NOVEMBER 13, 2000
1) Roll Call.
The Acadia Parish School Board met on this the 13th day of November 2000, at 5:00 p.m., in a regular session, with President John H. Quebodeaux presiding. Members present were Mr. Lyle C. Johnson, Mr. Bill Pinac, Ms. Kitty M. Valdetero, Ms. Wadie H. Bias, Mr. Woody M. Marceaux, Mr. John A. Suire, Mr. Lynn Shamsie, Mr. Nolton J. Senegal, Sr., Mr. Roland J. Boudreaux, Mr. Rodney J. Trahan, Mr. Johnnie L. Smith, Mr. Charles F. Daigle, Mr. Shirley Vige', Dr. Robert McManus, Mr. Paul K. Bellon, and Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Marietta W. James.
2&3) Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.
Ms. Kitty Valdetero led the prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.
4) Consider approval of a revised agenda, if there are any changes.
Upon motion by Dr. McManus, seconded by Mr. Trahan, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the agenda was revised by adding Discussion Item 5 (DISCUSS CHANGE IN POLICY REGARDING STUDENTS OUT-OF-STATE FIELD TRIPS.), and Discussion Item 6 (DISCUSS NOT CHANGING DATES OF BOARD MEETINGS FROM THE FIRST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH.)
5) Read and approve minutes of the October 2, 2000. meeting.
Reading of the minutes of the October 2, 2000, meeting was dispensed with (copies of minutes were sent to each member prior to this meeting) and approved as amended on page 81, item 8, to read "property adjacent to Church Point High School at a price of $40,000", upon motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Daigle, and carried by a unanimous voice vote.
6) Recognize Teachers of the Year.
Teachers of the year, representing each school in the parish, were introduced by Mr. Carl LeJeune and recognized by the Board. Parish-wide winners were Jeannette LeJeune from Richard Elementary representing Elementary Schools, Nanette Millet from Richard Elementary representing Middle Schools, and Lula Farris (deceased) from Rayne High representing Secondary Schools. Mrs. LeJeune briefly addressed the Board; Mr. LeJeune spoke about Nanette Millet, who was absent. A niece of Ms. Farris addressed the Board on behalf of her deceased aunt.
7) Hear a report on School Performance Scores and recognize Outstanding Title I Schools.
Ms. Dianna Guidry addressed the Board with good news of school performance scores for Acadia Parish. She provided a written report which provided details on a school-by-school basis. Mr. Sherman Wilson recognized principals of the following schools which showed significant improvements in school performance scores. Egan Elementary, Mermentau Elementary, Richard Elementary, Iota Middle, .,.,Armstrong Middle and Ross Elementary The principals were commended for this achievement.
Dr. James made positive comments regarding the marked improvement in students' achievement over the previous year.
The following changes in policy were made due to recent legislation: Consider policy regarding -technology assistive devices for disabled students.
Upon motion by Mr. Pinac, seconded by Ms. Valdetero, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, policy regarding technology assistive devices for disabled students was approved.
2) Consider policy regarding school land rental and lease.
Upon motion by Mr. Pinac, seconded by Mr. Boudreaux, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, policy regarding school land rental and lease was approved.
3) Consider policy regarding school admission.
Upon motion by Mr.Smith, seconded by Mr. Senegal, and carried by a unanimous voice vote,
policy regarding school admission was approved.
4) Consider student-teacher ratio at Crowley Kindergarten (Lyle Johnson)
Mr. Johnson motioned and Mr. Pinac seconded to hire another kindergarten teacher at Crowley Kindergarten. As reported by Dr. James, Mrs. Ids Yeager, principal, is not requesting another teacher at this time. The motion failed by a majority voice vote.
5) Consider distribution of board members' travel fund (Lyle Johnson)
Mr. Johnson motioned and Mr. Trahan seconded to allocate board members' travel funds equally among the sixteen board members, with the ability to carry over funds during their term. Questions were raised regarding the need for these restrictions, as they have not reached the budgeted limit. Several members suggested leaving the process of expending these funds as it is. The motion failed by a roll call vote of 8 to 6.
YEA: Johnson, Pinac, Marceaux, Boudreaux, Trahan, Vige'
NAY: Bias, Suire, Shamsie, Senegal, Smith, Daigle, McManus, Bellon ABSTAIN: Valdetero
1) Consider request from Lafayette Schools' Federal Credit Union regarding temporary location. Dr. James introduced Mr. Ken Villamarette and Ms. Connie Ray of LSFCU, who addressed the Board. Effective November 1, 2000, LSFCU took over operations of the Acadia Parish Teachers' Credit Union. Dr. James recommended allowing them to temporarily locate in the Adult Education Building, until a permanent site can be located in Acadia Parish. Benefits of an employee's credit union were discussed. Upon motion by Mr. Senegal, seconded by Mr. Smith, and carried by a majority voice vote, (Shamsie, Boudreaux, Marceaux abstained), the Superintendent's recommendation to approve LSFCU's request to temporarily locate in the Adult Education Building was approved.
2) Consider recommendation of the Budget/Finance Committee regarding bids for a refrigerated truck for Child Nutritional Program.
Mr. Senegal explained the Budget/Finance Committee's recommendation to table this item until the December board meeting. Upon motion by Mr. Senegal, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, bids for a refrigerated truck for the Child Nutrition Program were tabled until the December board meeting.
3) Consideration recommendation of the Transportation/Facilities Committee and recommendation of Mr. Roland Boudreaux regarding fuel adjustment for school buses.
Mr. Pinac presented an analysis of the two proposed plans, the Transportation/Facilities Committee's plan and Mr. Boudreaux's plan. He reviewed the process used to compute the cost factor per one-way mile, then showed examples of costs using $1.30 and $1.40 as base amounts. He suggested using an actual quarterly index as opposed to a midpoint price range of ten cents. Several drivers cited up to 8 mpg for diesel buses. Mr. Vige' asked about mpg on gasoline vs. diesel ,buses and indicated that diesel mileage far exceeds mileage for gas buses. He feels that drivers with diesel buses and those with gasoline buses should not be reimbursed for both at the same rate. Discussion continued regarding which index to consider. It was pointed out that APSB drivers already receive the second highest expense pay in the state. Mr. Shamsie Motioned and MT. Johnson seconded to accept Mr. Boudreaux's plan for supplemental fuel adjustment at a base of $1.30 and 5 mpg. Mr. Bellon suggested that 6 mpg instead of 5 mpg be used, since diesel engines make better mileage, and the Board was considering the diesel index. A substitute motion by Mr. Suire to use the same formula at a base of $1.40 and 5 mpg, retroactive to October 3, 2000, was seconded by Mr. Bellon. Discussion continued until question was called by Ms. Valdetero, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a majority voice vote. The substitute motion passed by a roll call vote of 9 to 7.
YEA: Pinac, Valdetero, Bias, Marceaux, Suire, Senegal, Vige', McManus, Bellon
NAY: Johnson, Shamsie, Quebodeaux, Boudreaux, Trahan, Smith, Daigle
4) Consider recommendation of the Transportation/Facilities and Budget/Finance Committees to renew agricultural leases.
Upon motion by Mr. Senegal, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, APSB agricultural leases were renewed with Clay Smith, Darrel Fruge', and Troy Fruge' for five years under the same terms as their previous leases.
5) Consider recommendation of the Transportation/Facilities and Budget/Finance Committees regarding rental of property in Church Point for Title I purposes.
Upon motion by Mr. Senegal, seconded by Ms. Valdetero, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, a contract for rental of property in Church Point for the Title I program was approved.
6) Consider recommendation of the Personnel/Insurance and Budget/Finance Committees regarding an additional classified employee for the payroll department.
No action was taken by the Personnel/Insurance Committee on the position of hiring an additional classified employee for the payroll department; the Budget/Finance Committee recommended approval. Mr. Senegal motioned and Mr. Daigle seconded to approve this position. Dr. James responded to questions regarding the need for this position at a salary of between $16,591 and $22,320 per year, depending upon experience. Mr. Boudreaux suggested that this be a half-time position and with a fixed salary. A substitute motion to hire a half-time person was offered by Mr. Boudreaux, seconded by Mr. Johnson, and failed by a roll call vote of 12 to 3.
YEA: Johnson, Bias, Boudreaux
NAY: Pinac, Valdetero, Marceaux, Suire, Shamsie, Senegal, Trahan, Smith, Daigle, Vige', McManus, Bellon
The main motion to approve hiring an additional classified employee for the payroll department failed by a tied roll call vote of 8 to 8, with President Quebodeaux casting the tying vote.
YEA: Bias, Suire, Senegal, Smith. Daigle, Vige', McManus, Bellon
NAY: Johnson, Pinac, Valdetero, Marceaux, Shamsie, Quebodeaux, Boudreaux, Trahan
7) Consider recommendation of the Personnel/Insurance and Budget/Finance Committees re ag regarding placement of recently hired classified employees into the salary system.
Both committees recommended placement of recently hired classified employees into the salary system as proposed (information was sent to each member prior to this meeting). Upon motion by Mr. Senegal, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a majority voice vote (Mr. Boudreaux opposed), the Board approved placement of recently hired classified employees into the salary system as recommended by the Personnel/Insurance and Budget/Finance Committees.
8) Consider recommendation of the Personnel/Insurance and Budget/Finance committees regarding additional work days for COE school coordinators.
Upon motion by Mr. Senegal, seconded by Ms. Valdetero, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board approved increasing employment of COE school coordinators from nine-months to nine and one-half months, at an additional cost of $3,817.00, as recommended by the Personnel/Insurance and Budget/Finance Committees.
9) Receive a report on GPA/LEAP 21 comparisons.
Ms. Diana Guidry presented information regarding a comparison of GPA and LEAP 21 scores. Upon motion by Mr. Bellon, seconded by Mr. Smith, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the report was received.
At 6:43 p.m., upon motion by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board took a break.
At 6:48 p.m., upon motion by Mr. Senegal, seconded by Mr. Trahan, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board reconvened into regular session.
10) Hear report regarding a center-based hospital-homebound Program.
Mr. Michael LeBlanc addressed the Board regarding changes in the hospital-homebound program. All teachers are once again in the field, with one day per week at the Alternative School. A lengthy discussion developed regarding options which students have regarding attendance policies at the Alternative School.
11) Receive report regarding professional development requirement for school board members Dr. James updated the Board on professional development requirements for board members as stated in LA R. S. 17:33, Act 66 of 1998. She stated that some of the members' records were not up-to-date. A question was raised about the penalty for not meeting the requirements. Dr. James was asked to come up with more options for board members to attend sessions to meet these requirements.
12) Consider charging fees for testing home-school students.
Dr. James reported that one prerequisite for approval of a renewal application for a home study program is verification that a child has taken a standardized test and scored at or above grade level. State law allows local school systems to charge for the administration of the examinations. Also, the state provides this testing free of charge once a year. Dr. James recommended charging fees for testing students who wish to remain in home-schooling, not students who are entering the APSB system.
Upon motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Ms. Valdetero, and carried by a unanimous voice the Board adopted the following fees as recommended by Dr. James.
$20.00 - Core Test Battery (Reading, Language, Mathematics)
$30.00 - Complete Battery (Reading, Language, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Sources of Information
13) Consider unrestricted donation from Rayne High School Athletic Boosters.
Mr. Boudreaux motioned and Dr. McManus seconded to approve an unrestricted donation of $4,000 from the Rayne High School Athletic Boosters to be used as supplemental coaches' pay for Brad Bergeron and Wesley Hawkins. After the employer's share for teachers' retirement and Medicare have been deducted, each coach will receive a supplement of $1,729.36. Discussion followed regarding APSB policy. A substitute motion by Mr. Trahan, seconded by Mr. Senegal, to table this matter until more information can be provided, carried by a unanimous voice vote.
14) Consider method of distributing savings from extended medical and recuperative sabbatical leaves.
Changes in LA R. S. 17:1173 (sabbatical for medical leave) and LA R. S. 17:1202 (extended sick leave) requires that any savings a local school system realizes as a result of restrictions and provisions in these laws be distributed to full-time classroom teachers. Acadia Parish has "saved" $35,719.31 due to the new restrictions. Dr. James recommended that the savings be distributed to all full-time employees who hold a valid teaching certificate, and social workers, school psychologists, and speech therapists who hold a professional ancillary certificate. Employees who fit the criteria will receive a supplemental check of approximately $45.00. Mr. Senegal motioned and Mr. Trahan seconded to approve the Superintendent's recommendation. A substitute motion was offered by Mr. Johnson to distribute this money to classroom teachers only. Discussion followed concerning the intent of the law.
Mr. Jeff Kology, LAE, addressed the Board, stating that the intent of the legislation was to
distribute the earnings to those who are eligible for sabbatical leave, as recommended by Dr. James. Mr. Johnson withdrew the substitute motion. The main motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.
15) Consider adoption of a letter of understanding with the Martin Petitjean family regarding use of property adjacent to Martin Petitjean Elementary. (Roland Boudreaux)
Mr. Boudreaux reported that he had discussed the use of property adjacent to Martin Petitjean Elementary with the Martin Petitjean family. He asked that a letter of understanding be developed which would allow the APSB to use this property. Upon motion by Mr. Boudreaux, seconded by Mr. Senegal, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, Mr. Caswell, attorney, will draft a letter of understanding between the APSB and the Martin Petitjean family regarding use of their property adjacent to Martin Petitjean Elementary.
16) Consider request from Elizabeth Harson teacher, for a waiver of a requirement to return to work after sabbatical leave.
Dr. James recommended, based on policy, that Mrs. Elizabeth Harson be required to repay only the local portion ($2,572.79) of her sabbatical. Mr. Trahan motioned and Mr. Vige' seconded to approve the Superintendent's recommendation. A substitute motion by Mr. Johnson to forgive that portion of Mrs. Harson's sabbatical died for lack of a second. The main motion passed by a majority voice vote (Ms. Valdetero opposed).
17) Consider adopting a resolution authorizing the Superintendent and/or Board President to sign and execute documents approved by the Board.
Mr. Gerard Caswell, attorney, explained that the resolution authorizing the Superintendent and/or Board President to sign and execute documents approved by the Board was a generic resolution that could be used for any transaction approved by the Board. Upon motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Bellon, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board adopted the following resolution authorizing the Superintendent and/or Board President to sign and execute documents approved by the Board.
It is hereby resolved that Dr. Marietta W. James, Superintendent, Acadia Parish School Board, and/or John H. Quebodeaux, President, Acadia Parish School Board, acting in their official capacity for said school system, be authorized to sign and execute any and all documents associated with transactions actions duly approved by the Board.
18) Consider pay grade change for Computer Tech I.
Recently, Mrs. Tina Atkinson, Computer Technician I, at her own expense, became a Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE), which is equivalent to the Novell Certified Network Engineer (CNE) certification held by Computer Technician II's. This certification makes her eligible for the next pay grade. Her salary is $20,400 and would increase approximately $13,000 to the level of $33,300. Funding will come from unused money set aside for the technology instructional assistant's salary which is being paid through a grant again this year. Questions were posed to Mrs. Mary Robbins, supervisor, regarding the specifics of this certification. Mrs. Atkinson answered questions of board members.
Mr Daigle motioned and Mr. Bellon seconded to change Mrs. Atkinson's pay grade from Computer Technician I to Computer Technician II.
A substitute motion offered by Mr. Marceaux and seconded by Mr. Trahan to recommend this matter to the Personnel/Insurance Committee, then to the Budget/Finance Committee failed by a roll call vote of 8 to 6.
YEA: Valdetero, Marceaux, Shamsie, Senegal, Boudreaux, Trahan
NAY: Johnson, Pinac, Suire, Smith, Daigle, Vige', McManus, Bellon
The main motion carried by a roll call vote of 9 to 5.
YEA: Johnson, Pinac, Suire, Senegal, Smith, Daigle, Vige', McManus, Bellon
NAY: Valdetero, Marceaux, Shamsie, Boudreaux, Trahan
19) Consider an additional child specific aide for a student at Crowley High School (Mike LeBlanc
Mr. Michael LeBlanc, supervisor, requested a child specific aide for a wheelchair student at Crowley High School. Funding would be with special education funds. Upon motion by Mr. Senegal, seconded by Mrs. Valdetero, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board approved Mr. LeBlanc's request to hire a child specific aide for a wheelchair student at Crowley High School.
20) Consider employing an audiologist for regular and special education (Mike LeBlanc).
Mr. Michael LeBlanc asked that an audiologist for regular and special education be hired as a ten-month position using special education funds. Upon motion by Mr. Senegal, seconded by Mr. Pinac, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, Mr. LeBlanc's request to hire an audiologist was approved.
21) Consider employing a part-time Even Start aide.
This position will be funded with Even Start funds. Mrs. Yvonne Mills answered questions of Board members regarding Even Start funding, and the number of families this program serves. Upon motion by Mr. Senegal, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board approved employing a part-time Even Start aide.
22) Consider flashing caution lights at Crowley High School and Martin Petitjean Elementary. (Lyle Johnson)
Mr. Johnson motioned and Mr. Pinac seconded to install flashing lights at Crowley High and Martin Petitjean Elementary. President Quebodeaux explained his efforts to hire law enforcement personnel to help with traffic control. The issues of initial cost, maintenance, and liability were discussed. A substitute motion to secure services of a deputy at both sites in addition to flashing lights was offered by Mr. Daigle and seconded by Mr. Trahan. Mr. Michael Leonards was asked about insurance coverage. A second substitute motion to table this matter until next month's meeting was offered by Dr. McManus, seconded by Mr. Bellon, and carried by a majority voice vote.
23) Hear a report from Attorney regarding the issue of Acadia Parish Educational Center building (John Ouebodeaux)
Mr. Gerard Caswell, attorney, contacted Mr. Kenneth Sills regarding the issue of the Acadia Parish Educational Center building, but has had no response from him at this time. There were no new developments to report.
24) Correspondence
Dr. James announced that the NSBA Spring Conference will be held in San Diego. She also invited board members to a Christmas social hosted by Mr. Quebodeaux, Mr. Suire, Mr. Caswell, and herself. The social will be at her home, after the next board meeting on December 4.
1) Hear an explanation and specific example of how pay raises were figured for classified employees. Lyle Johnson)
Mr. Michael Leonards explained the process used in transition of classified personnel from the old pay scales to the new hourly scales. He cited examples and discussed the process in detail with board members.
2) Discuss sales tax revenues received from the new_ CLECO substation and KLFY Channel 10 tower. Lyle Johnson)
Mr. Johnson indicated that discussion was not needed on the matter of sales tax revenues received from the new CLECO substation and KLFY Channel 10 tower.
3) Discuss sales tax method of issuing permits in Acadia Parish. (Lyle Johnson)
Mr. Johnson suggested that, in the future, the sales tax collector sign-off before permits are issued at the parish level. Mr. Quebodeaux discussed the method of issuing permits at the parish level.
4) Discuss having Board meetings at 5:30 p.m. instead of 5:00 p.m. (John Quebodeaux)
Mr. Quebodeaux asked the Board to consider this matter. He indicated that it appears that some board members seem to have difficulty arriving at 5:00 p.m.
5) Discuss change in polio regarding students' out-of-state field trips.
Mr. Johnson suggested authorizing the Superintendent to grant permission for students out-of-state field trips.
6) Discuss not changing dates of Board meetings from the first Monday of every month.
A suggestion was made not to change Board meeting dates unless the majority of the Board could not be in attendance. Comments indicating that the current procedure of majority approval to change a Board meeting date seems to work well.
Mr. Boudreaux pointed out that Routine Item 3 involved a budget increase, but did not pass by a two-thirds vote. A suggestion was made to address this matter at next month's (December) board meeting.
Upon motion by Mr. Senegal, seconded by Mr. Trahan, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the following consent items were approved:
1. Assignments and changes of professional employees, since the last meeting.
2. Sales tax report showing a year-to-date increase of 8.22%.
3. Requests for release of contract from; Bruce C. Niles, teacher, Crowley Middle, effective October 2, 2000; Curtis Wilson, teacher, Church Point Middle, effective October 5, 2000; Shawn Daigle, teacher, Armstrong Middle, effective October 10, 2000; Elizabeth Harson, teacher, North Crowley; effective October 27, 2000; and Katherine Cummings, teacher, Martin Petitjean, effective November 10, 2000.
4. Request from Trudy Benoit, child specific aide, Crowley High, for maternity leave, effective January 19, 2001, through January 22, 2001.
5. Request from Genevia Miller, cafeteria computer clerk, Richard Elementary, from October 26, 2000, to December 7, 2000.
6. Request from Christine Siemen, teacher, Rayne Head Start, for maternity leave from October 27, through November 17, 2000.
There being no other business to come before the Board, upon motion by Mr. Trahan, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
H. Quebodeaux, President
Dr. Marietta W. James, Superintendent