FEBRUARY 7, 2000
1) The Acadia Parish School Board met on this the 7th day of February 2000, at 5:00 p.m., in a regular session, with President John H. Quebodeaux presiding. Members present were Mr. Lyle C. Johnson, Mr. Bill Pinac, Ms. Kitty M. Valdetero, Ms. Wadie H. Bias, Mr. Woody M. Marceaux, Mr. John A. Suire, Mr. Lynn Shamsie, Mr. Nolton J. Senegal, Sr., Mr. Roland J. Boudreaux, Mr. Rodney J. Trahan, Mr. Johnnie L. Smith, Mr. Charles F. Daigle, Mr. Shirley Vige', Dr. Robert McManus, Mr. Paul K. Bellon, and Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Marietta W. James.
2&3) Megan Blanchard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Blanchard and an eighth grade student at Richard Elementary School led in the prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.
4) Upon motion by Mr. Shamsie, seconded by Mr. Senegal, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the agenda was revised by adding Routine Item 6a (CONSIDER CHANGE ORDER ON TRACK AT MIDLAND HIGH SCHOOL).
5) Reading of the minutes of the January 5 (special session), and January 10, 2000, meetings was dispensed with (copies of minutes were sent to each member prior to this meeting) and approved as submitted, upon motion by Mr. Senegal, seconded by Mr. Trahan, and carried by a unanimous voice vote.
6) Mr. Cal Simar, supervisor, and Mr. Ricky Wriborg, coach, presented State Championship AA football team members from Iota High School. The team was recognized and congratulated by the Board and audience.
7) Mr. Dennis Fruge', School Resource Officer, was introduced by Mr. Richard Lavergne, principal of Rayne High School. He briefly addressed the Board regarding his job as school resource officer. This position is funded in part by a grant through the sheriff's department and Acadia Parish School Board funds. Ms. Karen Hebert discussed the funding process for this program. Mr. Boudreaux and Mr. Trahan made positive comments regarding this new position.
8) Mr. Eric Stutes, supervisor, introduced Students of the Year for Acadia Parish. Plaques were presented to Anita Ready, a fifth grade student at Branch Elementary School, who was selected as Elementary Student of the Year; Lauren Judice, an eighth grade student at Armstrong Middle School, who was selected as Middle School Student of the Year; and Jacklyn Moody, a twelfth grade student at Rayne High School, who was selected as Secondary Student of the Year. Winners from each school were recognized and presented a certificate of recognition. Mr. Stutes thanked those who served on the committee to select Students of the Year. Mr. Quebodeaux congratulated the students and their parents on this achievement.
1) Mr. Quebodeaux stated that since the superintendent was not given twenty-four hour notice, her performance may not be discussed. He indicated that if her performance was not discussed, he would consider taking a vote on this matter. The superintendent did not object to this process. Upon motion by Mr. Trahan, seconded by Mr. Pinac, and carried by a roll call vote of 8 to 7, the Board President was authorized to enter into negotiations with the Superintendent for termination of contract.
YEA: Johnson, Pinac, Valdetero, Marceaux, Boudreaux, Trahan, Vige', Bellon
NAY: Bias, Suire, Shamsie, Senegal, Smith, Daigle, McManus
President Quebodeaux indicated that he will report back to the Board on the progress of these negotiations.
1) Upon motion by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Marceaux, and carried by a majority voice vote (Mr. Smith objected), at 5:32 p.m.,the Board went into executive session to hear a report from special counsel regarding Acadia Parish Educational Center.
Upon motion by Mr. Trahan, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board reconvened into regular session at 5:48 p.m.
2) There were two applicants for the position of principal at Alternative School and Superintendent James recommended Mrs. Evelyn Julian for the position. Mr. Senegal motioned and Dr. McManus seconded, to accept the Superintendent's recommendation and appoint Mrs. Julian as Alternative School principal. Mr. Trahan indicated that he could not vote to approve this recommendation at this time. Mr. Shamsie and Mr. Boudreaux recommended filling this position on an interim basis in lieu of a permanent replacement. Mr. Daigle spoke in favor of this item, as did Mr. Senegal, who then called for the question which passed by a majority voice vote. The Superintendent's recommendation was approved by a roll call vote of 9 to 6, and Mrs. Julian was named as principal at Alternative School. She was recognized and congratulated by the Board.
YEA: Valdetero, Bias, Suire, Senegal, Smith, Daigle, Vige', McManus, Bellon
NAY: Johnson, Pinac, Marceaux, Shamsie, Boudreaux, Trahan
At this time, upon motion by Mr. Senegal, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, Routine Item 3a (CONSIDER AUTHORIZING THE SUPERINTENDENT TO ADVERTISE FOR ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL AT CROWLEY HIGH SCHOOL) was added to the agenda.
3) Upon motion by Ms. Valdetero, seconded by Mr. Marceaux, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Superintendent's recommendation for bus driver for a Crowley route was approved. Ms. Denise Green was appointed to this position and recognized by the Board.
3a) Mr. Senegal motioned and Mr. Pinac seconded to authorize the Superintendent to advertise for an assistant principal at Crowley High School. Mr. Marceaux asked if this could be deferred for a few months, to avoid the domino effect of administrators. Dr. James recommended that this be acted on at this time. After more discussion, Mrs. Helen Schmaltz, principal, addressed the Board, asking that this position be filled as soon as. possible. The motion passed by a majority voice vote (Mr. Boudreaux opposed), and the Superintendent was authorized to advertise for an assistant principal at Crowley High School.
4) Upon motion by Mr. Trahan, seconded by Mr. Suire, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the March regular board meeting will be held on Monday, March 13, 2000, due to Mardi Gras holidays.
5) Mr. Pinac motioned and Ms. Valdetero seconded to approve a request from the City of Crowley to annex property on Cherokee Road. Information and a plat of the property regarding this request was provided to each Board member earlier. After some discussion, the annexation of this property was approved by a unanimous voice vote.
6) Mr. Bill Ackal, architect, addressed the Board. He indicated that work on the greenhouse and weight room at Midland High School was complete. Upon motion by Mr. Shamsie, seconded by Mr. Marceaux, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, substantial completion of the greenhouse and weight room at Midland High School was approved by the Board.
6a) Upon motion by Mr. Shamsie, seconded by Mr. Bellon, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board approved a change order for the track at Midland High School which decreased the net total by $2,120.70 (new total is $286,351.30).
7) Upon motion by Mr. Marceaux, seconded by Mr. Trahan, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, substantial completion of re-roofing at Gardiner Memorial Stadium, Special Education Building, and Rayne High Stadium was approved. Mr. Don Breaux, architect, indicated that these jobs have been successfully completed.
8) Upon motion by Mr. Senegal, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Superintendent was authorized to advertise for bids for teaching and duplicating and janitorial supplies.
9) Upon motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Trahan, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the following proclamation designating February 6-12, 2000, as School Counselors' Week was adopted.
WHEREAS, February 6-12, 2000, has been designated School Counselors' Week by the Louisiana Association of School Counselors; and
WHEREAS, rapid changes occurring in our world and economy are increasing the complexity of work that spans the entire workforce of today's society and demand that education and guidance services for all students be made more relevant to future careers and life skills; and
WHEREAS, standards focusing on what students would know and be able to do need to be promoted and developed through thinking processes that students.; will use in the classroom and real-work situations; and
WHEREAS, society in the 21th Century demands standards designed to address content knowledge, life skills, and career orientation while addressing the diversity of education needs of all Louisiana students; and WHEREAS, a need exists to develop a counseling program model that aligns with rigorous academic standards and challenging assessments to ensure a better future for all our children; and
WHEREAS, there is a recognized need for a comprehensive developmental counseling program that will offer all students an opportunity to have their needs addressed through structured development experiences presented through individual, small group, and classroom activities;
NOW THEREFORE, the Acadia Parish School Board does proclaim the week of February 6-12, 2000, SCHOOL COUNSELOR WEEK in the parish of Acadia and urge all citizens to become more familiar with the services and benefits offered by the school guidance and testing programs to help address the needs of all students.
10) Upon motion by Mr. Trahan, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the following proclamation designating February 13-19, 2000, as Career and Technical Education Week was adopted.
WHEREAS, February 13-19, 2000, has been designated Career and Technical Education Week by the Association for Career and Technical Education; and
WHEREAS, profound economic and technological changes in our society are rapidly reflected in the structure and nature of work, thereby placing new and additional responsibilities on our educational system; and
WHEREAS, career and technical education provides Americans with a school-to-careers connection and is the backbone of a strong, well-educated workforce, which fosters productivity in business and industry and contributes to America's leadership in the international marketplace; and
WHEREAS, career and technical education gives high school students experience in practical, meaningful applications of basic skills such as reading, writing, and mathematics, thus improving the quality of their education, motivating potential dropouts and giving all students leadership opportunities in their fields and in their communities; and
WHEREAS, career and technical education offers individuals lifelong opportunities to learn new skills, which provide them with career choices and potential satisfaction; and
WHEREAS, the ever-increasing cooperative efforts of career and technical educators, business and industry stimulate the growth and vitality of our local economy and that of the entire nation by preparing graduates for career fields forecast to experience the largest and fastest growth in the next decade; NOW THEREFORE, the Acadia Parish School board does proclaim the week of February 13-19, 2000, CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION WEEK in the parish of Acadia and urge all citizens to become more familiar with the services and benefits offered by the career and technical education programs to enhance their individual work skills and productivity.
11) Dr. James reported on a method to fund increased group health insurance costs by a combination of decreased costs and an anticipated MFP increase of $661,000.
12) Mr. Leonards, director, answered questions of the Board regarding the most current MFP projections for the current year. It was noted that this was the first time that the new formula has been fully funded. Mr. Leonards stated that he is expecting, within a few weeks, final numbers from the state acknowledging that the amount may change with the final budget letter. 13) Upon motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Ms. Valdetero, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Local Personnel Evaluation Plan revision was approved.
14) Dr. James recommended changing the status of the Child Nutrition and Head Start bookkeepers from acting to permanent. Upon motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Ms. Valdetero, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Superintendent's recommendation was approved.
15) Mr. Privat previously sent correspondence to Board members regarding the south gymnasium at Rayne High School. Mr. Trahan indicated that this project was not formally accepted by the Board. Mr. Johnson expressed concern that the Board was not appraised of any of the change orders. Mr. Boudreaux asked Mr. Ron Lawson, architect, about the quality of flooring in the gym. Mr. Lawson indicated that he felt that the project had been satisfactorily completed at the time substantial completion was awarded. Mr. Richard Lavergne, principal, also addressed the Board and indicated that all problems relating to this building have been addressed. Renovation costs on this facility exceeded $350,000.
Dr. James asked Mr. Privat if he was aware of the APSB policy regarding substantial completion. Mr. Privat stood by his opinion that the Superintendent did not have the authority to approve substantial completion. A question was raised about who is authorized to extend the time line of a contract. President Quebodeaux concluded with the suggestion that all change orders and substantial completions be brought to the Board for approval. He will see that they are handled in a timely manner. Mr. Privat suggested that a change order of a nominal amount be left to the discretion of the Superintendent. Mr. Vige' motioned and Mr. Bellon seconded to ratify substantial completion of the south gymnasium at Rayne High School.
The motion to ratify was approved by a majority voice vote. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Trahan opposed. Mr. Boudreaux and Ms. Valdetero abstained.
16) Mrs. Helen Schmaltz, principal, asked for an emergency day on Friday, February 11, 2000, to move into the south wing at Crowley High School. Dr. James verified. that state requirements for instructional time will be met, and she recommended that the Board approve this request. Upon motion by Dr. McManus, seconded by Ms. Valdetero, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board approved an emergency day for Crowley High School to allow time to move into the south wing.
17) Mr. Daigle motioned and Mr. Senegal seconded to approve the Superintendent's recommendation regarding classification and compensation of new hires. Mr. Boudreaux expressed concerns that consideration be given to job worth, as opposed to an individual's experience and qualifications. Dr. James stated that both job worth as well as an applicant's prior experience are permissible under current hiring policies for classified employees. Question was called. The main motion passed by- a majority voice vote (Mr. Boudreaux, Mr. Marceaux, and Mr. Johnson opposed).
At 6:48 p.m., upon motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Suire, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board recessed for 10 minutes.
Upon motion by Mr. Bellon, seconded by Mr. Trahan, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Board reconvened at 6:59 p.m.
18) Three dates (February 15, 23, or March 1) were recommended for a goals conference. Upon motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Bellon, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the goals conference will be held on Tuesday, February 15, at 5:30 p.m., in the media center.
19) Mr. Vige' indicated that the Audit Committee received the report last week and recommended acceptance of the report by the full Board. Mr. Greg Milton, auditor, addressed the Board. He reviewed financial highlights of operations for the year ended June 30, 1999. He cited a general fund balance of $8,735,597. He then went over audit findings with the Board, making recommendations regarding improvements to fixed asset tracking and inter-fund payable/receivables. Mr. Vige' gave his comments (as chairman of the Audit Committee) regarding these findings. He indicated that plans for closer and more timely monitoring are underway to correct these deficiencies.
Upon motion by Mr. Vige', seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the audit report was accepted.
20) Dr. James presented the recommendation of the Technology/Instructional/Federal Programs Committee to collaborate with ULL (University of Louisiana at Lafayette) to implement the GEAR UP Federal Grant proposal in Acadia Parish. This is a five-year program which would track Crowley Middle School sixth grade students' progress. She answered questions of the Board regarding this grant. Upon motion by Ms. Valdetero, seconded by Ms. Bias, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, this proposal was approved.
21) Mr. Richard Lavergne, principal, addressed the Board with his request to consider an A x B schedule with an eight credit year. He provided an outline of the highlights of this program as presented earlier to the Technology/Instruction/Federal Programs Committee and stated that if teaching staff is reduced, he will continue with his current schedule. Mr. Senegal motioned and Mr. Johnson seconded to approve Mr. Lavergne's request to pursue this schedule.
An amended motion to derive a method which would allow early graduation with school administrative approval was offered by Mr. Johnson and seconded by Mr. Marceaux. Discussion continued regarding the merits of placing additional requirements for graduation above and beyond state requirements. President Quebodeaux suggested more parental input before moving ahead with this program. Mr. Lavergne continued to answer questions from the Board. Mrs. Ruth Petry, assistant principal, reminded the Board that Rayne High School has implemented a program, through a special grant, designed to raise test scores over the next three years. The main motion as amended passed by a unanimous voice vote.
22) Information regarding Special Populations Vocational Development Proposal was previously supplied to Board members by the special education department. Upon motion by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Ms. Valdetero, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, this report was approved.
23) Ms. Adele Carr, supervisor, presented DRA results, showing reading levels in grades 1, 2, and 3. The program is showing steady progress. Mr. Johnson asked for this information by school districts. Ms. Carr will provide this information.
24) Ms. Adele Carr, supervisor, reported on the LEAP 21 Summer School pilot program in grades 4 and 8. This was a voluntary program last summer and APSB results compared favorably with other parishes in the state. Upon motion by Mr. Pinac, seconded by Mr. Senegal, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, reports. on DRA results and the Summer School program were approved.
25) The Personnel/Insurance Committee recommended changing the APSB organizational chart to reflect two changes needed at this, time. Because Title I is the primary funding source for the salary of the Media/Technology Supervisor and the Adult Ed/Testing Supervisor, a change is needed to reflect that those job duties are monitored by the; Supervisor of Federal Programs. Mr.Smith reminded the Board that other future changes in the organizational chart may be necessary.
Upon motion by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Senegal, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the Personnel/Insurance Committee's recommendation was accepted and the organizational chart was revised to reflect changes in Media/Technology and Adult Ed/Testing Supervisor.
26) The Transportation/Facilities Committee recommended approval of a request from Texas Gas for servitude near Entex meter station on Section 16, Township 9S, Range 2W, near Evangeline. It entails the installation of a gas monitoring device on an existing pipeline on school property. Mr. Kenny Privat reviewed the request from Texas Gas. The APSB will receive $1,500 for a long-term lease. Upon motion by Mr. Bellon, seconded by Dr. McManus, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the request was approved.
27) Mr. Kenny Privat presented the Transportation/Facilities Committee's recommendation to issue addendum to agricultural contracts which would give the farmers the option of whether or not to plant soybeans. This was discussed further by the Board and approved, upon motion by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Senegal, and carried by a unanimous voice vote.
Dr. James reminded the Board that this contract change would also involve a change in policy. An action item to revise policy will be on the agenda at next month's meeting: 28) Upon motion by Dr. McManus, seconded by Mr. Senegal, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the recommendation of the Transportation/Facilities and Budget/Finance Committees to revise the Iota Bond Construction fund budget by adding $16,000 from its L.A.M.P. investment for expenses related to air conditioning the school gym was approved.
29) The Child Nutrition Program field manager position was initially filled by an employee with a college degree and was compensated at the rate of a twelve-month teacher. Upon a vacancy in the position, the Child Nutrition Supervisor determined that the job responsibilities could be handled by someone having cafeteria manager certification, not a college degree; therefore, the Personnel/Insurance and Budget/Finance Committees recommended the a new grade for this position which would result in an approximate $16,000 savings. Mr. Senegal motioned and Mr. Smith seconded to approve the change in pay for the Child Nutrition Program field manager.
After some discussion regarding the inclusion of GED as minimum requirements, the motion was approved by a majority voice vote (Mr. Shamsie opposed).
30) Six requests regarding personnel were received from principals or supervisors and considered by the Personnel/Insurance and Budget/Finance Committees. Their recommendations were submitted to each Board member prior to this meeting as follows:
Armstrong Middle School requested a half-time receptionist. The committees recommended not to approve this request.
Church Point High School requested extension from 9 to 12 months the employment of the computer clerk. The committees' recommended extending employment from 9 to 10 months (cost to general fund would be approximately $1,300 for salary and benefits).
Rayne High School requested a full-time office clerk. The committees recommended not to approve this request.
Mire Elementary School requested changing a part-time custodian to full-time. The committees recommended not to approve this request.
Special Populations Department requested a one-on-one assistant for an autistic student. The committees recommended approving this position (to be paid with special populations funds).
Special Populations Department requested a purchasing clerk. The committees recommended not to approve this request.
A question was raised about whether an additional expenditure of $1,300 was permissable without a two-thirds vote of the Board, as this would have the effect of increasing the deficit. Mr. Smith suggested that funds could be saved by the elimination of an assistant principal position at Rayne High School. (Amended @ the March 13th mtg.) Dr. James indicated that funding for the general fund portion ($1,300) could be taken from additional MFP funds. Mr. Mike LeBlanc restated his request to hire a purchasing clerk for the Special Education Department. The recommendations of the Personnel/Insurance and Budget/Finance Committees, as previously submitted, were approved by a roll call vote of 11 to 4, upon motion by Mr. Daigle, and seconded by Ms. Valdetero.
YEA: Pinac, Valdetero, Bias, Suire, Shamsie, Senegal, Smith, Daigle, Vige', McManus, Bellon
NAY: Johnson, Marceaux, Boudreaux, Trahan
31) Mr. George Guillory, a bus driver, was given the option of having an open or closed session; he chose an open session. Dr. James read the letter of suspension to the Board and asked that the suspension be sustained. Upon motion by Mr. Suire, seconded by Mr. Trahan, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the suspension was sustained.
32) The following matters were reported: 1) Mr. Senegal extended to the Board an invitation to his ordination as a deacon on February 12, 2000. 2) Dr. James provided suggested policy changes for discussion items next month. 3) Mr. Senegal gave a report on a possible source of funds for school facilities, based on proposed federal changes. 4) Mr. Quebodeaux recommended that principals consider training currently available for bomb or hostage situations.
The matter of emergency codes at the school level was discussed.
1) Mr. Daigle presented information (previously provided to the PI Committee) regarding salary scenarios if an additional half cent tax was available for teacher salaries. Mr. Leonards went over some projections which showed several variations of how such revenues could be used.
Mr. Daigle further discussed the prospects of passing an additional sales tax for education in Acadia Parish. Mr. Leonards explained that the APSB did have the capacity to ask for another half cent tax. Mr. Daigle commended Mr. Leonards for preparing this information.
At 8:26 p.m., the Board recessed for five minutes, upon motion by Mr Suire, and seconded by Mr. Senegal.
At 8:30 p.m., the Board reconvened, upon motion by Mr. Trahan, and seconded by Mr. Shamsie. At this point, Mr. Marceaux and Ms. Valdetero left.
2) Mr. Johnson requested that a Reduction-in-Force plan be considered, but suggested that nothing be done, at this time without a recommendation from the Superintendent. He suggested having a hiring moratorium on all personnel other than classroom teachers.
3) President Quebodeaux suggested reducing the budget deficit by reorganization in lieu of laying off employees. He suggested that people take on more duties and responsibilities in light of the current financial situation
4) Mr. Boudreaux asked that any architect who has items on the agenda that require action
by the Board be present at the meeting.
5) President Quebodeaux suggested that the Superintendent's evaluation be re-defined and evaluated, asking that changes be considered. Mr Carl LeJeune explained that the Superintendent's evaluation is currently within the local evaluation plan. President Quebodeaux asked about the evaluation process, and asked who was responsible for conducting and tabulating this evaluation. Dr. James will again provide the Board with copies of evaluation forms presently in use in other parishes.
Upon motion by Mr. Senegal, seconded by Mr. Shamsie, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the following consent items were approved:
1) Approved personnel assignments and changes, since the last meeting.
Recommended Appointments: Christine Brammer. Crowley Middle School, 8th grade Language Arts, effective 1-14-2000; Lindy Doucet, Evangeline Elementary, 6, 7, 8th Language Arts, effective 12-13-1999; Melanie Lavergne, North Crowley Elementary, Infants & Toddlers, effective 1-3-2000; Cynthia Leonards, Evangeline Elementary, 8th grade, effective 2-7-2000; Stephanie Venable, North Crowley Elementary, 15` grade, effective 12-13-1999
Resignations: Bridgette Arceneaux, Mire Elementary, 1st grade, effective 1-18-2000; Keith Williams, Rayne High, Math, effective 12-17-1999
Transfers: Brandi Gonzales, from Evangeline Elementary, 8th grade, to Mire Elementary, 1st grade, effective 2-7-2000
2) Received Sales Tax report showing a year-to-date increase of 4.39%.
3) Granted request to Nora Hebert, site supervisor at Ross head Start, for leave without pay from January 3, 2000, to January 31, 2000, for family illness.
4) Granted request to Lena Vasseur, visually impaired assistant, for leave without pay for a maximum of one year beginning October 1, 1999.
5) Granted request to Mr. Ronald Doguet, principal, to allow eleven Iota High School Golden Girls Danceline members to travel to Galveston, Texas, to compete at the 2000 Showtime National Dance championship, on March 24-26, 2000.
6) Granted request to Mr. Ronald Doguet, principal, to allow nineteen Iota High School physics students to travel to Physics Day at Astroworld in Houston, Texas, April 7, or April 14, 2000 (alternate day).
7) Granted request to Dr. Gibson Miller, principal, to allow members of the Morse Elementary 4-H Club to travel to Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas, May 5, 2000.
8) Granted request to Dr. Gibson Miller, principal, to allow Morse Elementary sixth and seventh grade classes to travel to the Houston Space Center, May 12, 2000.
9) Granted request to Mrs. Diane Brown, principal, to allow sixty Iota Middle School 4-H Club members to attend an awards program in Branson, Missouri, July 31-August 5, 2000.
10) Granted request to Mrs. Antoinette Pete, principal, to allow several Crowley Middle School students to travel to Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas, April 19, 2000.
11) Granted request to Mr. Lee Bellard, principal, for Church Point High School Science Club members to travel to Astroworld in Houston, Texas, April 14, 2000.
12) Granted request to Mrs. Antoinette Pete, principal, to allow Crowley Middle School students to travel to Washington, D.C., Jamestown, and Williamsburg, Virginia, May 2-5, 2000.
There being no other business to come before the Board, upon motion by Mr. Trahan, seconded by Mr. Boudreaux, and carried by a unanimous voice vote, the meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m.
John H. Quebodeaux, President