated cost of $40,000.
4) Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee regarding supplemental pay for support personnel and administrators.
The estimated cost of supplemental pay for support personnel and administrators is approximately $901,200. The Budget/Finance Committee recommended supplemental pay of a thirteenth check for administrators and $750 for support personnel for 2003-04 based on the same terms as the previous year. A motion to table was offered by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Vige’, and failed by a roll call vote of 4 to 4.
YEA: Johnson, Quebodeaux, Boudreaux, Vige’
NAY: Proctor, Shamsie, Daigle, McManus
Mr. Shamsie motioned and Mr. Daigle, seconded to pay supplements as recommended by the Budget/Finance Committee.
An amendment to take necessary steps to keep the 2003-05 budget fund balance from falling below $3,000,000 was offered by Mr. Johnson and seconded by Mr. Shamsie. The amendment was deemed invalid, since it would bring the fund balance below the 10 percent threshold previously established by the Board.
After some discussion, Mr. Shamsie motioned and Mr. Johnson seconded to suspend the thirteenth check supplement and signing bonus for all employees for next year (2004-05), except for new hires based on these pay incentives.
Upon motion by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Vige’, and carried by a roll call vote of 6 to 1, the motion to suspend the thirteenth check supplement and signing bonus for all employees for next year, except for new hires based on these pay incentives was tabled.
YEA: Proctor, Johnson, Shamsie, Boudreaux, Vige’, McManus
NAY: Daigle
At this point, Mr. Shamsie called for question, which passed by a majority voice vote.
The main motion to approve the Budget/Finance Committee’s recommendation to pay a supplemental thirteenth check for administrators and $750 for support personnel for 2003-04 failed by a roll call vote of 4 to 4.
5) Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee regarding budget priorities for 2003-2004.
Mr. Mike Leonards presented projections for four years which showed a rapidly declining fund balance. Operating deficits were projected for the current and future years. Long and short term budget priorities were discussed.
6) Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee regarding change orders to a classroom project at Estherwood Elementary School.
Upon motion by Mr. Shamsie, seconded by Mr. Vige’, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, change orders of $12,700, funded with Fifth Ward maintenance funds, for new classrooms at Estherwood Elementary School were approved.
7) Receive results of District Performance scores.
Ms. Dianna Guidry presented results of district performance scores. Acadia’s improvement was ranked as fourth highest in the state.
8) Consider recommendation of the Personnel/Insurance Committee regarding adoption of 2003-2004 school calendars.
Upon motion by Mrs. Proctor, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, 2003-2004 school calendars were approved.
9) Consider recommendation of the Personnel/Insurance Committee regarding revisions to the Pupil Progression Plan.
Upon motion by Mrs. Proctor, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, revisions to the Pupil Progression Plan were approved as recommended by the committee.
10) Consider appointing a committee to formulate plans for a funding initiative.
Mr. Quebodeaux recommended reappointing the community-based committee that made recommendations to the Board last year to study funding initiatives. Mrs. Proctor volunteered to serve as chair of this committee. Upon motion by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mrs. Proctor, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, this committee will be reappointed to formulate plans for a funding initiative.
11) Consider going into executive session to discuss pending litigation, pursuant to LARS 42:6.1 (A) (2) APSB vs. Folmer & Associates et al docket No. 74607 15th JDC.
Upon motion by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mrs. Proctor, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board went into executive session, at 6:28 p.m.
Upon motion by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mrs. Proctor, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board reconvened, at 6:52 p.m.
12) There was no correspondence.
DISCUSSION ITEMS: There were no discussion items.
Upon motion by Dr. McManus, seconded by Mr. Johnson, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board took the following action on consent items:
1) Approved new assignments and changes of professional employees.
2) Received sales tax report showing a year-to-date decrease of 16.10%.
3) Granted request to Joy Chaddick, para educator, Crowley High School, for leave without pay from April 17, 2003, to May 31, 2003, for medical reasons.
4) Granted request to Sandra T. Broom, teacher, Church Point High School, for leave without pay from January 9, 2003, to February 14, 2003, for medical reasons.
5) Granted request to Selina Levy, teacher aide, Church Point head Start, for leave without pay from March 5, 2003, to May 2, 2003, for medical reasons.
6) Granted request to Danielle Jones, teacher, Crowley High School, for change of maternity leave from February 11, 2003, to April 28, 2003.
7) Granted request to Jennifer Riffle, teacher, Crowley High School, for maternity leave from May 16, 2003, to May 30, 2003.
8) Granted request to Audra Romero, teacher aide, Ross head Start, for maternity leave from May 5, 2003, through August 12, 2003.
Mrs. Ezora Proctor thanked Head Start employees for meeting with a group of visitors from Brazil during the Easter break.
Mr. Quebodeaux suggested having a retreat for board members.
There being no other business to come before the Board, upon motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Johnson, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the meeting adjourned at 6:51 p.m.
John H. Quebodeaux, President
Mr. John E. Bourque, Superintendent